Introduce the overall aim and argument that you are going to make
Establish your first main critical approach (I would suggest Gender as Performance by Butler, but . . . )
Develop this approach by using key words, phrases and quotation (Mulvey, Kilbourne, Moi, Wander, Wollstonescraft, Woolf, de Beauvoir, Van Zoonen, Dollimore, Woolf, Levy)
Apply your theoretical ideas to either or both of the set CSP’s
Show some historical knowledge about societal changes
Establish a secondary theme or idea that you wish to raise (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th wave feminism, Raunch Culture, Queer Theory, Intersectionality)
Develop this approach by using key words, phrases and quotation
Apply your theoretical ideas to either or both of the set CSP’s
Show some historical knowledge about societal changes
Establish a contradictory argument that shows your ability to think and engage
Develop this approach by using key words, phrases and quotation
Apply your theoretical ideas to either or both of the set CSP’s
Apply your theoretical ideas to either or both of the set CSP’s
Summarise your main arguments
Ensure you have a summative, final sentence / short paragraph