David Gauntlet quotes / phrases :
- “We are transitioning from a society in which our identities were constructed via rigid traditions to a distinctly different phase that he calls ‘late modernity” – Changed from a society of stereotypes to opinions.
- “Tradition dominates the notion of who we are and is heavily determined by long standing social forces” – Traditions and hierarchy are a reason for our stereotypes to the present day.
- “Social roles of gender in a traditionally ordered society”
- “Marketing and advertising agencies construct multiple possibilities of who we might be through products branding” – Advertising giving us a glimpse of who we could become (potential ‘us’)
- “Transformations offered suggest that our identities are not fixed” – Meaning in games, they lead with the main characters weaknesses to gain happiness, this can give us the right motivation to give us a chance to change who we are.
Judith Butler quotes / phrases :
- “Myths reinforce male power as the norm because males are the more naturally dominant gender” – This displays that the idea of male dominant society is true.
- “Micro performances that continuously signal our identity to ourselves and to others” – Explains that the way we act is a form of our own identity shown.
- “Biological anatomies do not determine our gender” – This can related to people feeling as if they are more masculine than feminine even though they are a woman. A mental decision that our brains come to.
- “Male and female identities are not naturally configured”
- “Gender is not solely determined by primary experiences during childhood” – Meaning throughout our lifetime, people change their gender and sexual orientation, some people don’t stay the same gender they were when they were a child.