Gauntlett and identity

Fluid of identity

Fluid of identity is having the choice to change the way you come across however you like. If you don’t want to look a certain way fluid of identity creates the meaning of being able to change that and change how you perceive yourself as a person. Not only that Fluid of identity also means having the fluidity to change the way you act to something favoured or to something which can be categorised as normal. Fluid of Identity is the freedom to change who you are as a person from how you look to how you act if you prefer to-do that.

Constructed identity

Constructed identity is stereotypical. For example the fixed idea that a women should have long straight blonde hair with blue eyes and a man should be tall with big muscles and a brunette. These ideas have been constructed within society to change how we look at men and women. Constructed identity isn’t all about gender its also for who your preferred gender attraction is. Once again society has created ideal attraction preference, males are supposed to be attracted to women, and women are supposed to be attracted to men. Men aren’t supposed to like other men and women aren’t supposed to like other women, Society has constructed those identity’s for people which places pressure and shame onto those who are gay and do prefer people of the same gender.

Negotiated identity

Negotiated identity is when people come to an agreement of who is who and who identifies as something other than their birth gender. Men may come to terms and agree with the fact that they are a man and friends may be women or men and vice versa. Not only that people may agree that their friends may want to change from their assigned gender to become another gender as of which they are more comfortable being in. Not just that in gay relationships both partners come to terms of who is who in that relationship. This can be described as “wearing the pants in the relationship” which is basically who takes on the dominant role within the relationship.

Collective identity

Collective identity is associating with a group or a group associating as something. An example of this is drag queens. These people identify as men but have feminine traits and perspectives. Majority of these men are gay but love to dress up as women and do make up. Collectively these men all identify as drag queens. Also religions, many people collectively identify as Christian or Hindu, which society don’t have a problem with as its something they believe in but some people in society may argue that drag queens are wrong due to stereotypes that men should work for the family whereas the women are supposed to dress up to please them and apply make up to look pretty for the men. Everyone is apart of a group that have a certain identity, for another example actors. They all identify as actors same with the scouts they all identify as a scout until they leave the group but the traits and skills they learnt as a scout will stay with them for life.

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