Representations for:
Coca cola- it is a radical representation because there is male and female names which shows that males aren’t more dominant. It hasn’t used selective representation and goes against hegemony (dominance of one group over another). It shows how you can construct your own identity and the idea of fluidity of identity in such that there is a broad range of names.
Maybelline lipstick- The model is viewed in the male gaze due to the position she is in. It shows negative stereotypes which isn’t possible for all women to be like and a lipstick won’t change this your real identity. It is a way of showing the way (constructed identity) shapes us as people and for men seek voyeurism whilst seeing this ad giving ideas for what to buy a girl as a present.
Loreal lipstick- it is clear that the patriarchal society still poses the dominant ideology that men are more capable than women. Good audience positioning as there is a indexical meaning for there to be more positive stereotypes of women in higher job roles creating countertypes wanting hegemony (dominance of one gender) to be scrapped.