a level media coursework

Statement of intent

For my a level coursework I have chosen to do brief 2. Brief 2 consists of a three page newspaper as well as three flyers to accompany. My topic I will document on is heatwaves. The front page will highlight the heatwave that hit the channel islands and the UK and the double page spread will document on the importance of looking after your animals in the summer/ summer events. These topics all correlate hence why they have been chosen. My style model is the Jersey evening post and i chose this because it is a local newspaper I am familiar with and I think the layout is ideal for what I want to create. My newspaper will target a vast audience of all ages.

My front page will follow the classic look of a formal newspaper so will feature minimal graphology. I will use my knowledge of semiotics and audience theory and incorporate it into the design product in order to show I understand how different signs, codes and conventions are used to receive a specific response from the audience and grab attention. I intend to also use my knowledge of Chomsky’s, Livingston and Lunt’s, and Laswell’s theories and ideology

Chomsky The 5 filters of the mass media machine: To produce money to cover the cost of production and distribution of Media through advertisement and sponsors.

Livingston and LuntRegulation: Argument that the interests of citizens and those of consumers cannot be easily reconciled. This suggests that there is an increasing tendency in recent UK regulation policy to place the interests of consumers above those of citizens. 

Laswell Hypodermic model (passive consumption):  in which the SENDER is transferring a MESSAGE, through a MEDIUM (eg Print, radio, TV, etc) that has a direct effect on the RECEIVER. OR WHO, SAYS WHAT, THROUGH WHAT CHANNEL, TO WHOM, TO WHAT EFFECT. ————————————

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