A Level NEA – Brief two

Statement of Intent:

My NEA products will relate to the ‘protection of a pregnant women’s liberty to choose to have an abortion’ (Roe V Wade). This project will focus on all age groups of heterosexual women, and I have chosen this specific target audience because typically heterosexual women become pregnant through choice and sadly through some violent acts such as rape.

My NEA project can show clear links to theorists, such as Antonio Gramsci, whose theory on cultural hegemony describes the way a dominant government or ruling class establishes dominant / ruling ideas. Furthermore, my project can also link to Feminist Critical Thinking for example, Judith Butler and Laura Mulvey, the act of the establishing dominant ideas through gender.

I intend to create three unique flyers which will be printed as an A5 piece relating to abortion and female rights. For instance, I aim to create a female outline, specifically from the neck to the hips, using words that describe or relate to the Roe V Wade campaign. This will be done by warping and shaping the text to the outline. Then, at the top section, the phrase “The choice is ours to make, not yours.” with the hashtag ‘#AcceptAbortion’ in the bottom left. The colours will be a shade of purple, white and a light green. Purple will be used for the background; light green will be for the ribbon around the waist as the colour symbolises abortion and hope and white will be for the text. To add texture to my poster, a drop shadow will be added to the two ellipses on the breasts to create a 3D effect. I will then use a gradient on the left-hand text to create a shadow, as if the shape is seen from an angle.

For my newspaper I will use ‘The Guardian’ as my style model, drawing upon the colour scheme (yellow, blue, red, and white), a similar masthead, “Jersey News” in a bold white front with a blue background. Above the masthead there will be ‘plugs’ to inside stories such as the Ukraine Crisis, with a page number next to a quote. Below the masthead, in black bold font will be the title of my newspaper “Roe V Wade Overturned by Supreme Court – investigation of the crucial life decision by DC Peddlebanks. The central photograph of the front cover will be a woman in business attire to represent a governmental member. The photograph will be angled as if she is talking to another person.  The layout of my right side of my double page spread will consist of text on the bottom half of the first page with grey lines separating each paragraph for clear reading and professional look to replicate my inspiration. In the main text, there will be a quote in a red speech bubble, also in red will be the editors name with a black bold quote above with grey lines operating the two text boxes. The title will read “Outrage on the streets as abortions rights taken away- ‘Infuriating tensions’ with a picture placed above. The picture will be of the Jersey Government house in St Helier and be edited to look artistic to match the inspiration. The right page will have side stories covering the bottom half with one on the far right and a paragraph acting as the newspaper company

Inspiration for my Newspaper:

Finished Newspaper Pages:

Inspiration for my campaign flyers:

Finished Flyers:

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