newpaper statement of intent

I will be creating a front page from a regional newspaper that will report the tragedy of the Manchester Bombing in 2017.

Newspapers all have different Political Compasses/Political bias, where the readers and audience also have those same political views. I intend on making my newspaper Libertarian left wing, as this will represent my political bias. As theorist James Curran said ‘Reflect a wide range of opinions and interests’, and this is exactly how I intend on my newspaper being.

I will make the main story about new evidence found about the bombing in Manchester at the Ariana concert. To do this, I will use a photograph I have taken recently at a concert, so I wont have to go out and take one. My newspaper will be called ‘The Manchester Daily’, where it reports everything going on in the city. I intend on having three minor ‘sneak peek’ stories at the top of the newspaper, where it shows off some stories in the rest of the newspaper. The headline of my main story will be ‘New evidence found for Manchester bombing 5 years ago.’ I chose it to be this because it is short and gives all the details needed to allow the audience to be interested in the story. I then intend on have the sub heading ‘Police say they found additional evidence from the terrorist attack at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017.’ This is because it gives extra information to help the audience and readers understand the story more. Finally, for my strapline, I intend on writing ‘We chat with policer officers to get their side of the story.’ This is because in the main story, I mention three different Police Officers, therefore having it in the strapline allows the readers to get an idea about what they are about to read.

To visualise the design and graphology, I will be following a style model- The I, where I will be able to follow a formal structure. I will have the picture, possibly two, with captions underneath explaining what was happening. Following my style model, I will but above the title ‘A Source of information you can trust + Manchester’s finest newspaper.’ I will import my own long shot photographs that I have taken into InDesign, where I can then adjust them to the size and area I would like them to go.

To write the body of the article, I will use Microsoft Word, and then I will import it into ‘InDesign‘, which will allow me to shape the body in an aesthetically pleasing way. To design my work, I will use photoshop.

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