Key terminology(semiotics)

Key language:


  1. Sign – traffic lights
  2. Code – how the combination of elements within a sign fit together and fix the meaning
  3. Convention –
  4. Dominant Signifier, –
  5. Anchorage – how things within a sign fit together and fix the meaning

Ferdinand de Saussure:

  1. Signifier, signifier and signified is where an image or word evokes the mind to think what it is and to think of a word
  2. Signified,

C S Pierce:

  1. Icon, icon is where something is a sign that looks like an object
  2. Index, index is where a sign has a link to its object
  3. Symbol, symbol is where a sign has an arbitrary or random link to its object

Roland Barthes:

  1. Signifcation,
  2. Denotation,
  3. Connotation
  4. Myth
  5. Ideology,
  6. radical
  7. reactionary

Reactionary, going with a specific way of thinking

Radical, going against a specific way of thinking

C S Peirce: is the creator of the three signs they were Icon, Index, Symbol

Ferdinand de saussure: the creator signifier and signified is where an image or word evokes the mind to think what it is and to think of a word

Roland Barthes:

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