KEY Language

SignSomething which can stand for something else
CodeWritten or symbolic tools used to suggest meaning in media forms
ConventionAccepted ways of using media code
Dominant SignifierThe main representative
AnchorageWords with an image to provide context
Ferdinand de Saussure
SignifierStands in for something else
SignifiedIdea being evoked by signifier
C S Pierce
IconA sign that looks like its object
IndexA sign that has a link to its object
SymbolA sign that has a more random link to its object
Roland Barthes
SignificationStructural levels of signification, meaning or representation
DenotationThe most basic or literal meaning of a sign
ConnotationSigns that are used as signifiers for a secondary meaning
MythNaturalizes events, turning history into nature
IdeologyCodes that reinforce or are congruent with structures of power
RadicalSomething that challenges dominant ideas
ReactionarySomething that confirms dominant ideas
ParadigmA collection of similar signs
SyntagmThe sequence in which signs work

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