War of the worlds and News beat

War of the world created moral panic within their audiences due to the expectancy and uncertainty within the broadcast itself.

Newsbeat is broadcasted on the BBC during random intervals throughout the day and is targeted for young adults but has more recently seen an audience of over 20s.

Opening paragraph.

In this essay I want to highlight Stuart Halls theory of encoding and decoding to create an understanding of producer audience relationships.

Due to the BBC charter Newsbeat has a set of rules and expectations to follow for example on the 5th page of the charter it states that “The BBC’s Object is the fulfilment of its Mission” suggesting that producers can only promote ideas that fit within their objectives for the publics benefit. Whereas War of the worlds didn’t have a charter to base itself off and so Orsen Wells encoded and idea of an alien invasion which created moral panic within the public breaking the producer audience relationship as there was no trust in what was being broadcasted was true and believable.

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