score and Maybelline revision

that bossed life, gay man included named manny. the mise en scene is glamorous and bold with colour connotating to the product.

score is an old advertisement for hair gel, mise en scene includes being in a jungle and a man being held up by half naked women suggesting that this hair gel attracts ladies.

Hesmondhalgh and his theory of media is a risky business connects with Maybelline that bossed life due to the involvement of a gay male. Stereotypically make up was designed and used by woman and solely woman but due to the uprising acceptance of the LGBT+ community Maybelline made the decision to make their products inclusive to those who are gender fluid and in general just want to use it. This makes it risky due to potential backlash for advertising and promoting male usage of make up as there are still people who believe that being apart of the LGBT+ community is wrong.

Social historical and cultural contexts in regards to Score suggest that the man is better than the woman. This is seen through the man being placed higher up than the woman suggesting his status within society compared to the woman’s.


Maybelline; That Bossed Life and Score are two very controversial advertisements. That Bossed Life is an inclusive meaning that the product is advertised to everyone and anyone whereas Score is advertised to solely men. Bell Hooks theory of Multicultural Intersectionality suggests that there is a need to explore class and sexuality which can be seen through the use of a gay male in That Bossed life and the man being put on a pedestal in comparison to the woman, in Score.

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