• Sign= something that can stand for something else
• Signifier= the thing item of code that we read
• Signified= concept that is portrayed them interpreted by the audience
• Dominant signifier= The main sign in a picture, audiences eye is drawn towards
• Icon= the thing that is being represented
• Index= shows evidence of what is being represented
• Code= the system of signs that create meanings
• Symbol= something that can stand for something else
• Anchorage= words that accompany an image
• Ideology
• Paradigm
• Syntagm.

Barthes’ ideas and theories on semiotics:
• Signification= representation or conveying of media
• Denotation= the literal or primary meaning of a word in contrast to feelings of emotions
• Connotation= feelings invoked rather than the literal meaning
• Myth= made up Narratology
• Narrative Codes= messages within a story. framework for structural analysis
• Narration= the commentary of a story
• Diegesis= narrative/plot in a story
• Quest narrative= when the author describes tehir desires/experiences
• ‘Character types’= Propp- the villain, the donor, the helper, the princess, the dispatcher, the hero, and the false hero
• Causality= relationship between cause and effect
• Plot= what happens in the story/the journey
• Masterplot= a technique for creating a story that is recreated through plot and retold differently over time because of its cultural significance

Todorov’s ideas and theories on narratology:
• Narrative structure= how the narration in a story is created
• Equilibrium= start of a story- opposing forces are balanced
• Disruption= disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process
• New equilibrium= forces are balanced again Genre theory as summarised by Neale
• Conventions and rules
• Sub-genre
• Hybridity
• Genres of order and integration
• ‘Genre as cultural category’. Structuralism
Lévi-Strauss’ ideas and theories on structuralism:
• Binary oppositions= eg. good vs bad
• Mytheme
• Cultural codes
• Ideological reading
• Deconstruction. Postmodernism
• Pastiche
• Bricolage
• Intertextuality
• Implosion.

Baudrillard’s ideas and theories on postmodernism:
• Simulacra
• Simulation
• Hyperreality.