Essay Structure

Suggested Essay Structure?

Remember to focus on key issues around new media – privacy, knowledge, understanding, education, friendship, behaviour, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, politics, economics, employment, war, conflict, food, the environment, space, science (essentially social change)

  1. Overview: New media always creates change (printing press, telegram etc)
  2. Q: so how has recent technology changed (society, individuals, organisations, ideas, beliefs etc etc)
  3. CSP 1 – show knowledge of CSP
  4. characteristics of new media (in reference to CSP 1)
  5. theoretical / conceptual analysis of new media (loop theory, network theory, Dunbar number, McLuhan, Krotoski)
  6. Critically thinking about new media (Baudrillard, McLuhan, Krotoski, B. F. Skinner, Zuboff, Lanier – are all essentially critical of new media technologies. But Gauntlett, Shirky, Jenkins are all very positive about new media technologies)
  7. CSP 2 – show knowledge
  8. Draw parallels and conclusions
  9. Suggest future pathways / developments

Some themes and discussion points from Great Hack:

Independent investigations into data mining, along with whistle-blower accounts of the firm’s impact on Brexit, led to a scandal over the influence of social media in political elections.

The Exchange of Data

Search for Truth

Behaviour Management

Propaganda / Persuasion – The master manipulators didn’t go after people whose minds had been made up; they went after on-the-fence folks referred to as “the persuadables.” Using the collected data, Cambridge Analytica set out to create fear to achieve the results of the political parties that hired them.


Virtual Revolution

The Printing Press (Gutenburg) in the Medieval period mid 1400’sthe impact of new technology
Impact of new technology in South Korea as a result of promoting greater digital interaction (speed, connectivity, spread etc)mental health
internet addiction? Choices made?
‘A world without consequences’
‘Senses over meaning’
On-line / digital connection stats
Theodore VailThe Network effect
Norbert Weiner Loop TheoryLoop Theory – predictive behaviour
But is behaviour shaped and altered through networking and digital communications (pushing / pulling

Issues around privacy and individual psychology (mental health / wellbeing) and the environment

Virtual worlds / virtual identities (hypperreality, simulation, implosion – Jean Baudrillard)

(Judith Butler ‘gender performance / David Gauntlett, Anthony Giddens etc ‘fluid & multiple identities’

Robin Dunbar – The Dunbar NumberThe Dunbar number suggests that connectivity for individuals, communities or groups is typically 5 o 6, with an upper limit of 150.
So who benefits from greater connectivity?
 Companies, organisations, institutions – ‘small elites dominate’ (Andrew Kean)
Clay ShirkyHe is pro-technology. new digital technologies collaborate, connect, share, learn.
Vannavar Bushassociative not linear thinking
the demise of long form reading

So changing rules for logic, rationality, truth, understanding, knowledge.

Baudrillard implosion (a culture imploding in on itself rather than expanding and developing?)
Tim BernersLeethe inventor / creator of the World Wide Web – developed and given to everybody for free?!! Why? What did he hope it would achieve? Is he satisfied or disappointed with how it has developed and made an impact on society?
Marshall McLuhanThe Global Village – ‘a sophisticated interactive culture’
The impact on political and economic decision making
Conclusions, suggestions, reflections and predictions

7h 37mins daily average this week – ME
24 hour movement guideline, 2018 recommends 2 hours maximum online.
– Student B – 1250 hours in the year 2022
20 – 29 largest demographic of social media
– Jersey is number one in 2021 report that jersey has top internet/broadband speed compared to 224 countries.

Technology has began to develop mew methods of behaviour control.
The most serious threat is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and values on another.

Essay Structure

Remember to focus on key issues around new media – privacy, knowledge, understanding, education, friendship, behaviour, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, politics, economics, employment, war, conflict, food, the environment, space, science (essentially social change)

  1. Overview: New media always creates change (printing press, telegram etc)
  2. Q: so how has recent technology changed (society, individuals, organisations, ideas, beliefs etc etc)
  3. CSP 1 – show knowledge of CSP
  4. characteristics of new media (in reference to CSP 1)
  5. theoretical / conceptual analysis of new media (loop theory, network theory, Dunbar number, McLuhan, Krotoski)
  6. Critically thinking about new media (Baudrillard, McLuhan, Krotoski, B. F. Skinner, Zuboff, Lanier – are all essentially critical of new media technologies. But Gauntlett, Shirky, Jenkins are all very positive about new media technologies)
  7. CSP 2 – show knowledge
  8. Draw parallels and conclusions
  9. Suggest future pathways / developments

Discussion Points from The Great Hack

  • Data has surpassed oil as the world’s most valuable asset
  • The Exchange of Data
  • Search for Truth
  • Behaviour Management
  • Propaganda / Persuasion
  • Regulation
  • Digital Behaviour management: A Threat to Democracy?

Data has now become the world most valuable asset. Social media and other platforms collect data through behaviour that can be used to predict future engagements. I has also been weaponized to wage cultural and political warfare.

Quotes: The Age of Surveillance Capitilism

“technology has begun to develop new methods of behaviour control capable of altering not just an individuals actions but his very personality and manner of thinking” Zuboff pg-322

” We decided that these would be the social norms now, and we just went for it.” -Mark Zuckerberg about releasing users personal info


Active involvement

Passive involvement

Two-way conversationOne-way conversation
Open systemClosed system
One-on-one marketingMass marketing
About MeAbout You
Brand and User-generated ContentProfessional content
Authentic contentPolished content
FREE platformPaid platform
Metric: EngagementMetric: Reach/ frequency
Actors: Users / InfluencersActors/ Celebrities
Community decision-makingEconomic decision-making
Unstructured communicationControlled communication
Real time creationPre-produced/ scheduled
Bottom-up strategyTop-down strategy
Informal languageFormal language

Essay Structure

Remember to focus on key issues around new media – privacy, knowledge, understanding, education, friendship, behaviour, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, politics, economics, employment, war, conflict, food, the environment, space, science (essentially social change)

  1. Overview: New media always creates change (printing press, telegram etc)
  2. Q: so how has recent technology changed (society, individuals, organisations, ideas, beliefs etc etc)
  3. CSP 1 – show knowledge of CSP
  4. characteristics of new media (in reference to CSP 1)
  5. theoretical / conceptual analysis of new media (loop theory, network theory, Dunbar number, McLuhan, Krotoski)
  6. Critically thinking about new media (Baudrillard, McLuhan, Krotoski, B. F. Skinner, Zuboff, Lanier – are all essentially critical of new media technologies. But Gauntlett, Shirky, Jenkins are all very positive about new media technologies)
  7. CSP 2 – show knowledge
  8. Draw parallels and conclusions
  9. Suggest future pathways / developments

Discussion Points from The Great Hack

  • Data has surpassed oil as the world’s most valuable asset
  • The Exchange of Data
  • Search for Truth
  • Behaviour Management
  • Propaganda / Persuasion
  • Regulation
  • Digital Behaviour management: A Threat to Democracy?

Data has now become the world most valuable asset. Social media and other platforms collect data through behaviour that can be used to predict future engagements. I has also been weaponized to wage cultural and political warfare.


  1. Overview: New media always creates change (printing press, telgram etc)
  2. Q: so how has recent technology changed (society, individuals, organisations, ideas, beliefs etc etc)
  3. CSP 1 – show knowledge of CSP
  4. characteristics of new media (in reference to CSP 1)
  5. theoretical / conceptual analysis of new media (loop theory, network theory, Dunbar number, McLuhan, Krotoski)
  6. Critically thinking about new media (Baudrillard, McLuhan, Krotoski, B. F. Skinner, Zuboff, Lanier – are all essentially critical of new media technologies. But Gauntlett, Shirky, Jenkins are all very positive about new media technologies)
  7. CSP 2 – show knowledge
  8. Draw parallels and conclusions
  9. Suggest future pathways / developments

Some themes and discussion points from Great Hack:

  • Data has surpassed oil as the world’s most valuable asset
  • The Exchange of Data
  • Search for Truth
  • Behaviour Management
  • Propaganda / Persuasion
  • Regulation
  • Digital Behaviour management: A Threat to Democracy?