New Media

Sentient – able to perceive or feel things

Artificial Intelligence (AI)- the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and translations between languages.

Types of AI – reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind and self-aware AI.

  1. the transformation of social interaction (audiences)
  2. the transformation of individual identity (audiences and representation)
  3. the transformation of institutional structures (industry);and the changes in textual content and structure(language)
  4. the transformation of audience consumption `

Overall, this could be described as the changing nature of symbolic interaction and a lot of the work on this blog is discussing this concept.

Key Terms

  • Speed
  • knowledge
  • time
  • communication
  • understanding
  • access
  • privacy
  • choice
  • interactivity
  • Storage
  • retrieval
New Mediashareactivecreativehost
example or commentFacebook statusWidgetsRadio 1

example or commentTiktokSocial MediaMaking your own social media accounts/ For you page TiktokFootball/
World Cup
example or commentApple store- download apps/ Contacts
example or commentInstagramAdapting Apple
Iphone’s every year to fit with circumstances and modernisation
Top Boy (netflix)

example or commentSnapchatElf YourselfNews

Marshall McLuhan – The Medium is the message:

This means that the the technology (medium) is more important then the content.

“Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication”

Krotoski also looks at the network effect, ‘the constant loop of digital information’ (Krotoski), which create a loop of action/reaction which allows for (companies to predict?) future action. This is an important concept for understanding how and why business masquerade their operations as personal interactions, which often appear to be ‘free’, but which can actually generate great reward.

The Printing Press (Gutenburg) in the Medieval period mid 1400’sthe impact of new technology
Impact of new technology in South Korea as a result of promoting greater digital interaction (speed, connectivity, spread etc)mental health
internet addiction? Choices made?
‘A world without consequences’
‘Senses over meaning’
On-line / digital connection statsA total of 5.07 billion people around the world use the internet today 
the world’s online connected population grew by more than 170 million in the 12 months to October 2022.
The average global internet user now spends 6 hours and 37 minutes online each day, but this is actually 5 percent less than the daily average for October 2021. Added together, the world’s internet users will spend roughly 1.4 billion years of combined human existence online in 2022.
 Nearly a third of respondents (29.3%) indicated that technology should be paired with a mental health professional,
on average americans check their phone 344 times a day
15-16 have increased chance of developing adhd from high digital media use (medical use today )
2021 average use of internet a day is 7 hrs a day, 415.5
Theodore VailThe Network effect
Norbert Weiner Loop TheoryLoop Theory – predictive behaviour
But is behaviour shaped and altered through networking and digital communications (pushing / pulling

Issues around privacy and individual psychology (mental health / wellbeing) and the environment

Virtual worlds / virtual identities (hypperreality, simulation, implosion – Jean Baudrillard)

(Judith Butler ‘gender performance / David Gauntlett, Anthony Giddens etc ‘fluid & multiple identities’

 an individual’s causal attributions of achievement affect subsequent behaviors and motivation. One of the primary assumptions of attribution theory is that people will interpret their environment in such a way as to maintain a positive self-image.

Robin Dunbar – The Dunbar NumberThe Dunbar number suggests that connectivity for individuals, communities or groups is typically 5 o 6, with an upper limit of 150.
So who benefits from greater connectivity?
 Companies, organisations, institutions – ‘small elites dominate’ (Andrew Kean)
Clay ShirkyClay Shirky argued audience behaviour has progressed from the passive consumption of media texts to a much more interactive experience with the products and each other
an advocate and activist for the free culture movement, so I’m a pretty unlikely candidate for Internet censor. But I have just asked the students in my fall seminar to refrain from using laptops, tablets, and phones in class.
pro new media
Vannavar Bushassociative not linear thinking
the demise of long form reading

So changing rules for logic, rationality, truth, understanding, knowledge.

Baudrillard implosion (a culture imploding in on itself rather than expanding and developing?)
Tim BernersLeethe inventor / creator of the World Wide Web – developed and given to everybody for free?!! Why? What did he hope it would achieve? Is he satisfied or disappointed with how it has developed and made an impact on society?
Marshall McLuhanThe Global Village – ‘a sophisticated interactive culture’
The impact on political and economic decision making
Conclusions, suggestions, reflections and predictions