
There is no real You, only a collection of fragments.
You as a concept is unstable and schizophrenic.
You are an ongoing project.

Source of anxiety: we don’t know who we are on a fundamental level.
Source of Exhilaration : We are free to construct ourselves.

The rise of new media technologies:

Conflicting views of events problematise our notion of the truth. Who has the authority to tell us who we are?

Multitude of images from the media provide frames for organising our reality – we have too many possible selves to choose from.

There is no cohesive identity, no real you
there is no truth in history (personal or national); memory cannot be relied upon as evidence for knowledge.
Fiction and fact depend on each other to the point that they can’t be divided.
Knowledge doesn’t add up cohesively to truth, too many contradictory elements.

Rhizomatic thought — rhizomes are plant life that don’t follow the root-tree system e.g fungus or mould. There is no lesser or greater elements. if you destroy the centre of a mould the rest doesn’t die.

Gilles Deleuze philosopher and film critic, worked with a radical psychoanalyst called Felix Guattari to write some of the most impenetrable but insightful books attacking what we think of common sense.

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