
  1. Pastiche – a work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist.
  2. Parody – an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
  3. Bricolage  – Bricolage is a technique or creative mode, where works are constructed from various materials available or on hand, and is often seen as a characteristic of postmodern art practice.
  4. Intertextuality – can be a reference or parallel to another literary work, an extended discussion of a work, or the adoption of a style.
  5. Referential
  6. Surface and style over substance and content
  7. Metanarrative – theory that tries to give a totalizing, comprehensive account to various historical events, experiences, and social, cultural phenomena based upon the appeal to universal truth or universal values.
  8. Hyperreality – something that give a representation of characters that aren’t socially normal or acceptable. eg disney world. exaggerated otherness
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’)  – an image or representation of someone or something
  10. Consumerist Society – a society in which people often buy new goods, especially goods that they do not need, and in which a high value is placed on owning many things.
  11. Fragmentary Identities
  12. Alienation
  13. Implosion
  14. cultural appropriation
  15. Reflexivity


Key Terms

  1. Pastiche =  a work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist.
  2. Parody =  an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
  3. Bricolage = the process of improvisation in a human endeavor
  4. Intertextuality = can be a reference or parallel to another literary work, an extended discussion of a work, or the adoption of a style.
  5. Referential= of, containing, or constituting a reference
  6. Surface and style over substance and content= although someone looks immaculately dressed or styled, behind the facade, there is no substance or content.
  7. Metanarrative=  concerns narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge and offers legitimation of such through the anticipated completion of some master idea
  8. Hyperreality= the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) 
  10. Consumerist Society= a society in which people often buy new goods, especially goods that they do not need, and in which a high value is placed on owning many things.
  11. Fragmentary Identities= multidisciplinary collaboration, involving visual communication, performative arts and fashion
  12. Alienation= a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment
  13. Implosion=  a situation in which something fails suddenly and completely, or the fact of this happening
  14. Cultural appropriation= an inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
  15. Reflexivity= the fact of someone being able to examine their own feelings, reactions, and motives
  16. Deconstructive postmodernism = deconstructionism is a challenge to the attempt to establish any ultimate or secure meaning in a text.

Hyperreality. something that give a representation of characters that aren’t socially normal or acceptable. eg disney world. exaggerated otherness

simulation. takes us to another place

consumerist society. purchases products frequently. material wealth.

fragmentary identities

alienation. lost from society

Parodythe film talks about the film at the end when different characters talk about their own characterisation, acting, role in the narrative etc
Referentialthe film talking about the film is REFERENTIAL (ie it refers to itself), for example when they are passionate and Allegro tells (us?) what the function of this scene is.
Also at the end when each character analyses each character – motivation, script, narrative function etc
Surface and style over substance and contentThe look of the film over the actual content of what is in it.
HyperrealityBaudrillard suggests we live in a world that is ‘real’ but not really ‘real’ we can see that in the film in that we are never quite sure what is the real world or the game world?
Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) Baudrillard suggests that we live in copies of copies of the real world (?) but not really ‘real’ and we see this in the film because there are so many layers of game
Consumerist Society
Fragmentary IdentitiesThe actors perform multi-rolling in the film showing fragmented identity. The film was also fragmented into sections that is intended to confuse their audience. (link to reflexivity)
AlienationAlienation is evident within the film when
ImplosionIt was thought that the ‘pod’ had imploded which was not the case due to the whole experience surprisingly being a game.
Cultural appropriation
ReflexivityIn the film reflexivity is displayed when the characters seemingly come out of the game at the end of the film and speak about their game characters and experiences.