
  1. Pastiche – Imitating a previous work
  2. Parody – Imitating a previous work with irony and/or ridicule
  3. Bricolage  
  4. Intertextuality
  5. Referential – Containing references to something or (self-referential) to itself
  6. Surface and style over substance and content
  7. Metanarrative
  8. Hyperreality – The inability to distinguish reality from it’s signifiers. Not knowing if something is real.
  9. Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) – Simulacra are copies that depict things that either have never had an original or no longer have an original.
  10. Consumerist Society
  11. Fragmentary Identities
  12. Alienation
  13. Implosion
  14. cultural appropriation
  15. Reflexivity

Postmodernism is the idea that we all copy previous work to express ourselves, and that new ideas are just a new iteration of previous works.

Parody – “Every woman in this era was called Vera, or Lynn”
Parody – “By calling them on the telephone after breakfast”
Parody – “Despite being Scottish, had an optimistic view of life”

Postmodernism can be understood as deliberate and self-conscious. It works in terms of reiteration, so in the example of The Love Box in your Living Room – it can be seen as a reiteration of the documentary work of Adam Curtis.

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