Postmodernism in CSP’s
Postmodernism: can be understood as a philosophy that is characterised by concepts such as RE-IMAGINING, PASTICHE, PARODY, COPY, BRICOLAGE. It’s an approach towards understanding, knowledge, life, being, art, technology, culture, sociology, philosophy, politics and history that is REFERENTIAL –
– in that it often refers to and often copies other things in order to understand itself.
9 marker on Gears of War on Hyperreality & Simulation (sometimes termed by Baudrillard as ‘Simulacrum’) 9th December
“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.”
― Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation
CSP’s that support postmodern philosophy:
- Metroid
- Tomb Raider