
OWNERSHIPBBC which is a public service broadcast owned by government and BBC board of trust feeds, DG (lord Reith) Transnational Not a monopoly Concentration of ownership ie small number of firms to own tv and radio Seems as if it is under a left wing authoritarian viewpointCBS which is private company conglomerate, multi or cross media conglomerate. Transnational/ Transglobal ?? It is an example of concentration of ownership, ie: just a few companies own everything Integration horizontal or vertical??
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere- media is constantly changing, In bbc to fulfil its ethos.The new technology of radio was in direct competition to newspapers and as radio discovered how influence its broadcasts can be over an audience- radio became more exciting and used and signifying the public sphere ending.
CHOMSKYJean seaton explains how through time public service broadcasts have learnt to hate the government for regulating their freedom of media production however must rely on them for legitimacy and to stay running; Chomsky’s 5 filters of mass media can explains the flack- therefore fear of the government flacking and labelling sources as unreliable if they don’t stick to the regulators political compass,
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC charter governed by Parliament. License fee regulates BBC ethos- educate, entertain and inform (made by Reith) New technology faces complications as bbc faces higher amount of compitionFederal communication commissions FCC, regulates for private business ie not in the public interest
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE / PASSIVE)Lasswell hyperdermic model, how messages are encoded. People getting increasingly passive and lack of reading amounts to newsbeat using specific methods to cater towards a younger audience/lesser intelligence; ie star guests and games- no complicated wordsNewspaper and Radio in direct competition for the decade, panic is suggested to have been caused by the newspapers rather than the actual radio broadcast showing the passiveness on media consumption ie; 98% were on different station while other 2% knew it wasn’t real- source from RadioLab war of the world broadcast. No accurate answer to weather panic was caused or not- diminishment of habermasses public sphere.
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)Lazarsfeld two-step flow analysis builds on Lasswell passive consumption idea, he explains that through sending the message that is wanted to be encoded through an opinion leader like a celeb, the passive audience are more likely to agree to it. In terms of the Newsbeat, they want to show support when dealing with obstacles and mental health, and therefore had prince William and Kate send the message to the audience instead, as they’re influential and very well known.When this theory comes to War of the World, Lazarsfeld and Cantril researches the PRP (Princeton radio research project) which explains how radio affects social opinions and how changes in content, patterns of reception will alter as well. This research links the reception of war of the worlds reaction presented by it and how propaganda and politics on radio can also be presented in an affective way via radio.
Research such as “4 out of 30 listeners only understood the story line, the others thought maybe rabid animal attacks” and that panic was through different codes such as the abrupt start of the program interrupting a dance break and naming government officials.
Audience theory (hall)Dominant reading
negotiated reading
Opposition reading
AUDIENCE (Gerbner)Gerbners cultivation theory more specifically in the sub section called mean world index describes the more consumption of negative media we consume the more negative we see the world- therefore through cultural setting we can use this as an argument to suggest their was panic as the negative in the world such as war and discrimination could’ve manifested and reinforced their belief of something catastrophic actually occurring during the time.
NEW TECHNOLOGYNew technology poses a threat for the bbc as through time and newer technology us as a society is becoming increasingly passive, emergence of short videos have lowered our attention span and therefore the younger emerging audience is too uninterested to listen to a longer news production or story- therefore bbc newsbeat produces cross media available at any time catering towards a younger mind to draw in viewers at any time.New technology at the tame was the emergence of radio, newspapers and radio were in direct competition for the decade during the gloden age of radio- therefore suggesting as to why newspaper could’ve created panic to almost try and sabotage radio by creating a negative reaction. Radio transformed space as provided news and live audios from all around the world, which also started diminishing habermases public sphere theory as people started writing less and having more trust in a broadcast service- overtrusting for reliability in media products could’ve lead to the increasingly passive audience we have become today, however during the time since it was so new we can associate with Lasswell and Shannon and weaver, how noise and disruption from still a relatively active audience can create a difference encoding from the desired one.
CROSS MEDIA CONVERGENCEMulti-media/cross-media platformDuring the time it was only available on a private radio and therefore was not able to hear for everyone

Comparative Table

OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees, DG (Lord Reith) BBC/PSB ethos- to inform educate and entertain, BBC multimedia / Cross media, transnational / trans global, not a monopoly, concentration of media (ie small, even though there are many channels its all by the BBC overall)

I think the BBC is left wing libertarian ideology.
CBS, private limited company, Mutli or cross media conglomerate, transnationtal?? trans global?? monopoly?? it is an example of concentration of ownership ie just a few companies own everything oligopoly / cartel. vertical / horizontal integration?
I thank that war of the worlds is right wing due to not caring about audience but money.
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere, media is constantly changing the BBC need to keep up, intention to inform educate and entertain their viewers, BBC is a non profitable company. Put money back into programs so quality is important, Habermas notion of transforming the public. Therefore the BBC are more paternalistic what you need not what you want.Most private businesses are aimed at making a profit. private businesses don’t care about their viewers they care about money therefore they’ll prioritize money over entertaining their audience, just for profit is a commercial ethos not in the understanding of Habermas.
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC charter, governed by parliament. License free regulates BBC as well. BBC/PSB ethos to inform entertain and educate (Reith) New technologies suggest that the BBC has more competition.Federal communication commission as regulator for private business i.e. not necessarily in the publics interest.
As the audience listen to Newsbeat and accept what is going on the audience is suggested to be passive. An audience that is exposed to media/marketing material but doesn’t actively engage with the content or messaging. Therefore the audience is suggested to be passive as they don’t have much engagement within the broadcasts.
Active audience
The audience for War of the worlds took the broadcast in a different way than intended suggesting them to be active. As they actively thought for themselves and what they were going to-do about the situation For example people committed suicide and threatened to shoot Orson Wells. when an audience is engaging, interpreting, and responding to media messages and are able to question the message.
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)two step media theory.
The flow of communication comes from a news presenter to the audience in regards to News beat.
two step media theory
the flow of communication came from Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre Company to a wild scale audience who consumed the idea that aliens had invaded earth. As it came from a well known and respected radio broadcaster (CBS) in 1938 it was more believable.
AUDIENCE (HALL)encoding/decoding
Encoding information about what’s going on across the world in a short amount of time to keep the attention of the audience who also decode the information.
encoded the idea of an alien invasion which the audience decoded to be true. Dominant ideology of Martians coming to attack earth.
NEW TECHNOLOGYIn regards to listening to broadcasts, you can listen on catch-up by logging in the BBC can collect that data of who’s listening when and what to then produce more shows similar as they can gather an understanding of what their audience like. Radio is more competitive now so broadcasters want to play the newest well known songs for their audience to listen to which is also used to entice more listeners.Radio was fairly new in 1938, More than 40% of American households now had a radio so there were more listeners especially when War of the Worlds was broadcasted that’s why is is suggested to have caused mass panic.
CROSS MEDIA CONVERGENCEMany different platforms for example, Tik tok, Twitter, YouTube, Live radio, Catch up and Facebook etc therefore reaching a wider audience and gaining more of a media presence within the digital world.The novel of war of the worlds was broadcasted across the radio there is a physical book of it and also a online book available to be listened to of the actual broadcast of war of the worlds in 1938.

Comparative Table

OWNERSHIPBBC [British Broadcasting Company]
public service broadcast, government, BBC board of trustees, first Director-General (DG) – Lord Reith, BBC multi-media/cross-media, transnational/transglobal, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership i.e. small number of firms who own TV and radio even though there are lots of different stations, left-wing libertarian ideology
CBS [Columbia Broadcasting System]
private company, cross-media conglomerate, an example of concentration of ownership i.e. just a few companies own everything – oligopoly/cartel
HABERMASTransformation of the Public Sphere
media is constantly changing, BBC keeping up, intention enshrined in their ethos – “to inform, educate, and entertain“, not to make money or profit – they put money back into programmes so quality is important, this fits into Habermas’ notion of transforming the public, the BBC is more paternalistic – what you need not what you want
most private businesses are aimed at making money – caring more about the profit than the public, populistic – more concerned with entertainment than education, commercial ethos – not in the ethos of Habermas
CHOMSKYentertainingsome people can’t distinguish truth from fiction – universal grammar
REGULATIONOfcom [Office of Communications]
BBC Charter governed by Parliament, license fee regulates BBC as well, BBC ethos – “to inform, educate, and entertain“, new technologies mean BBC faced with more competition
FCC [Federal Communications Commission]
regulator for private business i.e. not necessarily in the public interest
audience participation, online accessibility
The hypodermic needle theory suggests a media text can have a powerful and immediate effect on the passive audience. It would seem The War of the Worlds production supports this argument because so many terrified listeners, for example, “rushed out of their houses” to escape the “gas raid”
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)Two-Step Flow of Mass Communication
AUDIENCE (HALL)Theory of Preferred Reading
NEW TECHNOLOGYNewsbeat is on social media, internet radio and apps.

Newsbeat and War of the worlds

OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees ?? DG
(Lord Reith), BBC multi-media / cross media, transnational / trans global, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership i.e. small number of firms who own tv and radio even though there are lots of different stations. I think the BBC has a left wing libertarian ideology ??
CBS, Private company, multi or cross media conglomerate, transnational / trans global ??, it is an example of the concentration of ownership i.e. just a few companies own everything (oligopoly / cartel?) vertical / horizontal integration ??
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere – media is constantly changing with the BBC keeping up.
BBC intention to enshrined in their ethos to inform, entertain and educate. Not to make a profit or money. They put money back into programs(quality is important). This fits into Habermas notion of transforming the public. Therefore the BBC is more paternalistic – what you need not what you want.
Most private business are aimed at making a profit.
They care about profit so they are more concerned with entertainment than education.
Commercial ethos not in the spirit of Habermas.
CHOMSKY1 of the five filters is advertising, they don’t include any advertisements within the BBC. They only show the programs people want to see in order to make money and profit. They most likely include advertisements with the radio broadcast as well.
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC charter governed by parliament, license fee regulates BBC as well. BBC / PSB ethos ‘to entertain, inform and educate'(Reith)Federal Communications Commission as regulator for private business i.e. not necessarily in the public interest.
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE / PASSIVE)active, The audience look for the newsbeat broadcast that last 15 mins. However the bulletins throughout the radio broadcast would be passive as your listening to radio music, when bulletins pop up hourly or so.passive, your not actively looking for media or information, as people turn this radio on to hear anything, and nothing specific like newsbeat.
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)Audiences opinions can be based on opinion leaders or famous people that are brought onto the show for a interview etc. The BBC is unbiased informed opinion leader .
NEW TECHNOLOGYNew technology could give more competition to the BBC in terms of equipment.


OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees ( ??) BBC multi-media / cross-media, transnational / transglobal, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership (i.e. small number of firms who own TV and Radio even though there are lots of different stations)CBS, Private Company, Multi or cross media Conglomerate, concentration of ownership i.e. just a few companies own everything (oligopoly / cartel), vertical & horizontal integration (??)
HABERMASTransformation of the Public Sphere, media is constantly changing – BBC is adapting, BBC intention enshrined in their ethos. They put money back into programs, so Quality is important. I think this fits into Habermas’s transforming the public sphere. More paternalistic.Private business, likely to prioritise making profit. I think they only care about making a profit and are less concerned about education compared to entertainment. Just for profit is a commercial ethos – not in the spirit of Habermas. Populism
CHOMSKYSecond filter (advertising) The BBC does not run ads in the UKSecond filter (advertising) CBS runs ads which helps them accrue profit.
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC charter governed by parliament, license fee regulates BBC, BBC Ethos – educate, inform and entertain (Reith)Federal Communications Commission, regulates private business i.e. not necessarily in public interest.
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE / PASSIVE)More active as they don’t run ads so people choose to listen.Audience passively consumes CBS
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)2 step flow / opinion leaders how we gravitate to people who share the same ideas as ourselves. So the BBC is an unbiased, informed opinion leader (ie BBC Charter focus on impartiality, accurate, true)The opinion leaders of CBS would be the presenters of the show as they are a lot less regulated than the BBC
AUDIENCE (HALL)Preferred reading, young people will favour Newsbeat over alternatives as it is targeted more towards them.Stuart Hall theorised how audiences decode messages, by accepting, negotiating or rejecting the sent message. This can be seen with ‘War of the Worlds’ as the people that listened to it decoded it and accepted it as being real, then ran outside of their houses in panic.
NEW TECHNOLOGYNew Technologies mean that the BBC is faced with more competition.
CROSS MEDIA CONVERGENCERadio, Podcast, WebsiteRadio, that’s it