Comparative Table

OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees, DG (Lord Reith) BBC/PSB ethos- to inform educate and entertain, BBC multimedia / Cross media, transnational / trans global, not a monopoly, concentration of media (ie small, even though there are many channels its all by the BBC overall)

I think the BBC is left wing libertarian ideology.
CBS, private limited company, Mutli or cross media conglomerate, transnationtal?? trans global?? monopoly?? it is an example of concentration of ownership ie just a few companies own everything oligopoly / cartel. vertical / horizontal integration?
I thank that war of the worlds is right wing due to not caring about audience but money.
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere, media is constantly changing the BBC need to keep up, intention to inform educate and entertain their viewers, BBC is a non profitable company. Put money back into programs so quality is important, Habermas notion of transforming the public. Therefore the BBC are more paternalistic what you need not what you want.Most private businesses are aimed at making a profit. private businesses don’t care about their viewers they care about money therefore they’ll prioritize money over entertaining their audience, just for profit is a commercial ethos not in the understanding of Habermas.
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC charter, governed by parliament. License free regulates BBC as well. BBC/PSB ethos to inform entertain and educate (Reith) New technologies suggest that the BBC has more competition.Federal communication commission as regulator for private business i.e. not necessarily in the publics interest.
As the audience listen to Newsbeat and accept what is going on the audience is suggested to be passive. An audience that is exposed to media/marketing material but doesn’t actively engage with the content or messaging. Therefore the audience is suggested to be passive as they don’t have much engagement within the broadcasts.
Active audience
The audience for War of the worlds took the broadcast in a different way than intended suggesting them to be active. As they actively thought for themselves and what they were going to-do about the situation For example people committed suicide and threatened to shoot Orson Wells. when an audience is engaging, interpreting, and responding to media messages and are able to question the message.
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)two step media theory.
The flow of communication comes from a news presenter to the audience in regards to News beat.
two step media theory
the flow of communication came from Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre Company to a wild scale audience who consumed the idea that aliens had invaded earth. As it came from a well known and respected radio broadcaster (CBS) in 1938 it was more believable.
AUDIENCE (HALL)encoding/decoding
Encoding information about what’s going on across the world in a short amount of time to keep the attention of the audience who also decode the information.
encoded the idea of an alien invasion which the audience decoded to be true. Dominant ideology of Martians coming to attack earth.
NEW TECHNOLOGYIn regards to listening to broadcasts, you can listen on catch-up by logging in the BBC can collect that data of who’s listening when and what to then produce more shows similar as they can gather an understanding of what their audience like. Radio is more competitive now so broadcasters want to play the newest well known songs for their audience to listen to which is also used to entice more listeners.Radio was fairly new in 1938, More than 40% of American households now had a radio so there were more listeners especially when War of the Worlds was broadcasted that’s why is is suggested to have caused mass panic.
CROSS MEDIA CONVERGENCEMany different platforms for example, Tik tok, Twitter, YouTube, Live radio, Catch up and Facebook etc therefore reaching a wider audience and gaining more of a media presence within the digital world.The novel of war of the worlds was broadcasted across the radio there is a physical book of it and also a online book available to be listened to of the actual broadcast of war of the worlds in 1938.

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