Comparitive table

OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees ?? DG (Lord Reith), BBC multi-media / cross-media, transnational / transglobal, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership (ie small number of firms who own TV and radio even though there are lots of different stations)

I think the BBC has a left wing libertarian ideology ???
CBS, Private company, Multi or cross media Conglomerate, transnational / transglobal (??), monopoly (???), it is an example of concentration of ownership ie just a few companies own everything (oligopoly ?? / cartel ??), vertical / horizontal integration ???
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere – media is constantly changing BBC keeping up.
BBC intention enshrined in their ethos to inform, entertain and educate.
Not to make money or profit – they put money back into programmes so Quality is important.
I think this fits into Habermas notion of transforming the public
Therefore the BBC is more paternalistic – what you need not what you want (this is tricky)
Most private business are aimed at making a profit – I think private business don’t care about the public, I think they care about profit.
so they are more concerned with entertainment than education.
Just for profit is a commercial ethos – not in the spirit of Habermas
CURRANJames Curran writes about the ideas that underpin The Liberal Free Press, but much can apply to transformation of Public Sphere (Habermas) which in turn connects to ethos of PSBsome general ideas:
1. concerns about the commercial interest of big companies
(prioritising profits over social concerns)
2. concentration of ownership – although not monopolies, the small number of big companies is not good for
3. competition
4. Diverse range of voices (plurality)
5. audience choices
SEATONSeaton makes us aware of the power of the media in terms of big companies who own too much.
commercial Seaton also makes clear that broadcasters selling audiences to products NOT audiences to programmes (ie no adverts on BBC)
therefore BBC not chasing big exaggerated stories
Newsbeat seeking informed citizens who want knowledge

accountability – ie who looks after the BBC and makes sure it does what it is supposed to do: Annan Report 1980 “on balance the chain of accountability is adequate”
independence – ie keeping free from state control “without a commitment to public service, broadcasters are increasingly vulnerable to political interference”
Seaton talks about rise and inevitable need for competition with new technologies – which provides choice
Provides more entertainment for wider audiences ???
WoW targets mainstream entertainment seeking audiences

the allusion of Choice – “Choice, without positive direction is a myth, all too often the market will deliver more -but only more of the same”
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC Charter governed by Parliament, license fee regulates BBC as well. BBC / PSB ethos ‘to entertain, to inform and to educate’ (Reith)
New technologies mean BBC faced with more competition
NO advertising!
Federal Communications Commission as regulator for private business ie not necessarily in the public interest
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE / PASSIVE)The audience for the BBC are more active and are encouraged to engage with the speakers on the radio shows. The audience often respond to media and are able to question the message sent by the hosts.The audience for the War of the Worlds radio show is passive and are accepting of what the radio hosts say without engaging within topics and stories told to them. However, the audience were somewhat active as many had strong opinions about CBS ‘tricking’ their audience.
SPECIFIC TEXTUAL EXAMLESPrince William and Kate presenting a special newsbeat edition on mental health
Kanye article
blurred codes of drama and news. Programme starts with title music, announcer introduction ‘Mercury Theatre Company presents . . . ‘ followed by Orson Welles prologue to War of the Worlds .. .

Comparative table

ThemeNewsbeatWar of the Worlds
HABERMASBBC helped transformed the public sphere by changing the notions of time and place.
hypothecated tax used to put money back into productions, implies BBC, a PSB is following the ethos rather than seeking a profit.
CBS, a private business is seen to look for a profit. they are more concerned about entertainment rather than education. Exhibits populism?
SEATONSeaton said “Mrs Thatcher and her supporters are in favour of de-regulation, competition and choice” Thatcher strived for populism rather than paternalism, this conflicted the ethos of the BBC. Seaton then talks about the rise of competition and choice
Audience (Active/Passive)Active. Postmodernism. Young audience- naive.
News- a trusted source
Passive- pre modernism. hypo needle

csp revision

ThemeNewsbeatWar of the Worlds
OwnershipOwned by the BBC, the BBC is owned and payed for the by the public.
Payed through TV licenses
BBC Charter: Educate, Inform, Entertain
Owned by CBS, CBS is payed for by Paramount global.
Privately owned, available to everyone.
RegulationRegulated by Ofcom which receives it regulation rules through the UK gov. Also regulates off of the BBC’s Charter.CBS is regulated by the The Federal Communications Commission (US FCC)
HabermasTransformation of the public sphere, the BBC (when making money) re-invests it into BBC to make it better, adapt it and sticks to their charter tighter.Sticks to making a profit rather than bettering itself. Does not transform the public sphere, the polar opposite of the BBC.
AudienceActive consumption, choosing to listen in and create opinions and thoughts based on the stories which are on the media/radio from newsbeat.Passive consumption, taking in what war of the worlds is saying and just believing it.
Lazarfeldtwo-step flow of mass communication – gravitate to people who share the same interests
 The book explains that people’s reactions to media messages are mediated by interpersonal communication with members of their social environment.
not everyone who was terrorised by the radio play was actually listening to the broadcast. They heard the rumours from people they trusted in their social circle.
audience (active/passive)uses and gratifications Audiences are more active, they are not just given programmes that they want but are given what they need (Paternalism)Audiences are more passive, they are only shown the programmes that they want to allow in order for CBS to make a profit.
Stuart HallHall’s encoding / decoding model of communication offers three hypothetical positions – the dominant, oppositional, and negotiated readings. In terms of Stuart Hall’s reception theory and his encoding / decoding model of communication, this is the audience’s framework of knowledge.
New TechnologyNewsbeat is on social media, internet radio and apps.
Cross media creationNewsbeat is on social media, internet radio and apps. Can be read and understood on different platforms for the younger audiences to access it anywhere and whenever they want.
Curran“profit-driven motives take precedence over creativity” CBS creating the idea of a a massive panic to create a huge amount of money over the idea of making a good entertainment.
SeatonPOWER AND MEDIA: patterns of ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate.
Controls how they want to target audiences that are informed and want to learn.
Seaton says “Sells audiences to advertisers not products to audiences” which the BBC doesn’t do, they do this by sticking to their “educate” ethos and making stories to educate.
Provides to audiences the idea of entertainment without sticking to any sort of ethos or education. Only entertainment and selling a big story which we don’t know is true (I.E people running out of their homes in fear of the story that they are hearing.


ThemeNewsbeatWar of the wrlds
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE / PASSIVE)Newsbeat has adapted to the younger generations short attention span who need their news in short digestible chunks instead of being complex and requiring thought however Audiences are more active, they are not just given programmes that they want but are given what they need (Paternalism) as a result of not being arsed to look furtherThe broadcast of wotw + the reaction raises debate and evidence regarding lazarsfield’s theory about passive audiences
Theory on people being drawn to those with similar opinions, BBC is essentially an opinion leader
AUDIENCE (HALL)The Newsbeat producers hope their short-form news stories will engage their audience and keep them up to date about the latest events around the world. This is the preferred reading. Some listeners might appreciate the snackable content but will be then turn to other sources for the stories behind the headlines. This could be considered a negotiated reading. Other listeners will simply reject the encoded message and construct their own meanings. Perhaps the news stories are irrelevant to their own situations. They might even tune into another station if they just want to hear music.the anticipated reading was it was fictional, rejected reading was that it was really happening

  • Press/newspapers negatively reporting on TWOTW, as radio was still a new media form
OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees ?? DG (Lord Reith), BBC multi-media / cross-media, transnational / transglobal, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership (ie small number of firms who own TV and radio even though there are lots of different stations)

I think the BBC has a left wing libertarian ideology ???
CBS, Private company, Multi or cross media Conglomerate, transnational / transglobal (??), monopoly (???), it is an example of concentration of ownership ie just a few companies own everything (oligopoly ?? / cartel ??), vertical / horizontal integration ???
Transformation of the public sphere – media is constantly changing BBC keeping up.
BBC intention enshrined in their ethos to inform, entertain and educate.
Not to make money or profit – they put money back into programmes so Quality is important.
I think this fits into Habermas notion of transforming the public
Therefore the BBC is more paternalistic – what you need not what you want (this is tricky)
Most private business are aimed at making a profit – I think private business don’t care about the public, I think they care about profit.
so they are more concerned with entertainment than education.
Just for profit is a commercial ethos – not in the spirit of Habermas
James Curran writes about the ideas that underpin The Liberal Free Press, but much can apply to transformation of Public Sphere (Habermas) which in turn connects to ethos of PSB

some general ideas:
1. concerns about the commercial interest of big companies
(prioritising profits over social concerns)
2. concentration of ownership – although not monopolies, the small number of big companies is not good for
3. competition
4. Diverse range of voices (plurality)
5. audience choices
Seaton makes us aware of the power of the media in terms of big companies who own too much.
commercial Seaton also makes clear that broadcasters selling audiences to products NOT audiences to programmes (ie no adverts on BBC)
therefore BBC not chasing big exaggerated stories
Newsbeat seeking informed citizens who want knowledge

accountability – ie who looks after the BBC and makes sure it does what it is supposed to do: Annan Report 1980 “on balance the chain of accountability is adequate”
independence – ie keeping free from state control “without a commitment to public service, broadcasters are increasingly vulnerable to political interference”
Seaton talks about rise and inevitable need for competition with new technologies – which provides choice
Provides more entertainment for wider audiences ???
WoW targets mainstream entertainment seeking audiences

the allusion of Choice – “Choice, without positive direction is a myth, all too often the market will deliver more -but only more of the same”
Ofcom, BBC Charter governed by Parliament, license fee regulates BBC as well. BBC / PSB ethos ‘to entertain, to inform and to educate’ (Reith)
New technologies mean BBC faced with more competition
NO advertising!
Federal Communications Commission as regulator for private business ie not necessarily in the public interest
Newsbeat links to audience being active as audiences are able to engage in the stories they want War of the world links to audiences being passive believing everything they read in the media as they believed the martian invasion
 hypodermic needle theory suggests a media text can have a powerful and immediate effect on the passive audience. It would seem “The War of the Worlds” production supports this argument because so many terrified listeners, for example, “rushed out of their houses”
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)Two step flow – messages are taken in and given thought by consumers – happens with newsbeat a lot more than War of the Worlds.
People follow those with the same beliefs as you – BBC as an unbiased opinion leader, the public follow programs made from the BBC as they know it is not made to spread an agenda or make profit.
two-step flow model of communication provides some insight into how the panic unfolded. For example, a “throng of playgoers had rushed” from a “theatre” because “news” of the invasion had “spread” to the audience.
AUDIENCE (HALL) Short-form news stories will engage their audience and keep them up to date about the latest events around the world= preferred reading. Some listeners might appreciate the snackable content but will be then turn to other sources for the stories behind the headlines= negotiated reading. Other listeners will simply reject the encoded message and construct their own meanings = Oppositional meaningPreferred reading of the text- Orson Welles “It’s supposed to show the corrupt condition and decadent state of affairs in democracy.”

Newsbeat VS War of the Worlds

Comparative Table

OWNERSHIPBBC, PSB, Government, BBC board of trustees ?? DG (Lord Reith), BBC multi-media / cross-media, transnational / transglobal, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership (ie small number of firms who own TV and radio even though there are lots of different stations)

I think the BBC has a left wing libertarian ideology ???
CBS, Private company, Multi or cross media Conglomerate, transnational / transglobal (??), monopoly (???), it is an example of concentration of ownership ie just a few companies own everything (oligopoly ?? / cartel ??), vertical / horizontal integration ???
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere – media is constantly changing BBC keeping up.
BBC intention enshrined in their ethos to inform, entertain and educate.
Not to make money or profit – they put money back into programmes so Quality is important.
I think this fits into Habermas notion of transforming the public
Therefore the BBC is more paternalistic – what you need not what you want (this is tricky)
Most private business are aimed at making a profit – I think private business don’t care about the public, I think they care about profit.
so they are more concerned with entertainment than education.
Just for profit is a commercial ethos – not in the spirit of Habermas
CURRANJames Curran writes about the ideas that underpin The Liberal Free Press, but much can apply to transformation of Public Sphere (Habermas) which in turn connects to ethos of PSBsome general ideas:
1. concerns about the commercial interest of big companies
(prioritising profits over social concerns)
2. concentration of ownership – although not monopolies, the small number of big companies is not good for
3. competition
4. Diverse range of voices (plurality)
5. audience choices
SEATONSeaton makes us aware of the power of the media in terms of big companies who own too much.
commercial Seaton also makes clear that broadcasters selling audiences to products NOT audiences to programmes (ie no adverts on BBC)
therefore BBC not chasing big exaggerated stories
Newsbeat seeking informed citizens who want knowledge

accountability – ie who looks after the BBC and makes sure it does what it is supposed to do: Annan Report 1980 “on balance the chain of accountability is adequate”
independence – ie keeping free from state control “without a commitment to public service, broadcasters are increasingly vulnerable to political interference”
Seaton talks about rise and inevitable need for competition with new technologies – which provides choice
Provides more entertainment for wider audiences ???
WoW targets mainstream entertainment seeking audiences

the allusion of Choice – “Choice, without positive direction is a myth, all too often the market will deliver more -but only more of the same”
REGULATIONOfcom, BBC Charter governed by Parliament, license fee regulates BBC as well. BBC / PSB ethos ‘to entertain, to inform and to educate’ (Reith)
New technologies mean BBC faced with more competition
NO advertising!
Federal Communications Commission as regulator for private business ie not necessarily in the public interest
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE / PASSIVE)Active – Newsbeat often gets people listening to participate and talk on the show. Younger people often are more engaged with the broadcast and are consuming it actively, thinking about what the broadcast is suggesting. It is also helped by the constant upbeat music played – helps concentration.Passive – War of the Worlds made the audience seem foolish and passive – not judging whether the message conveyed was correct or true in the first place.
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)Two step flow – messages are taken in and given thought by consumers – happens with newsbeat a lot more than War of the Worlds.
People follow those with the same beliefs as you – BBC as an unbiased opinion leader, the public follow programs made from the BBC as they know it is not made to spread an agenda or make profit.
Not two step flow – Hyperdermic Needle theory? – Lasswell – messages aren’t given any thought, simply taken n board. War of the Worlds could e said to be so as people immediately believed that the broadcast was legitimate and martians were invading.
AUDIENCE (HALL)Dominant reading – enthusiasm about the program from young people.Stuart Hall – Preferred reading – Dominant reading would be to acknowledge the broadcast as not real and a work of fiction, while other people took it very seriously and it greatly affected their lives.
CE Hooper rating survey conducted 12 hours after the program went live found 98% of the people at the time weren’t listening. Of the 2%, no one took it as a legitimate news broadcast.
This shows that the dominant reading as depicted by Hall’s theory of preferred reading is that people treated it as fake.
SPECIFIC TEXTUAL EXAMLESPrince William and Kate presenting a special newsbeat edition on mental health
Kanye article
blurred codes of drama and news. Programme starts with title music, announcer introduction ‘Mercury Theatre Company presents . . . ‘ followed by Orson Welles prologue to War of the Worlds .. .


OWNERSHIPBBC, Public Service Broadcasting, Government,

BBC Board of Trustees, DG (Lord Reith), Multimedia, transnational, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership

– owned by the public, everyone is a shareholder.
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), Private Company, Multimedia conglomerate, transnational(Yes), monopoly(No),


example of concentration of ownership i.e. a few companies own everything – oligopoly / cartel (??),
vertical & horizontal integration (??)
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere, media is constantly changing – BBC is adapting, BBC intention enshrined in their ethos, profit is not a priority – they put money back into programmes so Quality is important.

Fits notion of transforming the public. Therefore more paternalistic, give you what you need instead of what you want.
Private business, likely to prioritise making profit. Quality is not as important as long as a profit is made. This profit will not go back into programmes. Does not fit the notion of transforming the public. Less paternalistic, gives you what you want if it makes them money.
CHOMSKYSecond filter (advertising) The BBC does not run ads in the UKSecond filter (advertising) CBS runs ads which helps them accrue profit
REGULATIONOFCOM, BBC Charter governed by parliament, license fee regulates BBC, BBC Ethos – educate, inform and entertain (Reith)

BBC has a left wing, libertarian ideology (??)
Federal Communications Commission regulates private businesses i.e. not necessarily in public interest
AUDIENCE (ACTIVE/PASSIVE)Audiences are more active, they are not just given programmes that they want but are given what they need (Paternalism)Audiences are more passive, they are only shown the programmes that they want to allow in order for CBS to make a profit.
AUDIENCE (LAZARSFELD)The two-step flow of communication model hypothesizes that ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders, and from them, to a wider population. It was first introduced by sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld in 1944 

This relates to the specific textual example of Prince William and Kate presenting a special newsbeat edition on mental health

The mass media flow ideas into the PSB BBC, flowing their ideas through various outlets as they are a multimedia convergence. They help promote their message through various opinion leaders such as Stormzy, Prince William and Kate presenting a special newsbeat edition on mental health
Can use opinion leaders to make message more relevant
SPECIFIC TEXTUAL EXAMLESPrince William and Kate presenting a special newsbeat edition on mental health
Kanye article.

^ This proves that the BBC care more about the viewers and want to supply a service that is educational, informal and entertaining
blurred codes of drama and news. Programme starts with title music, announcer introduction ‘Mercury Theatre Company presents . . . ‘ followed by Orson Welles prologue to War of the Worlds .. .

AUDIENCE (HALL)Reception Theory –
GERBNERThe Cultivation Theory suggests heavy television exposure will have a significant influence on our perception of the real world. The more we see a version of reality being depicted on the screen, the more we will believe it is an accurate reflection of society. Cultivation theory links as the newly heavy influence of new media productions, through the introduction of radio, shows an example of this theory as it could have affected the public in a large way as a lack of knowledge and an imbedded naiveness that may of allowed the public to be victim to this hysteria produced by War of the worlds.

NEW TECHNOLOGYNew Technologies mean that the BBC is faced with more competition.

Newsbeat is on social media, internet radio and apps.
CURRAN– “depended on a set of linked and radical expansions”
– “the BBC creating an image of its audience as ‘participants’ in the great affairs of the nation…”

– Since the BBC is a PSB it uses the money it makes to improve itself and further benefit the public with a massive majority of different opinions straying away from lack of creativity that large conglomerates supply in which only function as a motive to generate a profit, which differs from the BBC.
Private Company, Multimedia conglomerate. This means that CBS only operates as a function to generate a profit and please the shareholders, in which can lack creativity and care for the public. It will generate any kind of story in hopes to generate a profit, meaning they can lack integrity.
SEATONSeaton makes us aware of the power of the media in terms of big companies who own too much.

– Commercial broadcasters selling audiences to products NOT audiences to programs like the BBC. (ie no adverts on BBC).
Meaning that the BBC are not chasing big exaggerated stories and appeals to informed citizens who want knowledge.
Seaton talks about rise and inevitable need for competition with new technologies.
– Providing choice and more entertainment for wider audiences perhaps.

the allusion of Choice – “Choice, without positive direction is a myth, all too often the market will deliver more -but only more of the same”

CBS, as well as other businesses, create different media products as a sole motive to generate a profit. Meaning that when they produce programs, they will only generate products that they know will perform well, creating this idea on the illusion of choice, whereas in reality it is a well thought out process which involves repeated actions and choices in which have been largely successful in practice.

Revision (Newsbeat & War of the Worlds)

Theme NewsbeatWar of the Worlds
Regulation– Ofcom regulates BBC therefore regulates Newsbeat. Government gives regulative guidelines to Ofcom.
– The Royal Charter is the constitutional basis for the BBC. It sets out the BBC’s objective (BBC Charter).
– Regulated by the Federal Communication Commissions (Regulate media across the United States)
Ownership– Owned and produced by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
– TV license fee
– Owned by CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) which is owned by Paramount Global.
James Curran
(Power and responsibility)
– ‘Independence poses a serious threat to political institutions’ – Pg 134 meaning that the independence of the BBC is threatening political institutions such as the government.– “profit-driven motives take precedence over creativity” meaning that CBS creates the idea of a massive panic to produce a large sum of money over the idea of making a good entertainment. CBS are in for the money making scheme rather than an entertainment scheme.
Jean Seaton– ‘Commercial broadcasting is based not on the sale of programmes to audiences but on the sale of audiences to advertisers’ – pg 126 – meaning broadcasting requires advertising revenue to maintain programming and they are designed to attract ‘economically affluent audiences’, meaning audiences who want to buy the product that are promoted, although the BBC does not have adverts. The BBC does not want to chase big fantasy stories, this proves they seek to inform audiences on international and national information rather than entertain.– Seeks to entertain with stories rather than inform audiences.
Noam Chomsky
Paul Lazarfeld
(Two-step flow communication model)
– Two-step flow communication model is most people form their opinions under the influence of opinion leaders, who in turn are influenced by the mass media. (People form their ideas from influencers and those with a high reputation.)
– An example of this is Prince Harry and Kate the Princess of Wales promoting mental health through Newsbeat. This impacts audiences as opinions leaders like the royal family are helping others. (11th October 2022 – Prince and Princess of Wales take over Radio 1 Newsbeat on World Mental Health day)
– Famous author Orsen Welles reads War of the Worlds, to share their message of entertainment.
Jurgen Habermas
(Transofrmation of the Public Sphere)
– He states that a variety of factors have affected the way people share their ideas and social issues willingly and freely.
-Transformation of the public sphere.
– The BBC (when making money) re-invests back into the company to make it better, adapt it and sticks to their charter tighter. (Inform, entertain, educate)
– CBS sticks to making a profit rather than creating better content for their audiences. They do not transform the public sphere as CBS do not share knowledge and news, but only entertain.
Cross Media

war of the worlds and newsbeat comparison

OWNERSHIPBBC is a PSB (public service broadcast) owned by government and BBC board of trust feeds – founded by Lord John Reith
BBC multi-media / cross-media, transnational / transglobal, not a monopoly, concentration of ownership
Owned by CBS Radio Network who provide over 1000 radio stations to US – a private company conglomerate
HABERMASTransformation of the public sphere – keep up with ever changing media ethos is to inform educate, entertain and educate. Not to make money of profit they put money back into making more shows therefore the BBC is more paternalistic
REULATIONThe BBC is regulated by Ofcom – The Charter gives Ofcom responsibility for regulating the content standards of the BBC’s television, radio and on-demand programmes.Federal communication commissions FCC, regulates for private business ie not in the public interest
CURRANJames Curran writes about the ideas that underpin The Liberal Free Press, but much can apply to transformation of Public Sphere (Habermas) which in turn connects to ethos of PSB
SEATON‘broadcasting should be regarded as a public service for a social purpose’

Seaton makes us aware of the power of the media in terms of big companies that own too much. Seaton also makes it clear that broadcasters selling audiences to products and not audiences to programmes (no adverts on BBC) therefore the BBC is not chasing big exaggerated stories.
Newsbeat seeking informed citizens who want knowledge
Seaton talks about rise and inevitable need for competition with new technologies – which provides choice
Provides more entertainment for wider audiences
WoW targets mainstream entertainment seeking audiences


ThemeNewsbeatWar of the Worlds
OwnershipOwned by the BBC, the BBC is owned and payed for the by the public.
Payed through TV licenses
BBC Charter: Educate, Inform, Entertain
Owned by CBS, CBS is payed for by Paramount global.
Privately owned, available to everyone.
RegulationRegulated by Ofcom which receives it regulation rules through the UK gov. Also regulates off of the BBC’s Charter. CBS is regulated by the The Federal Communications Commission (US FCC)
HabermasTransformation of the public sphere, the BBC (when making money) re-invests it into BBC to make it better, adapt it and sticks to their charter tighter. Sticks to making a profit rather than bettering itself. Does not transform the public sphere, the polar opposite of the BBC.
Chomsky5 filters of mass media:
1.Structures of ownership – BBC owned by the public, regulated by their own Ethos.
2.The role of advertising – Ads for the BBC are on social media platforms displaying what they offer, for example the “Trust is earned” publication video they made.
3.Links with ‘The Establishment’ – BBC isn’t directly connected to the government however it is regulated by a set of rules the government chooses. 4.Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’ – None really applies as the BBC specialises in its truth.
5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’
AudienceActive consumption, choosing to listen in and create opinions and thoughts based on the stories which are on the media/radio from newsbeat. Passive consumption, taking in what war of the worlds is saying and just believing it.
LazarfeldHarry and Kate promoting mental Health on mental Health Day, Stormzy being put on the show. This uses opinion leaders so that its not the BBC directly telling the audience how to feel, its their favourite influencers.It is written by Orsen Wells, who was a popular author uses the two step flow of directly injecting the idea of entertain through War Of the Worlds, at 0:20 it is announced that Orsen will be reading the show and is also announced it is a story from the Theatre on Air.
Stuart Hall
New TechnologyNewsbeat is on social media, internet radio and apps.
Cross media creationNewsbeat is on social media, internet radio and apps. Can be read and understood on different platforms for the younger audiences to access it anywhere and whenever they want. The show was originally published as a book in the UK and US in 1897, then a radio show in 1938 and then a TV series in 1988
Curran “profit-driven motives take precedence over creativity” CBS creating the idea of a a massive panic to create a huge amount of money over the idea of making a good entertainment.
SeatonPOWER AND MEDIA: patterns of ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate.
Controls how they want to target audiences that are informed and want to learn.
Seaton says “Sells audiences to advertisers not products to audiences” which the BBC doesn’t do, they do this by sticking to their “educate” ethos and making stories to educate.
Provides to audiences the idea of entertainment without sticking to any sort of ethos or education. Only entertainment and selling a big story which we don’t know is true (I.E people running out of their homes in fear of the story that they are hearing.