What makes quality television


  1. good, convincing acting
  2. consistent, well-thought through themes which carry social meaning
  3. fairly interesting plot
  4. realistic, well-written characters
  5. made with a large target audience in mind – has elements of drama, romance, comedy

difference between broadcasting and narrow casting

broadcasting = communicating with a variety of people

narrow casting = small / niche audience

What is the ethos of the BBC

‘to inform, entertain, and educate’

Populism and Paternilism

Populism = appeals to ‘the people’ – what the people want. Example: Twitter, YouTube

Paternalism = people with authority restrict freedom on others with rules regulations and set plans. Example: the BBC

Notes on video

‘Amazing thing about television, it transforms time and space. Allows you to experience things that are going on at a physical distance’. fear of new technology

BBC acting like a social cement

The Pips – BBC

1924 – BBC transformed time and space by introducing idea of universal time through the ‘pips’.

Notes on Seaton

British broadcasting was started as a public service, and this proved as creative commercially as it was innovative creatively.

Broadcasting in Britain – monopoly or duopoly – always depends on the assumption of commitment to an unrivalled good.

PSB prepared to lead public onion rather than defending it.

Ownership effects – Curran & Seaton

we’re engines for social and political change

different types of integration restrict competitors

Profit driven motives take precedent

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