public service broadcast

lord wreath- bbc to have an ethos (belief )

entertain inform and education- bbc ethos

BBC charter- to oversee them.

populism- giving the people what they want

  • bbc allows for shared opinions and beliefes from he spread of knowledge and news..
  • habermans (transformation of the public shpere)- allows people to transform space and time, by interacting with people hundres of miles away at the same time.

quote from seaton

” i am free to say anything i want, except the one thing i do want to say then i am not free.. in broadcasting a single prohibition emposed on a nation broadcasting authority or within it tends to corode the whole output. – meaning that broadcasters are ‘free’ to say what they want, through their rights but additionally if they speak their opinion that the government or people don’t agree with, then they will be heavily critised.

-choice- ‘real choices offered to consumers by a more effective market”.

james curren quotes

” the radical press with spread their agenda to effect political press”

” profit driven motives take precvidence”

”twin forces of creativity and business”’

BBC- paternalism approach- the policy or practice on the part of people in authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to or otherwise dependent on them in their supposed interest. ( restricting people with good intentions nut can have negative consequences.)

– grace winden goldie- noting the most significant thing about broadcasting changes the ideology of time and space. life was lived in the present but with new technology allows us to listen and watch a moment in time whenever you want even the moment its happening

the way in which the bbc became social cement everyone and British culture was centred around the bbc.

broadcasting- to a broad amount of people- mass media, large audience.

narrow casting- niche group.


convincing acting-

character development-

writing quality-

sound prodcution-

camera quality-


lighting quality-


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