Audience Theory
As ever the theoretical framework of audience intersects with the study of visual codes and genre crucial to analysing mode of address and techniques of persuasion with the front cover functioning as a form of advertising.

• The mode of address can be analysed through the visual and written codes
• Study of target audiences in terms of demographics and psychographics for magazines – publishing companies provide a great deal of data online in relation to their audience research for specific publications.
• The way in which different audience interpretations over time reflect social, cultural and historical contexts.
• Reception theory including Hall
Task: Which of the following Uses and Gratifications would relate to the consumption of magazines? Write up a table in order of U’s and G’s.

Richard Dyer: Utopian Possibilities
This is my favourite media (or any) theory. It is not in the syllabus so is certainly a bit of ‘above and beyond’ if you want to impress the examiner who will be marking your papers!