Media Representations

‘Theories of identity [associated with representation]’ which from me would be the ideas around, people having a route to self-expression, and therefore a stronger sense of self and participation in the world, through making & exchanging . . .
David Gauntlett, from his site
Clearly the key areas of representation suggested by the magazine are to do with gender, primarily masculinity but also how this affects the representation of women. For example:
Task 2: Pick 5 of the points below and respond under the heading of Representation in Men’s Health
- how gender is represented through processes of selection and combination
- the reasons for the choices made in the representation of gender
- the similarities and differences in the representations of gender
- how far these representations are influenced by historical, social and political contexts of media.
- The emphasis on male beauty and grooming challenges some conventions of traditional stereotypes of masculinity.
- The types of images selected refer to concepts of hyper-masculinity and gender as performance
- Men as object of a homosexual and heterosexual gaze
- Theories of representation including Hall
- Feminist theories including bell hooks and Van Zoonen
- Theories of gender performativity including Butler
Task 3: now define at least 6 of the following key words in response to Mens Health (try not to just focus on the front cover).
- Positive and negative stereotypes
- Counter-types
- Misrepresentation
- Selective representation
- Dominant ideology
- Constructed reality
- Hegemony
- Audience positioning
- Fluidity of identity
- Constructed identity
- Negotiated identity
- Collective identity