Truth, regulation & accountability (revision)

The abuse of power, and the use of money in the series to abuse power. such as when Joshua West paid the press costs and damages to take down the paper with the front cover based around him.

The press acts in the middle of society, to feed information about high people in society, such as the royal family, prime minister, to the millions of people like us.

The complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient. Chomsky says that consent is manufactured, the truth is hidden.

Rules and regulation, laws, court,


The abuse of power – Joshua West hiring lawyers to take down the Herald’s newspaper

The Complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient – Habermas’ transformation of public sphere. Holding people to account through the media, especially those at the top e.g. royalty. In “Press” – the picture of the PM and his family. Chomsky states that consent is manufactured (it always serves someone’s interests) and that because of this, the truth can be hidden.

Rules & Regulation

The substantiation of Truth & Reality

How do we know things are real, links with the rise of new technologies as they disrupt how we receive knowledge due to having so much info available and having fake news.

The rise of new technologies

Disrupts how we receive knowledge due to having so much info available and having fake news.


the abuse of power:

  • Habermas- using the media to hold people accountable for actions
  • hold people to account e.g. prince Andrew and the episode of press

the complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are bubservient:

  • chomsky, the manufacture of consent

truth and reality:

  • Baudrillard
  • triangulation- asking 3 people to try gain the same information to prove its true.

Revision, press episode 3

Regulation, truth, accountability.

Truth- Habermas The transformation of the public sphere theory, to which people have narrowed down newspapers from a wide larger audience platform to share many different opinions and ideologies to a few mainstream newspaper products owned by mass media conglomerates with a political bias, in addition to the rise of new technology which analyse what you like and read and shows you more articles based on the political viewpoint that you have been reading the most and searching for, therefore not allowing more opinions to be shared with multiple political compasses to people with differing ideologies. Conceptually thinking, society can by viewed as a pyramid with the royals at the top, press in the middle that tries to connect the top with the society at the bottom (us), the middle (the press, newspapers, media) tries to hold people from higher up to account to show the bottom however the bottom don’t know completely what is going on, e.g. blackmailing the minister episode 1 in the press, or prince Andrew.

– Chomsky the five mass filters of media and manufacture of consent, The idea that the people in higher power have a relationship to control what is said, and media products not fully giving the full story to cater to what the audience wants to see and buy (through adverts etc..) instead of actually catering to what we need to hear. A tactic for popularity and wealth.


The abuse of power – Joshua West

Rules and Regulation

The substantiation of Truth and Reality –

The rise of new technologies –

The complicit links between those in power at the expense of those who are subservient – Habermas’ transformation of public sphere. Holding people to account, especially those at the top. Chomsky said that consent is manufactured, meaning that it serves someone’s self interest.

Revision of some key terms


Make a new post – call it Revision of Key ideas 1 (or whatever you think is appropriate for you).

Use the headings above to make some notes that help you to understand and engage with these key ideas.

Base your notes on class discussion, your own knowledge, knowledge you have identified in another source (book, web site etc), illustrations or examples from Press.