revision table

command words

describe – remembering specific elements

compare – talking about the similarities and differences between two things

evaluate – to judge and share own opinions/ real evidence

analyse – in depth look at an idea with accurate explanation

knowledge – vague outline of an idea or concept / can touch on it

understanding – to explain clearly and deeply about an idea or concept / can evaluate it

what do you know aboutWhat meanings or understandings do you have of their ideas? In another way how can you apply those ideas to your CSPS?
Noam Chomskythe five filters of mediaownership- having control over a platform and what comes out of it is down to you.
Advertising- sharing media with everyone for personal gain for example bossed life advertising is fun and bright to attract audiences to buy the product.
official source-having the correct data statistics and facts to back up what you’re saying like the daily mail and the I
James curranpower in media industriesCurran has released a book called power without responsibility which suggests that people with power within the media industry use that to their advantage to use and take advantage of people in an unfair and unjust way. this is made possible due to the lack of responsibility being held against them for these actions which is why they abuse their power in this way. ghost town Margret thatcher abusing her power in a racial way
Habermaspublic sphere
the difference between communicative rationality and rationalization on one hand and strategic/instrumental rationality and rationalization on the other.
media is consumed passivly. If someone well known says something people will believe it and/or follow through with it like the government. The public are like sheep and will follow what anyone recognisable says.
david gauntlettfluidity of identity
collective identity
constructive identity
negotiated identity
everyone has the freedom to identify as what they want. He thinks “media doesn’t create identities” but reflects them. in terms of men’s health it suggests a negotiated identity as on the front cover vin diesel is stood boldly in the front then inside the magazine we see a softer sensitive side to him.
LaswellCommunication model.
Who (sender)
What (message)
channel (medium)
to whom (receiver)
with what effect
Harold Laswell was a media theorist who studied the idea of communication.
An example can be a dior mascara advertisment. Dior being the sender as the company producing this advert.
What would be the anchorage giving a definition about the mascara.
Medium is the type of media it is presented on, in this case it would be a magazine
to anyone who reads the magazine but as its mascara we presume its in a woman’s magazine therefore targeted at woman with the effect of selling this product.
I understand that the model shows the easy manipulation of those vulnerable and how easy it is to rope people in to buying thigs as the believes they’ll have a certain outcome out of it but in reality will not.
Lazerfeldtwo step media theory
information and influence.

The theory was introduced in 1944 but elaborated in 1955
Lazarfeld said was that if a well populated/known opinionated leader were to say something to the mass media a wider population would listen to it and possibly believe it and follow through with certain plans or statements. For example Margret Thatcher didn’t like dark skinned people being in England and wanted them gone and so she stated this to the general public and white British citizens sided with her which is shown in the specials and blinded by the light.
Also with elections in order to know who to vote for political candidates put forward their ideas for the country which the public listen to. If the public like what they hear they will vote for that person.
uses and gratificationsa Mass Communication theory that focuses on the needs, motives and gratifications of media users.
-understanding yourself
-strengthen family/friendships
-self confidence
-knowledge about the world
the idea of media using peoples data to present them with things they may need. For example ESCAPISM- advertisements for a holiday to escape reality.
Advertisers use these to understand their audience better, Like Facebook when we accept cookies we allow them to use our data which’ll then be used to give us adverts the they know well enjoy which ropes audiences in to look at a product which pays the advertisers or even potentially buy the product which will them show a high demand for the product and be shared to more users on media platforms like Facebook such as Instagram or twitter.
Stuart HallHall’s work covers issues of hegemony and cultural studies.
He regards language-use as operating within a framework of power, institutions and politics/economics.
everyone sees different things in different ways.
George GerbnerCultivation theory / behavioural psychology
extended Laswell’s communication model consisting with a verbal aspect  where someone observes an event and gives feedback about the situation, and a schematic model where someone perceives an event and sends messages to the sender
verbal feedback helps better a person when taken on board. Face to face rather than through a screen is considered top be verbal and the aftermath of constructive criticism shows how people take on board feedback.
mainstreaming- the more mainstream TV/other media forms we watch the more dominant our ideas become and accepting dominant ideas are more likely due to a form of brainwashing.

Clay Shirky argued audience behaviour has progressed from the passive consumption of media texts to a much more interactive experience with the products and each other. Therefore he disagrees with George Gerbner.

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