
Command Words:

  • Describe – to explain the looks or features of something. e.g an object or place
  • Compare – to understand the similarities and differences of two different things
  • Evaluate – to form the judgement of a value, amount or number
  • Analyse – to examine something in detail to explain or interpret it
  • Knowledge – facts, info and skills usually picked up from experience and education
  • Understanding –
What do you know?What meaning or understanding do you have of their ideas? How can you apply their ideas to your CSPs?
Noam Chomsky– Wrote manufacturing consent
– 5 filters: ownership, advertising, official sources, flak and common enemy
– Theory of universal grammar: everyone born with understanding of how language works – all languages hold similar structure and rules
– Sentences can be grammatical without having any meaning or making sense
– Universal grammar – theoretical concept proposed by Chomsky that the human brain contains an innate mental grammar that helps humans acquire language
James Curran
Jean Seaton
Jurgen Habermas – Idea of the transformation of public sphere
– Public sphere: where people come together exchange opinions, discuss and form a public opinion
– Wrote the Theory of Communicative Action
– The media is really important for helping individuals to connect to society and be a part of decision making
– Habermas links to newspaper CSPs through the idea of public sphere and public opinion
– Example of how democracy works
Semiotics – Semiotics is the study of signs, symbols, and signification.
– Pierce (icon, index, symbol)
– Barthes (connotation, denotation, myth)
– De Saussure (signifier, signified)
sign– something that stands in for something else
code– symbolic tools that are used to create meaning
dominant signifier– the main representative
anchorage– words that have an image to give context
signified– an idea which is summoned by the signifier
signifier– something which stands in for something else
Myth– the most apparent quantity of signification which disfigures the meaning by validating arbitrary cultural assumptions in a similar way to the denotative sign.
Radical– something which challenges dominant ideas.
Reactionary– dominant ideas which are confirmed by something
ideology– the reinforcement of codes which are congruent with structures of power
denotation– literal or basic meaning of a sign
connotation– the secondary cultural meaning of signs or “signifying signs,” which are then used as the signifiers for a secondary meaning.
paradigm – A collection of similar signs.
syntagm – The sequence which words have been put in to.
Feminist Critical Thinking– Laura Mulvey – male gaze
– Judith Butler – gender is performative
– Second wave of feminism
– Mulvey argued that movies are filmed in ways to satisfy masculine scopophilia
– Male gaze is where woman in the media are viewed by a heterosexual man and that the woman are represented as passive objects of male desire
– Gender identity is established through behaviour, meaning there is a possibility of constructing different genders via different behaviours
– Links to CSPs such as Score, Metroid, Tomb Raider
– 1st and 2nd wave feminism
Postcolonialism – The study of the effects of colonialism on cultures and societies
– Postcolonial theory has drawn on Marxist approaches
– Paul Gilroy
– Edward Said
– Franz Fanon
– Has 4 main themes being: cultural dominance, racism, quest for identity and inequality
Lasswell– Lasswell created a communication model describes an act communication by defining who said it, what was said, in what channel it was said, to whom it was said, and with what effect– It was created to analyse mass communication

Uses and Gratifications– The uses and gratification is a theory of mass communication that focuses on the needs, motives and gratifications of media users
– Katz, Gurevitch and Hass
– Claims audiences are active
– Helps understand why people use certain types of media, what needs they have to use them, and what gratifications do they get from using them
– People may watch the news for info, entertainment or self reassurance. Media companies profit off audience enjoyment and don’t care about race or gender only making money
– Page 10-11 of Mens Health shows both social and personal needs
‘ Knowledge about the world
‘ Self esteem/confidence
‘ Strengthen connection with family and friends
‘ Understanding of yourself
‘ Enjoyment
‘ Escapism
Lazarfeld– The concept of the ‘two-step flow of communication’ suggests that the flow of information and influence from the mass media to their audiences involves two steps: from the media to certain individuals (i.e., the opinion leaders) and from them to the public.
Stuart Hall– Stuart Hall suggested that media texts contain a variety of messages that are encoded (made/inserted) by producers and then decoded (understood) by audiences.– Hall proposed that audience members can play an active role in decoding messages as they rely on their own social contexts, and might be capable of changing messages themselves through collective action. In simpler terms, encoding/decoding is the translation of a message that is easily understood.
– He provides a framework for decoding messages either we:
‘ Accept the dominant message
‘ Negotiate the dominant message
‘ Reject the dominant message
The products we consume from the media is simply meaning an event has been interpreted. The event itself doesnt have a meaning until it is represented in the media and people find and create meaning. In simple terms what we see in the media is not necessarily what is happening but a representation of what some people may think
Henry Jenkins
George Gerbner– Cultivation theory = suggests people who are regularly exposed to the media for long periods of time are more likely to perceive the worlds social realities as they are presented by the media they consume, which in turn affects their attitude and behaviour
– ‘mean world syndrome’ – belief that the world is more brutal and violent than it really is
– Looks at effects of media on society and individuals in 1950s
– Media consumption leads audiences to accept mainstream ideologies (mainstreaming)

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