
What do I knowWhat meaning or understanding do you have of their idea- can you apply it to CSP’s
Noam Comsky
James Curran
Jean Seaton
Feminist Critical Thinking
Narrative TheoriesTodorov


Levi Strauss
Todorov 4 stages of narrative. Equilibrium, disruption, restore, new equilibrium.
relates to blinded by the light

Propp – characters in a narrative
The Donor (provider)
The Helper.
The Princess (a sought-for person)
The Hero.
The False Hero.

Levi Strauss- two main characters who are binary opposites, opposing main characters
GenreSteve Neale

Ed Buscombe
Steve Neales theory of repetition of difference, all genres contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the genre
Ed Buscombe notes that the ‘kind’ or ‘type’ of film is usually recognised “and largely determined by the nature of its conventions”. You can use genre to predict particular elements around: characterssettinglightingdialoguemusicsoundsmise-en-scene etc. Then should be able to elicit key characteristics (codes and conventions).
Industry and Businessvertical and horizontal integration
David Hesmondalgh
monopoly mergers
Political Compass
David Hesmondalgh said the media business is a risky business.
minimise risk, maximise profit. if a media product does well the concept will be used until it stops doing well.
relates to blinded by the light, independent film but the smaller studio is owned by warner bros, showing that media power has fallen into the hands of a few conglomerates.
Public Service BroadcastingPublic Service Broadcasting refers to broadcasting given to the public for entertainment or information free of charge, and is not created to make profits.
Commercial Media 
Capital is a public service broadcasting program from the BBC that satisfies the ethos being to inform, educate and entertain.

Public Service provides impartial news (equal), high programming standards, no need to make a profit so, they can tailor to many different interests with their different channels (Diversity, provide for everyone)

Germany also has PSB, relate it to deustchland 83
David GauntlettFluidity of Identity
Negotiated identity
Constructed identity
Collective identity
Gauntlett explores the idea that a persons identity is not fixed and is shaped based off their experiences or the media they consume

In Relation to Mens Health Having Vin Diesel in the magazine can help make a constructed identity as he can be seen as an opinion leader so readers may value the advice/articles in this magazine more than they would if he wasn’t there.
Lasswelllasswells model of communication
in 1927 wrote Propaganda Technique in the World War
Hypodermic model (passive consumption)
As Martin Moore notes, Lasswell: believed each government had ‘manipulated the mass media in order to justify its actions’ in World War 1 (2019:122). 
which focuses on “Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect”.
audience injected with media, passive consumers.
Lazarfeld in 1948 he developed the Two Step Flow model of communication.
 this theory suggests that the audience are ACTIVE NOT PASSIVE
Two step flow communication (active consumption)
Relate to mens health as CSP uses Vin Diesel (an Opinion leader to the target audience)
Uses and GratificationsKatz, Gurevitch and Haas (1973)
The uses and gratifications theory assumes the audience chooses what it wants to watch for five different reasons.
Information and Education
Information and Education
Personal Identity
Integration and social interaction
This theory recognises the decision making process in the audience themselves.
 explores our motivation to engage with texts. This information could help producers target their audience more effectively.
applied to mens health- Personal needs: understanding self, enjoyment
Social Needs- Confidence, self esteem
utopian possibility
Stuart HallHe worked at the Open University for a number of years, as a professer of sociology
He looks at Encoding, Decoding and how the media represent ideologies.
Hall’s work covers issues of hegemony and cultural studies, taking a post-Gramscian stance
‘He theorized that media texts contain a variety of messages that are encoded (made/inserted) by producers and then decoded (understood) by audiences. Therefore what we see is simply a ‘re-presentation’ of what producers want us to see.’ He said that a message must be decoded before

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