NEA statement of intent

For my statement of intent I will produce the front cover and a double page spread of a newspaper called ‘Jersey Local News’. My main story will be about a famous, Jersey born actor who is Living Large’ in New York. I will make two of my flyers about a party he is throwing and I will make one about the movie that will be coming out with him staring.

My newspaper will focus on soft news concerning popular culture in Jersey regarding a Jersey born celebrity returning. My article gives a libertarian view of the media, linking to Habermas theory of the public sphere and free liberal press as people have the option to debate and speak freely about the topic and the event being necessary, as does the writer.

This piece of work will link to representation as I will explore the different ways celebrities are represented through the media. David Gauntlet said that “the media does not create identities but reflects them instead” meaning that the targeted person in the situation creates their own identity however it exaggerates points. This is evident in my piece of work in the sense that my main story addresses a celebrity and his façade that he embodies He has a flash lifestyle and continues to portray that within his performance and general life.

My style model focuses on The Daily Mail newspaper in the sense that my double page spread will include the icon of pictures of the celebrity. The dominant signifier of the celebrity in action on the front page is also taken from The Daily Mail. My double page spread style model includes smaller icons on the right hand side of the page containing small headings saying where the photos were taken.

My design for both newspaper products will be completed on Adobe InDesign and my campaigns on Adobe photoshop. One flyer will be about the celebrity’s new movie coming out called The place of darkness’ another will be an advertisement of his party and the final one will advertising that there are tickets available to win.

newspaper NEA statment of intent

For my newspaper NEA I am going to produce the front cover of a local newspaper, called channel times.. This will be aimed at an audience of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area and reports on one of the following topics; the environment, economics, health, equality issues any other issue you feel would be of interest to your audience the story can be fiction as long as it is relevant too the topics.. i will use a story which is local as a way to ensure that it covers a large target audience of local people to jersye. for example my story will be on the students and their dificulty voting as the election in jersey is a significant event. For example, we have looked at the theory of the ‘liberal free press‘ through the writing of Jurgen Habermas, James Curran and Jean Seaton, which essentially positions newspapers as media forms produced to enable political discussion and civic involvement, or what Habermas calls ‘The Transformation of the Public Sphere‘.

for the actual production i will use InDesign to create my front page template and will use other programmes such as photoshop to create things such as the masthead to ensure that it is as to scale as possible the main body text will be typed out in word to eliminate the chances of spelling mistakes. the photos for the peices of work will al be original. i will use the i as a style model and will use it for the measurements of my paper. the style modle i will use wll be the i. it will consist of a half page immage and a list of interesting stories and thei pge numbers along the bottom as well as 2-3 ‘plugs’ down the side of the page. the main body will consist of 150-200 words.

Brief 2 Newspaper satement of intent

For this coursework i will be doing brief 2 and making a newspaper front cover being named channel island daily aiming at all ages interested in relevant story’s without a bais decision giving views from both sides i will be doing a story on gaming and if its good or bad

In terms of layout and design, I am going to follow the style model of our CSP – the i. This has a main image that takes up half the page alongside two ‘plugs’ or ‘ears’, that give insight to what stories are inside the paper, underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also include a masthead, barcode and other details like time, date, and price.

below my main image i will have the main body of text going into the story briefly talk about it with small story’s going down the left side with thumbnails as a design featured with a bold red masthead accompanied by the C.I.D logo i will create fake advertisement’s as well as logos and other small story’s to go on the front cover with main story

My front page will follow the classic look of a formal newspaper so will feature minimal graphology. I will use my knowledge of semiotics and audience theory and incorporate it into the design product in order to show I understand how different signs, codes and conventions are used to receive a specific response from the audience and grab attention. I intend to also use my knowledge of Chomsky’s, Livingston and Lunt’s, and Laswell’s theories and ideology

Brief one statement of intent

For the first brief I am going to create 3 campaign posters for my film called Hunted. This will be a short film about someone being hunted by an unknown thing and their escape. This will have a target audience of teenagers and adults due to the concept of fear being used as a main part within this short.

I will use Neale’s theory on Genre to guide me and grasp the concept of what genre means to an audience. I already know that Neale suggested each film had a genre such as horror or sci-fi and within those genres were similarities so the audience would know its a horror film or sci-fi film. His theory was based around repetition and differences in films. For example, horror films would be scary (repetition) but there would be different approaches to how the fear would be shared in films (differences). The genre theory is based around the audiences’ views and interests.

As one of the advertisement campaigns needs to be able to be on a bill board, I’m going to create a missing poster so the audience grasp the idea that people are vanishing due to this thing coincided with text over it that would write “Have you seen these boys?. This will give off an eerie affect to the audience and entice them to watch the program due to the minimal knowledge but the scratches ill put across the missing poster. In the corner it’ll have the Netflix logo to allow audiences to see whereabouts they can view this program.

The final 2 campaigns will be photos of characters with no context but the expression of the film being suggested through shadows and unable to see faces. It’ll have the name of the program and where to watch it. The mystery of it will entice the audience to watch it, especially those who like the concept of mystery.

Overall, the campaigns will be experimental of Neale’s genre theory to see if the mystery of the program will attract an audience.

I will use photoshop to help piece together my campaign.

For the film advertisement aspect of this brief i will interview a cast member about their journey within the film. This will be in the style of James Cordons Carpool Karaoke but instead of it being Karaoke it’ll be vising scenes used in the film and what that felt like for the actor themselves to be there filming. Questions like what the film is about will be asked to give the audience more of an understanding to this film and also behind the scenes for the actors perspective for film fanatics who want to gain a deeper understanding of what its like to be on set and working with directors. This will be edited using Adobe Premier Pro.