newspaper NEA statment of intent

For my newspaper NEA I am going to produce the front cover of a local newspaper, called channel times.. This will be aimed at an audience of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area and reports on one of the following topics; the environment, economics, health, equality issues any other issue you feel would be of interest to your audience the story can be fiction as long as it is relevant too the topics.. i will use a story which is local as a way to ensure that it covers a large target audience of local people to jersye. for example my story will be on the students and their dificulty voting as the election in jersey is a significant event. For example, we have looked at the theory of the ‘liberal free press‘ through the writing of Jurgen Habermas, James Curran and Jean Seaton, which essentially positions newspapers as media forms produced to enable political discussion and civic involvement, or what Habermas calls ‘The Transformation of the Public Sphere‘.

for the actual production i will use InDesign to create my front page template and will use other programmes such as photoshop to create things such as the masthead to ensure that it is as to scale as possible the main body text will be typed out in word to eliminate the chances of spelling mistakes. the photos for the peices of work will al be original. i will use the i as a style model and will use it for the measurements of my paper. the style modle i will use wll be the i. it will consist of a half page immage and a list of interesting stories and thei pge numbers along the bottom as well as 2-3 ‘plugs’ down the side of the page. the main body will consist of 150-200 words.

Brief 2 Newspaper satement of intent

For this coursework i will be doing brief 2 and making a newspaper front cover being named channel island daily aiming at all ages interested in relevant story’s without a bais decision giving views from both sides i will be doing a story on gaming and if its good or bad

In terms of layout and design, I am going to follow the style model of our CSP – the i. This has a main image that takes up half the page alongside two ‘plugs’ or ‘ears’, that give insight to what stories are inside the paper, underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also include a masthead, barcode and other details like time, date, and price.

below my main image i will have the main body of text going into the story briefly talk about it with small story’s going down the left side with thumbnails as a design featured with a bold red masthead accompanied by the C.I.D logo i will create fake advertisement’s as well as logos and other small story’s to go on the front cover with main story

My front page will follow the classic look of a formal newspaper so will feature minimal graphology. I will use my knowledge of semiotics and audience theory and incorporate it into the design product in order to show I understand how different signs, codes and conventions are used to receive a specific response from the audience and grab attention. I intend to also use my knowledge of Chomsky’s, Livingston and Lunt’s, and Laswell’s theories and ideology