
 Ideology can be defined as a collection of values and beliefs. To what extent do media products target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world?

Forms of media products create different views of the world to attempt to attract consumers and make profits. In this essay I am going to make arguments and statements towards the idea of media products constructing different views by referring to the Daily Mail and The i. As James Curran stated that, “Media enables viewers to plug into different views and perspectives” meaning he believes media products can construct different ideological views through the way newspapers are presented and designed to makes us believe everything it contains.

To begin, on page 6 of The Daily Mail it states, “Final parade was so British” which gives off the main idea about this newspaper being about the queens jubilee and being mostly aimed towards Britain. This displays the idea of the Daily Mail being more of a right wing newspaper because of its conservative views about economy. On the editorial page (page 18) the editor states, “Boris is right and Macron is wrong” this links to Habermas and the theory of the public sphere which is described as a place where citizens come together to exchange opinions, discuss and eventually form public opinion. Meaning, the editor has shown his opinion towards the war situation, which further links to the idea of newspapers constructing different views about the world and creating new beliefs. Habermas also states, “newspapers, letter and notes forged a consensus which shaped the direction of the state/country.” which further proves the theory of newspapers constructing different views. This is evident on the first page when it writes, “Slimmed-down Royal Family is revealed in Jubilee finale” This displays a slight Authoritarian view on Britain because the editor has used the word ‘revealed’ to try and make the family seem as they have been hidden away and have lesson freedom than other citizens. Noam Chomsky quotes that, “he who controls the media controls the mind of the public” meaning whoever controls the Daily Mail have an aim to try and ‘brainwash’ the public into following their beliefs and views.

However, in the newspaper The i they try to target audiences in a more liberal way by conveying there views in a more centrist political orientation meaning they are neither left or right wing. The i is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust and runs with one independent editor. Where as the Daily Mail clearly supports the conservative party. It quotes, “How long before Priti Patel makes it illegal to boo at someone we find offensive?” as you can see The i is openly criticising the conservative party – showing the liberal stance. The i is described as more of an Libertarian newspaper which means it includes different views towards political parties and freedom. On page 20 it states, “Thank you for saying what was needed to say” which proves my point of the newspaper aiming towards a more liberal view and being a left wing viewed newspaper. Also, on page 32 the newspaper shows more support towards the left wing view and freedom. This is evident, “Flying the flag with pride” meaning the newspaper can be described as a counter-opposite towards the Daily Mail because it doesn’t support the freedom of citizens as much as The i.

In conclusion, both The i and The Daily Mail target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world through many different ways such as, politics, freedom or opinions.

newspaper statement of intent

For my newspaper coursework I want to focus on voting specifically student voting. This newspaper will be based in jersey and called Local Island New and surrounding the issue of people 18 and below and the lack of information and facts shared with young people to be educated enough to feel able to vote. The overwhelming amount of voting posters around the island on who to vote for is not easy to miss, but do these young people know anything about these politicians?

I want to discuss strategies on how to educate these teenagers, and how these young people are encouraged to vote with little knowledge on the subject. That the lack of the student age populations participating in such decisions will harm democratic progress. The future of our island depends on these young people. It is more important for the island to gain votes from our future inhibiters and less input from older generations. I want to introduce theory’s from the course such as Habermas theory of democracy depends on a public which is informed, aware, and which debates the issues of the day. Additionally Jurgen Habermas, James Curran and Jean Seaton, who discuss positions newspapers as media forms produced to enable political discussion.

In terms of layout and design, my newspaper will have a main image (half page) with a headline stories from inside the newspaper, underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also have a masthead, barcode and other institutional details such as time, date, price etc. I will include also bright coloured adverts on the side to follow the design of most papers. My main image will include a student on their phone, conclusively showing that young people should be informed in ways such a social media or other online sources, as this is an easy source for them to get information on this subject. I also want to include a photo of a school environment to represent that there should be talks or lectures in school informing voters of age (16 and over) about the politicians running.

newspaper nea soi

The newspaper’s audience are people of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area.

In evaluation, I’m going to research current issues on climate change and how locally climate change in affecting Jersey, such as the high levels of lung cancer increasing due to the much larger volumes of granite in Jersey compared to the UK. I may take a photo of the sea wall or beach which can generally and easily relate to the main idea which is climate change. I might also be able to discuss ideas of theorist Noam Chomsky and how current reports of climate change may not be accurate and is creating an ideological world which support money making motives. The newspaper will help enable political discussion and civic involvement.

In terms of layout and design, I am going to follow the style model of our CSP (The i). This has a main image (half page) with two ‘plugs’ or ‘ears which are stories that are to be continued later into the paper, these are not to be as relevant as the main page but will maintain its contemporary and stylish look.

I want to create a newspaper front cover using Adobe InDesign that features local news for jersey that also relates to national and international – world – issues. I may also use photoshop to create certain detailed elements that will relate to the style of the newspaper cover.


Main header : Will current climate change issues effect our futures?

Human activity is the main cause of climate change. How can we locally prevent uses of fossil fuels to help prevent global warming and climate change? Alex Matthews investigates

Latest reports from a well respected university professor of ethics in London says that ‘Climate change is the defining problem of our time and we are at a defining moment and in dire need of revolution’

A devastating current world issue that faces people everyday is being forsaken, recent studies on climate change show that temperature levels are actively and constantly rising and are effecting all world’s climates. Specifically, in Jersey these temperature levels are effecting the work rate of Jersey employee’s and is causing workers to quit work that are based on working outside. Also, looking deeper into ideas on effective change and how to fix this world epidemic , but specifically in Jersey in this case, there has been recent voting’s being held in Jersey and looking at certain portfolios of some of the candidates, some of them seem to have an idea on how to solve climate change issues locally and how we can help prevent recent increases of fossil fuels accordingly.

newspaper statement of intent

I am going to produce a front page for my newspaper named CIP that has a target audience of any age who are intrigued in reading international and national news stories.

My newspaper front page is going to be about the Heathrow flight cancellations where 30 flights carrying over 5000 people have been cancelled due to technical issues affecting baggage. I will make links towards theorists such as Jurgen Habermas and James Curran.

For my layout I will have an inspiration of our CSP, The Daily Mail, which I will use as ideas to try and help me create my front page accurately. The front page will include features such as, heading, main image, strapline, masthead and other details. Underneath my main image I will include columns of information related to the main news. Also, I will have a body articles containing around 150 words.

Overall, my front page will be aesthetically pleasing, smooth, and tidy by using text styles such as Aldhabi. I will include the logo and name of my newspaper on the front page. I will create and edit my newspaper features through Adobe photoshop.

newpaper statement of intent

I will be creating a front page from a regional newspaper that will report the tragedy of the Manchester Bombing in 2017.

Newspapers all have different Political Compasses/Political bias, where the readers and audience also have those same political views. I intend on making my newspaper Libertarian left wing, as this will represent my political bias. As theorist James Curran said ‘Reflect a wide range of opinions and interests’, and this is exactly how I intend on my newspaper being.

I will make the main story about new evidence found about the bombing in Manchester at the Ariana concert. To do this, I will use a photograph I have taken recently at a concert, so I wont have to go out and take one. My newspaper will be called ‘The Manchester Daily’, where it reports everything going on in the city. I intend on having three minor ‘sneak peek’ stories at the top of the newspaper, where it shows off some stories in the rest of the newspaper. The headline of my main story will be ‘New evidence found for Manchester bombing 5 years ago.’ I chose it to be this because it is short and gives all the details needed to allow the audience to be interested in the story. I then intend on have the sub heading ‘Police say they found additional evidence from the terrorist attack at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017.’ This is because it gives extra information to help the audience and readers understand the story more. Finally, for my strapline, I intend on writing ‘We chat with policer officers to get their side of the story.’ This is because in the main story, I mention three different Police Officers, therefore having it in the strapline allows the readers to get an idea about what they are about to read.

To visualise the design and graphology, I will be following a style model- The I, where I will be able to follow a formal structure. I will have the picture, possibly two, with captions underneath explaining what was happening. Following my style model, I will but above the title ‘A Source of information you can trust + Manchester’s finest newspaper.’ I will import my own long shot photographs that I have taken into InDesign, where I can then adjust them to the size and area I would like them to go.

To write the body of the article, I will use Microsoft Word, and then I will import it into ‘InDesign‘, which will allow me to shape the body in an aesthetically pleasing way. To design my work, I will use photoshop.


Statement of Intent 

I intend to produce a front page of a newspaper with an audience are people of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area. My newspaper will be named “The Jersey Topic” and will comment on popular culture on the island of Jersey as well as hard news to do with politics, healthcare, and business etc. I imagine that this newspaper will present a relatively libertarian left wing political compass due to its heavy focus on humanity, culture and freedom over economics, business and politics. This links to Habermas’s ideas on the public sphere and how newspaper paved a way for creating a libertarian “arena of public debate” in which people had the freedom to express and discuss real world issues. I intend for this newspaper to “reflect a wide range of opinions and interests” (James Curran) 

The main story featured on the front cover will be how the Jersey Opera House has been closed since the beginning of 2020. In the report I will focus on how the government has neglected the historical building due to a disregard towards the cultural industries. I will use previous news reports on the issue to help influence my own. 

The headline for the front-page article will be “History left to ruin”. To accompany this, I will include two images of the building which highlight its abandonment as well as a subtitle which reads; “Abandoned culture neglected by lack of governmental support.” Following this will be a byline which reads: ‘By Charlie Dicker.’ As for layout and positioning, I will base my product on my style model, The Daily Mail newspaper (CSP) although I intend to include more copy/ ‘body’ text. The images I plan to include will be a long shot main image of the theatre building and then a close-up shot of the theatre logo, the caption on these photos will read; “Jersey Opera House, one of the islands most historical buildings, has been abandoned by the states”. To create my production, I intend to use a combination of ‘Adobe Photoshop’, ‘Microsoft Word’ (to write my copy) and ‘Adobe InDesign’. This will allow me to create the singular aspects to then compile it all together in one production piece. To create a realistic, professional newspaper design, I will include a series of ‘ears’ which link to other pages of the paper as well as a masthead, a barcode and columns for my body text. 

I will structure the article using the ‘inverted pyramid of journalism’ model which explores how audiences read and decode news articles. Firstly, I will include factual, newsworthy, interesting information e.g. ‘Who, what, where, how, when’ which gives the basic background. This should be featured first to engage the passive audience with facts and figures which they can be ‘fed’. Secondly, I will appeal to the active audience who will read further, through continuing with more detailed accounts by using quotes from secondary sources before rounding the article off to a conclusion. 

Having studied audience theories as well as theories on cultural institution, I will focus on the theory of Uses and Gratifications by Katz to link to the gratifications of consuming culture, in particular the theatre, as well as taking influence from David Hesmondhalgh’s theories on the creative industries and how creativity is a “risky business” which must be supported by certain strategies to reduce this risk. 

Newspaper statement of intent

I am going to produce a newspaper front cover for an audience of younger adults living in London who are interested in finding out what is happening around the area as well as across the country. I will make my main story about the train driver strikes and why and how long they will go on for. It will feature a picture of an overcrowded London underground tube station and a caption relating to the train station it was taken from.

In terms of layout and design I am going to follow the style model of The Daily Mail where there is a strip at the top with an advert, a syntagm of a main image with a strapline in big text beside it and then below a title and start of the story about tube strikes. I will use a british style colour palette of reds blue and white to show the support for nationalism. I will design my key elements in photoshop then use InDesign to create the other elements and put it together.


I want to create a newspaper front cover using Adobe InDesign that features local news for jersey. Mainly, I want the newspaper’s front cover to focus on the easyJet “crisis” wherein several employees were let go and the airline cannot handle the amount of flights that normally would be happening during peak travel season. Losing out on a lot of money and cancelling several flights since the start of June.

I want my design to follow a similar layout to popular newspapers such as The Daily Mail, where there is a main heading near the top of the page below the title with a picture underneath.


In recent months, EasyJet has cut 7% of the 160,000 flights it planned to run between July & September. Across the UK, hundreds of flights were cancelled during the week of the Platinum Jubilee alone, and concerns have been raised about travel during summer. EasyJet’s chief executive, Johan Lundgren, stated that the airline would normally operate around 160,000 flights throughout the summer months, and has apologised that EasyJet “had not been able to deliver the service” that customers” have come to expect from us” and that he expected the airline to be able to “re-accomodate” passengers. However, the airline has also been blaming issues such as staff shortages in airports and air traffic control delays.