Statement of intent Media Regulation

I intend to create posters based around freedom of speech online, how whilst people should have freedom of speech – there are boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed just because you are online and not speaking face to face. I want to focus on how freedom of speech can be both good and bad, and while freedom of speech is a good thing, there should be limits to what can be said online just as there are limits to what can be said in person. I also want to touch on that there should be consequences to what you say just as much online as there are with what you say in person. Furthermore, I want to focus on freedom of speech being regulated online more so than in person due to everything you say online being recorded whether you know it or not.

media regulation campaign statement of intent & posters

For this piece of work, I intend to create 2 posters to inform people about Twitter/Meta’s unique and sometimes corrupt algorithm which often unfairly promotes content based on the financial gain that twitter can get from it- as mentioned by Elon Musk in one of his many interviews after he announced his interest in the company. My Second flyer is going to convey a similar message but also highlight the underlying message that big tech corporations like Meta benefit and profit from users and so will often prioritize and promote the content that best benefits them, basically suppressing more wholesome/original/beneficial content.

Flyer 1
Flyer 2