a level coursework nea

For my coursework I’m going to pick brief 2, I will create a front page and a double-page spread from a regional newspaper reporting on a social and/or political issue of interest to its broad local audience.

My main article and campaign will focus on the Roe vs Wade abortion argument; court held that the interests were sufficiently compelling to permit states to impose some limitations on pregnant women’s right to choose to have an abortion. As such, I will be in support of feminist critical thinking as theorised by Judith Butler and Laura Mulvey, I will do this by focusing and sharing news about women’s rights, as Mulvey put forward, ‘In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects its phantasy on to the female form which is styled accordingly’.

Overall, my products will take up a pro-choice perspective. I realise that newspapers need to be balanced and impartial (Livingston and Lunt) but also recognise that different newspapers take up different ideological positions – as I found out when contrasting my newspaper CSP’s (The Daily Mail with The i). My products will primarily target an audience of young people (as per the brief), but I also recognise that newspapers must cater for all ages.

I am going to produce these products using Indesign. In terms of layout/design for the front cover and the double page, I will follow the style model of The Daily Mail. For my front cover I will use a main image of students protesting for abortion outside a school/university. This will have two ‘plugs‘ or ‘ears, underneath a strapline for. I will also have a mastheadbarcode and other institutional details (date, price etc). Underneath the main image, I will have the body article which will have approximately 150-200 words that will form the main article and be continued inside the paper on the double spread, this will be set out in columns, with a drop cap on the first letter of the first word. For the double page spread, I will include six further images including a main image that is different from the front-page. This main image will be of the hospital department. Overall, the paper will be clean and contemporary, this is to attract readers.

For my other half of brief 2, I will create three promotional flyers to raise awareness of the issue of the Roe vs Wade abortion argument featured in my newspaper task. The flyers are to be distributed to students in sixth forms and colleges. I aim for the flyers to engage young people in the issue and encourage the use of social media to raise awareness of abortion further, such as a coordinated hashtag: #ourbodyourchoice.

For the layout, I will use Adobe Photoshop. They will be laid out similarly, for example they will all be pink to suggest femininity, however, will focus on a different key aspect of the abortion issue. All 3 posters will include a dominant signifier of a person portraying a clear message to my audience.

Overall, I will aim to make my products along professional guidelines and aim to produce realistic and convincing media products.

Nea Coursework Statement of intent

For my Moving Image NEA (brief 1) I’m going to produce a three minute promotional video and three print products for a a new channel 4 series called ‘Culmination’. This will be aimed at an audience of young adults based in the UK who may relate to the contemporary issues which are depicted in the series.

I know that only 9.8% of young adults are unemployed and 148,000 young adults are homeless. As these number aren’t as significant as they have been in the past, a lack of representation in the contemporary media landscape doesn’t help spread awareness of the matter. Gerbeners Cultivation theory can be seen to further develop this idea as the theory suggests that the more time spent consuming media, specifically television, the more influence it will have.

Culmination depicts a young man who has recently been fired and evicted, with no where left to go he turns to a life of crime. Culmination would fit in to other channel 4 and All 4 series such as ‘The Inbetweeners’ as it would have a similar comedic sense, this would further target the demographic the series attempts to appeal to.

Young adults, especially those who have just finished university, find themselves fairly financially unstable, because of this they may find it easy to relate to the protagonist. If this furthers interest social media sites would likely be the main source of this as the target audience(of young adults 18-30) is seen to be heavy users of social media.

The three minute promotional video will feature a solo interview with the director of the series, during the interview clips will be shown on screen from the series in order to show the viewer more of what the show is about. Then a short scene from the series will be played, the short will act as a sneak peak in order to spark more attention/interest. My three print products will include two posters and a billboard, these products will follow the style model of the print products released for the Channel 4 movie ‘Trainspotting’. I chose Trainspotting as its print products have a very unique and recognisable style which is consistent across the three products and I aim to create something similar.

By following Stuart Hall’s Encoding/Decoding model my aim is to encode the short with messages which viewers may decode which will in turn uncover more about the series. I made the choice to use black and white to imply the message that the scene is from the past and the viewer is seeing the protagonists memories, this is made clearer in the series but the aim of this short is to not uncover too much before the release. Another message encoded in the short would be the difference in clothing between the boss and the protagonist, this implies to the viewer that the protagonist possibly doesn’t take his job seriously. The protagonists clothing is also seen to be similar to clothing deemed as fashionable within the target audience

A Level Coursework NEA – Statement of Intent

For my A level coursework I will be choosing brief 2, which contains a newspaper front cover and double page spread along with three flyers promoting said newspaper. I will base my newspaper on riots occurring in the Royal Square in Jersey due to the recent surge in price of fuel, as a result of the recent war in Ukraine. The broad nature of this real world issue will make it easier for a larger audience who will be affected to relate to the newspaper, and in turn this will link to the idea that the audience are actively consuming the product, as Paul Lazarfelt depicted.

My NEA will have additional theoretical underpinning, relating to the theories of semiotics. The dominant signifier in my paper (main image) will be a fuel meter which will be itself very reactionary, as it shows the recently increasing price which many of the audience will relate to. In addition, the anchorage will be written and described from a customer viewpoint with negative vocabulary towards the recent price increase, in order to try and intertwine with the dominant ideology of the target audience that the prices of fuel should not be this high. Furthermore, on the double page spread I will elaborate on the timeline of fuel prices and why they have increased as of late, which will allow me to use Todorov’s theory of a beginning, middle and end. I will also be able to use business/institutional vocabulary here.

I will be following a style model of one of our main CSPs, the Daily Mail. In this CSP the page has a main image taking up around half of the page. It will all be underneath a masthead for the paper, and it will also include other standard institutional features such as a price, barcode, and date/time. I will design my key elements in Photoshop. I will write my body copy on the blog and use InDesign to create the other elements and to put it all together.

As well as my front cover/double page spread of my newspaper, I will also be creating three promotional flyers around the issue with fuel prices. My three flyers will be around different aspects of the campaign, with one being about how people should switch to electric cars to help the environment, urging impressionable people such as teenagers to try and reduce emissions this flyer will have two original images, being an electric car charging station and a petrol pump. In addition, my second flyer will be around the idea of students at 6th forms giving lifts to others, to save petrol with the massively increasing prices at the moment. This flyer will have original images, such as stick men asking for lifts with language similar to that of an average sixth from student in order to help my target audience resonate with the product, and a picture of current fuel prices in Jersey at St. Ouen’s Motor Works which my audience will be familiar with and relate to. My final flyer will be about how you can save money by not even buying pricey petrol, and using other forms of transport instead to not only protect the environment, but also undertake physical exercise. The original images used here will be cartoon versions of a car and bike, which I will put together in illustrator and a cross and tick mark overlaid on them, made in photoshop. My flyers will have a coordinated hashtag at the bottom – #GoGreen to try and encourage interactivity and the sharing of information via social media, and I will use similar fonts, colours and layout/spacing to keep my unique flyers recognisable as a unified campaign.

A Level Coursework NEA

Coursework Selection

Statement Of Intent

For my newspaper NEA coursework, I am going to focus on the significant issues surrounding personal information theft. I will base my product on a real life modern newspaper style model, The Daily Mail. I like the design of the front cover as well as the layout of the double spread of pages 8 and 9. I feel that I will be able to replicate it to an effective degree.

The story I am going to cover will be how numerous social media platforms subtly make users consent to sharing data with them, and then proceed to make a profit from it by selling it to governments who will pay a very large sum of money for it. As this is an actual rising concern around the world, I can safely consider it a suitable headline topic for a newspaper.

My front cover will be a replica of numerous Daily Mail examples, all of which include the same masthead and large colourful banner just underneath the masthead. The price and issue date will also be featured. The banner features giant text and a large image to supplement. The story shown on my banner will not be related to my main topic and will be featured on a different page. Underneath this, my main story title, image and text will feature. The title will be supported by a subheading explaining the backstory in brief. Next to this will be. the main image which has clear relevance to the story. Main body text will begin with a drop cap, a common feature on almost all modern newspapers, and will end with “Continued on page 2” leading to the double page spread. The very bottom of my front cover will feature a barcode and a much smaller banner showing some other stories featured in the newspaper and which page they are on.

My double page spread will be an almost exact copy of pages 8 and 9 from a specific issue of The Daily Mail. Monday, June 6th 2022. This was the issue for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Page 8 features a main title, images of celebrities partying alongside the public and text to accompany. My product will follow the same layout, with the captioned images being placed central and text either side. Underneath the images, I will place a chart showing the total numbers of social media users over the last decade. This will help the reader understand the seriousness of the issues my story presents. The pages feature a very interesting header that I am going to include in my product. Page 9 of the spread shows a photo report of Prince George’s antics in the Royal Box. A majority of the page is taken up by five main images with captions. A small body of text is featured in the central bottom portion of the page. I am also going to feature a photo report on my second page, however it will be from my school’s Sports Day from the end of last term. As I am also a Photography student and was asked by the school to take these images, they will all be original.

For my promotional flyers, I am going to use a style model for my first of three, then use my own creativity for the second and third flyers. My style model will be from Jersey’s 2022 Children’s Day, an annual event ran by the Government to promote the wellbeing of the island’s youth. I chose to use this as it was the one that caught my eye from the examples we were provided with. My three flyers will all be the exact same size.

Print Product 1

My Product

Print Product 2

Print Product 3

A Level coursework NEA

I am doing Brief 2 for my coursework, for my Newspaper and campaign posters NEA, I am going to highlight a Key Theory: Hegemony. Gramsci says that Cultural hegemony refers to domination or rule maintained through ideological or cultural means. It is usually achieved through social institutions, which allow those in power to strongly influence the values, norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behaviour of the rest of society. Politicians for example Boris Johnson from the conservative party – who is a right wing member – can be described as hegemonic as he is dominant, class-ruling and is a power-holder. I want show the power of politicians and how they can abuse that power which then leaves those who are not privileged at a disadvantage. My newspaper will be done after my campaign posters. My newspaper will be a Left-Wing newspaper because it will support ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism. My Newspaper will be put together using InDesign but all body text will be written elsewhere – word. There will be colour on the image and also colour on selected text boxes, along the footer. The colours used that aren’t on the images will be: blues, purples pinks. On the front cover, the headlining story will be about Boris Johnson deciding to abolish the Human Rights Act leaving Millions of British people devastated and wondering what it means for them. The double-page spread will have the front cover story continued. The double-page spread will also include the voice of the people. British citizens will have their say and it will be included unlike the government who are trying to exclude the people and strip them of their Human Rights.

My campaign posters will be campaigning against the abolition of the Human Rights Act in the United Kingdom. It will also briefly touch on feminism and women’s rights. I am going to use a couple ideas for my style model and they will be below. The campaign posters will be made on photoshop and won’t include large amounts of text and will have eye-catching illustrations to present the important message of protection of human rights of the British people.

● The ideologies of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral,
and social institutions (like the education system and the media).
● These institutions socialise people into accepting the norms, values and beliefs of the dominant social
● As a result, oppressed groups believe that the social and economic conditions of society are natural and
inevitable, rather than created by the dominant group.

a level coursework (nea)

(PART 1)

For m NEA gaming blog page i am going to create the homepage and two further pages of a gaming blog site. it will have the latest news of what is going on in the gaming world and the anime industry and how they are affected by covid and illneses and set backs that we have faced in the recent years.

The target audience for the blog is people interested in gaming and those that are of the ages of 12 and up to 18 within my blog i will link in YouTube videos like feminist frequency and their ideas of gaming in the female gaze and the make gaze

Your site should offer your audience gratifications based on interaction and/or participation in some way. it will have a blog post section so people can talk about their favourite anime and games and then making an interactive area where people alike can speak and talk with each other.

for my style models i have looked at kotaku and wolfs gaming blog and some of my blog has some features that are similar to those sites

My Website for My course work


my blog logo that i made –

(PART 2)

for my YouTube video i have written my script in advance for my video so that way i know what i need to say and in what order

Hello gamers and Weebs alike! 

Today we are going to be discussing the new and upcoming games and anime 

So, for our gamers we have the return of the classic run and gun action game cup head! 

 With its newest DLC cup head delicious last course the return of this classic run and gun action game with extra content for all you players who like the run and gun theme its popularity caused it to get a show on Netflix called the cup head show! the series draws upon the touchstone’s of 1930s cartoons in the way it has made this is a game for those who enjoy those types of games this is out now for purchase 

Next on our list we have a game that is a puzzle adventure game Stray! 

We as the character follows the story of a stray cat who falls into a world populated by robots, machines and viruses and sets out to return to his family. And we play as the cat completing these puzzles the game releases this summer 2022 

Moving on we have a first-person shooter overwatch 2! 

This game consists of two teams that pick a character out of the long roster that consists of thirty-two characters you can play with all their own unique abilities and with a range of cosmetics within the battle pass which means as you play you will gain rewards as you play! The game has an ongoing beta on right now and the release date will be October 4, 2022 

Moving into our Anime now!  

We have the new dragon ball movie coming out on august the 19th this year it follows the story of the Red Ribbon army as we find out they have survived after son Goku defeating them and collecting the dragon balls. Those who remained re-created the organisation the Individuals who carry on its spirit have created the ultimate androids — Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. However, these two androids call themselves superheroes and start attacking Piccolo and Gohan. And go after the heroes of the world after defeating the biological android after trying to collect strong fighters to become stronger as well as trying to take android 17 & 18 so he could become a higher lifeform and evolve to become perfected cell. 

Moving on we have a HUGE comeback after it was presumed finished after the creator Kentaro Miura sadly passed last year and the manga was left unfinished after the creator had passed although luckily Kentaro Miura had told his friend how it was going to continue from start to finish so his friend will be continuing the story. 

For our last anime we have the return of Hunter X Hunter the Tweet from Togashi came our early in the morning on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, confirming the development of 4 new chapters for the creator’s hit manga series Hunter x Hunter, which as of November 2021 sold more than 79 million copies worldwide the four year hiatus has officially ended after stopping and starting  due to the creators long standing health issues but hopefully we will see these chapters very soon. 

And that concludes our information for this episode! Let me know about what you think about the new movie and the new games. 

for my video idea my style model will be “The daily Fix by IGN” this is a game blog that talks about the latest gaming news and things like that. things that relate to gaming in any way they cover it

End title card –

Start title card –

A level coursework NEA

Set brief 2

For my newspaper coursework I want to focus on the Roe vs Wade This newspaper will be a feminist pro-choice based in America and called Fem Talk News and surrounding the issue of Male dominance and extremist Christians in the supreme court. I intend to have a modern ‘Gen Z’ effect to my paper as newspapers are not main source of news for younger generations but simultaneously attract older generations to extensively cover all age grounds to educate people on the current world we live in and the tragic reality. Many other issues surrounding the astounding decision on female bodies. Back street abortions, non-safe abortions and abandoned babies. I want to discuss the happenings of pre Roe vs Wade (-1973) and the reprocushions of that, deaths, abandonment and embarrassment. I intend to incorporate Laura Mulvey’s ‘feminist critical thinking’ , her theory explored how the “male-gaze” as she observed that the industry was dominated by men who, inevitably, constructed representations of women from a masculine point of view. Furthermore, feminist critical thinking and post colonialism. Additionally, It is the men In power, and supreme court who believe in freedom and empowering women, but at the same time stripping away their right to choose and protect themselves.

I want to discuss strategies on how to educate teenagers, and how these young people are encouraged to vote for politicians who have harmful intentions, notably its not ‘harmful’ in their own eyes and they are entitled to their own beliefs, but to force these extremist opinions on women and their choices is not humane. I will incorporate historical context into my article to back up my view. I will also discuss people’s personal experiences with this fight for freedom. I will additionally discus how America is metaphorically moving backwards in terms of their new emerging pleas to outlaw gay marriage and ban contraceptives. Quotes I will use include from supreme court members.

”If she’s able to bleed she’s ready to breed”.

”Our country’s foetuses will be as safe as our children in the classroom”. Too add 948 school shootings have taken place since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, proving that maybe these foetuses are not safe in their classrooms.

”I trust our proud females of America to control the man ejaculating inside of her”.

”A man doesn’t just rape a women, she’s discreetly begging for it”.

Livingstone and Lunt argue that the interests of citizens and those of consumers cannot be easily reconciled. This suggests that there is an increasing tendency in recent UK regulation policy to place the interests of consumers above those of citizens. This is something I would like to change, instead of giving people information they want such as what Kylie Jenner had for her breakfast or what Harry Styles does to rewind in the evening, I want to give people what they need. That is to inform and teach them of these recent happenings in the court of law, and what this means for millions of women in the US. Instead of it being a positive aesthetic throughout the paper it will be revealing the honest truth and future we will live in, if these laws are kept intact. The harsh truth of abandonment, pain and death women have been completely abandoned by their country.

In terms of layout and design, my newspaper will have a main image (half page) with a headline stories from inside the newspaper, underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also have a masthead, and other institutional details such as time, date, price etc. My main image will include an image that captures the result of these rulings and the effect on young women. My headline will be striking and completely highlight the subject and will be not hard to miss.

In terms of my flyers I want them to be brightly coloured and easy to follow. They will have sponcers to support the cause. The key focus of each poster will be different one will have a challenge such as an Instagram challenge then one will be a hashtag challenge to attempt to start a trend, and finally a donate to help women in need, effected by the new laws.

a level course work nea

Statement of Intent

For my production I am going to create a newspaper that will be based on various style models and follow a sleek and modern design that should be easy and enjoyable to please its target audience. The story that the production is going to follow will be based on a popular world issue of climate change. I will also create 3 posters that will relate to the newspaper production.

I will investigate what it takes to produce a professional newspaper and how they are set up to entice readers. I will research climate change to generate a believable and respectable report for the content of the newspaper product.

The newspaper’s audience are people of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area. I am going to replicate modern newspapers and their structure and make a newspaper named ‘Jersey National Report’ shorted into an acronym of just ‘J’ to sit alongside the side of the paper. This anchor will be dominant and professional.

In evaluation, I know that current battles for climate change is an ongoing issue globally as well as locally in Jersey and specifically in the UK, this will make it broader and easier to generate information for my newspaper and will be relevant. This will also make it easier to generate an original photo due to the very broad nature of the subject. I’m going to research current issues on climate change and how locally, climate change is affecting Jersey, such as the high levels of lung cancer increasing due to the much larger volumes of granite in Jersey compared to the UK. I may take a photo of the sea wall, beach or just the general landscape, then explaining how there has been weather change due to the nature of climate change. I might also be able to discuss ideas of theorist Noam Chomsky and how current reports of climate change may not be accurate and is creating an ideological world which support money making motives. The newspaper will help enable political discussion and civic involvement. The information provided in the newspaper may also be mostly fictional but will contain stats that will be realistic to real world issues. The newspaper may also target false hegemony and ideologies as a tool to prove that the issue is undervalued.

The flyers will raise awareness of climate change and will be distributed to students in sixth forms and colleges, meaning it will be a target audience of students and younger audiences, perhaps being different to the newspaper which has an intent to appeal to all ages as an intent for freedom of information on important world issues.

In terms of layout and design, I am going to follow the style model of our CSP (The i). This has a main image (half page) with two ‘plugs’ or ‘ears’ which are stories that are to be continued later into the paper, these are not to be as relevant as the main page but will maintain its contemporary and stylish look. I may also include a dominant and stylish masthead that will maintain the professional look of the paper. I will also continue to maintain a professional look to the rest of the paper by keeping a house style of my choosing and not use too many different fonts or styles to keep this look.

I will create a newspaper front cover using Adobe InDesign as well as a double page spread that continues the story that features local news for Jersey that also relates to national and international – world – issues. I may also use photoshop to create certain detailed elements that will relate to the style of the newspaper cover.

Front cover:

Double page spread:

Flyer 1:

Flyer 2:

Flyer 3



Statement of intent

I intend to create a website which targets an audience who are interested in action films and TV series, the website will allow users to see professionally written reviews on the newest films. The website will have a podcast linked, where users can hear a playback of a live radio show where we review certain films/TV series.

I’m looking for my website to be dark, minimalistic, and simple with a focus on the physical elements like photos and teasers from my films “John Wick 4” and “Undercover”. The website will utilise dark red text upon a dark background to attract the reader’s attention towards the main, useful information. This creates a code that the film included follows a dark and aggressive setting, this helps the user understand the film types and genres. I will have a home page, a gallery page, a review page.

The home page will be a general overview of the newest released film and display a small amount of information along with a link to a full review, which viewers will be greeted with upon opening the website. The home page will follow the same colour scheme with a navigation bar to locate the other pages which are linked within the website, like the gallery and reviews. The featured photos will flow into other featured photos to create a rotating news board of links to reviews of films and actors.

The gallery will be to display key posters and photos from my included films and actors, these being the John Wick, Undercover and 1916, along with actors Alex Henry, Jayden Bourne, Kai Dorgan and Harry Ibbotson. I intend to do this as it displays the type of audience I plan to target within my website, this being those that are interested in action films. The photos will take up most of the page and allow the users to create their own opinion and idea about the featured actors/films.

The reviews page will be a page that displays written reviews by a professional about the featured actors and films. The page will include a “quick view” star system in case users don’t want to read the accompanied full written review. If they do, the reviews will be quick and precise with a conclusion and recommendation.

Instagram Gallery:


For my chosen coursework I am going to create a front page and double-page spread reporting about the recent war crimes and news about the invasion of Ukraine. This will be aimed towards all ages who are interested in learning about the current situation going on in Ukraine and Russia. Since the end of February Ukraine has been under invasion by Russia where many people have been killed so I will make this my main story. I can try to link my work to different theorists and theories from people such as, Jurgen Habermas, Jean Seaton and James Curren which can all be linked towards the production of a newspaper. The company name of the newspaper will be ‘Ukraine Star’ to display to the audience where the newspaper is located. My main headline is going to be related to the story of the Russians leaving snake island, with other headline ideas being the incident in Donetsk and invasion of Kremenchuk mall.

Also, for my promotional flyers I am going to raise awareness towards the invasion of Ukraine by displaying a lot of information and advice. I will include 3 or more images which will appeal to my target audience and create the appropriate layout for a classic flyer layout. I will make the main colours of the flyers to do with the flag of Ukraine being the colours blue and yellow. I will also try include some features from a newspaper such as, captions, headline and quotes. I will follow style models to give me inspiration when creating my flyer to make sure they are the best quality possible.

For my layout and features throughout the paper I am going to include, title, masthead, date, headline, by-line, 6-8 images (spread throughout all 3 pages). I will layout my newspaper in a similar way as Kyiv Post which is a newspaper based in the main area of invasion, Kyiv. My double page spread will include other headlines to do with the Ukraine invasion to keep the same theme throughout the pages.

Overall, the paper will include many columns of information about the invasion and images displaying the situation. I will follow the inverted pyramid structure when creating my newspaper to try and make the best outcome possible. If I need to edit anything I will do this in Adobe Photoshop to create any key elements needed but my main editing software being Adobe InDesign to create the newspaper.