A level coursework NEA

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For my newspaper coursework I want to focus on the Roe vs Wade This newspaper will be a feminist pro-choice based in America and called Fem Talk News and surrounding the issue of Male dominance and extremist Christians in the supreme court. I intend to have a modern ‘Gen Z’ effect to my paper as newspapers are not main source of news for younger generations but simultaneously attract older generations to extensively cover all age grounds to educate people on the current world we live in and the tragic reality. Many other issues surrounding the astounding decision on female bodies. Back street abortions, non-safe abortions and abandoned babies. I want to discuss the happenings of pre Roe vs Wade (-1973) and the reprocushions of that, deaths, abandonment and embarrassment. I intend to incorporate Laura Mulvey’s ‘feminist critical thinking’ , her theory explored how the “male-gaze” as she observed that the industry was dominated by men who, inevitably, constructed representations of women from a masculine point of view. Furthermore, feminist critical thinking and post colonialism. Additionally, It is the men In power, and supreme court who believe in freedom and empowering women, but at the same time stripping away their right to choose and protect themselves.

I want to discuss strategies on how to educate teenagers, and how these young people are encouraged to vote for politicians who have harmful intentions, notably its not ‘harmful’ in their own eyes and they are entitled to their own beliefs, but to force these extremist opinions on women and their choices is not humane. I will incorporate historical context into my article to back up my view. I will also discuss people’s personal experiences with this fight for freedom. I will additionally discus how America is metaphorically moving backwards in terms of their new emerging pleas to outlaw gay marriage and ban contraceptives. Quotes I will use include from supreme court members.

”If she’s able to bleed she’s ready to breed”.

”Our country’s foetuses will be as safe as our children in the classroom”. Too add 948 school shootings have taken place since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, proving that maybe these foetuses are not safe in their classrooms.

”I trust our proud females of America to control the man ejaculating inside of her”.

”A man doesn’t just rape a women, she’s discreetly begging for it”.

Livingstone and Lunt argue that the interests of citizens and those of consumers cannot be easily reconciled. This suggests that there is an increasing tendency in recent UK regulation policy to place the interests of consumers above those of citizens. This is something I would like to change, instead of giving people information they want such as what Kylie Jenner had for her breakfast or what Harry Styles does to rewind in the evening, I want to give people what they need. That is to inform and teach them of these recent happenings in the court of law, and what this means for millions of women in the US. Instead of it being a positive aesthetic throughout the paper it will be revealing the honest truth and future we will live in, if these laws are kept intact. The harsh truth of abandonment, pain and death women have been completely abandoned by their country.

In terms of layout and design, my newspaper will have a main image (half page) with a headline stories from inside the newspaper, underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also have a masthead, and other institutional details such as time, date, price etc. My main image will include an image that captures the result of these rulings and the effect on young women. My headline will be striking and completely highlight the subject and will be not hard to miss.

In terms of my flyers I want them to be brightly coloured and easy to follow. They will have sponcers to support the cause. The key focus of each poster will be different one will have a challenge such as an Instagram challenge then one will be a hashtag challenge to attempt to start a trend, and finally a donate to help women in need, effected by the new laws.

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