Statement of Intent: A-Level coursework

For my A Level coursework NEA, I intend to create a homepage and three further pages of a film news and review site. The demographic for my media product will be both males and females in their 20s who have an enthusiastic interest in both film and film analysis.

My audience could be described as left-leaning, opinionated, and free-spirited. Emanuel H. Demby’s psychographic theory applies here, as my target audience is generally laid back with strong opinions on things relating to pop culture. The opinionated nature of my articles and their focus on gender, race, and sex will appeal to this type of demographic due to the interests of young people in the modern era. This is where my articles will link to Judith Butler’s gender theory, exploring how gender is constructed in films, and the way gender representation has changed over time.

My website will act as an opinion leader for movies using Lazarfeld’s two-step flow theory to promote their movie. Readers of my website will be more likely to watch certain movies if I have rated them highly in my reviews, because my website acts as an opinion leader for those readers. In terms of promoting my website, I will be using social media, particularly Instagram, to try and build an audience. My 8 Instagram posts will contain a link to my website, so my followers on Instagram have easy access to my reviews.

The style of my website is also incredibly important. My homepage will be aesthetically pleasing, with a dark, clean colour scheme. I will have a dark red banner stretching across the top of my website, and the background beneath it will fade slowly downwards from red to black. In the banner, I will have my website logo and name in the top left, a search bar in the middle, and my page names in the top right. My style will be bold and colourful, with a retro aesthetic. My logo is 50s star Marilyn Monroe, and the background of my banner is many icons from the 90s. Below this banner, I will have my posts where I go in-detail talking about some movies I’ve been watching. Under this, I will have a section called ‘movies I can’t stop watching’ where I will do short reviews on some of my favourite movies.

I plan to also have a page called ‘My Movie Diary’ (influenced by formats such as Letterboxd) where I log all the movies I’ve watched each month. I also include a rating out of 5 stars. Logging movies in this way gives people a greater understanding of my movie taste and increases interest among Letterboxd users who come across my website.

Finally, I will have an ‘about’ page where I explain a little bit about myself, and I will have a contact page, in case anyone needs to contact me.

My articles will review some classic movies, and talking specifically about their views on gender, race, and sexuality. This is where I am going to be further implementing feminist critical thinking, talking about feminist theories such as Laura Mulvey’s ‘Male Gaze’ theory. This aspect of my articles will likely appeal to female readers, as well as male readers, who have strong left-leaning views.

In terms of representation, I will try to talk about some lesser-known indie movies as well as big-budget mainstream movies. This will appeal to a wide range of audiences whilst also giving balanced representation. Movies which have interesting and progressive things to say about gender, race, or sex are also more likely to have articles written on them.

A level statement of intent nea

For my A-level coursework I will be exploiting multiple different key media theories such as, feminist critical thinking, post colonialism and representation for the content and main body texts of the newspaper and also using my knowledge of semiotics and audience theories incorporated into the design and layout of the product to show how i understand how different signs, codes and conventions are used to present a specific response from the audience and grab attention. Some more specific sub theories i will include are:

The 5 filters of the mass media machine: Chomsky To produce money to cover the cost of production and distribution of Media through advertisement and sponsors.

Regulation: Linvingstone and Lunt argue that the interests of citizens and those of consumers cannot be easily reconciled. This suggests that there is an increasing tendency in recent UK regulation policy to place the interests of consumers above those of citizens. 

Hypodermic model (passive consumption)Lasswell 1927:  in which the SENDER is transferring a MESSAGE, through a MEDIUM (eg Print, radio, TV, etc) that has a direct effect on the RECEIVER. OR WHO, SAYS WHAT, THROUGH WHAT CHANNEL, TO WHOM, TO WHAT EFFECT. ————————————

etc, I aim to subtly use my knowledge of these theories to produce some content that takes advantage of them – and therefore can produce a product as close to the actual thing as possible

My story is surrounding civil rights throughout the paper and the different impacts it has on the people surrounded by the many different areas it affects.

I will be using two different newspapers as a style model to analyse features used by newspapers on a wider variety and incorporate fitting conventions to create a more realistic product to work with.

A level course work (nea)

For my A level coursework I am going to choose Brief 2 where I will create a front page and a double-page spread from a regional newspaper where it reports the political issues that interests my broad local audience. My story will target the local area I am trying to approach. The newspaper’s audience usually attracts what is happening around the world, equality issues and politics. For my leading story that will be on the front page and continued on the inside I would like to create a story that will interest my audience to want to read more. My leading story will be about the issues of covid and its impact on society, my pages will feature different layouts and design features but will be recognisable towards the same publication through the application of a house style that is common across all pages.

As I will be talking about the impact on covid and how it has changed from time and how covid may reaching out again. My key theorists will be Curran and Seaton, that is about the effects on media content and Livingstone and Lunt where the global nature of the net and the volume of material uploaded make effective regulation very difficult. New technology might open up the media to democratising forces and the development of new communities, but it is also open to potential abuse. I would like to share the news to my audience about how covid made a huge impact in people’s lives and still is. This will include how covid has impacted in many jobs such as actors and news reporters. This is because some Jobs have had difficulty in maintaining social distancing, therefore struggling to earn their royalties. I will also talk about the death rate still raising till this day. Although covid hasn’t been forgotten recently, it still does exist. It is possible to say that it has been predicted that we will have another strong force of covid impacting the world again where it will be more dangerous than it was before, however it hasn’t hit yet.

I would like to present my front page with a strong title so that my audience knows who it targets and creates the impact towards society. I will follow the style of the daily mail as I think it has a good layout of text and pictures. My style model for the double page will also include the same topic but with supplementary reports linked to the main story. This clarifying, stories to do with the queen and politics that could potentially link to covid. I will most likely talk about the queen getting covid as she was very old and family members and the public where getting very worried on my double page spread.

Overall, I want the public to know the impacts on covid and make sure they are up to date in the latest news of covid as it hasn’t been spoken about much recently as it is quite hard to get it now as many people in the world have caught it before.


Brief 2:

For my coursework, I will be creating a newspaper with a front page and a double-page spread, and will be reporting about the top stories and news fairly recent to when I’m creating it. My audience will be people of all ages living in my region.

For my front page, I want to write about the top stories and news in jersey, such as “petrol prices rising near to £2 a litre”, as many people in jersey have cars and are being affected by the current situation, making it related to them. I will also include “Covid-19 cases surging 59% in a week”. These pages of the newspaper will be based on big newspapers such as Daily mail, The I or the guardian. I will be linking this to the key audience theory involving the hypodermic model and the passive consumption that newspapers have towards the public audience.

Style Model:

Newspaper headlines: 'Caution as pupils return' and 'Meghan speaks out' -  BBC News
Daily Mail make another big Arsenal issue out of nothing


Set Brief 6


  1. outline the brief ie what are you doing (40 words)
  2. outline what theoretical ideas or concepts you are looking to investigate as part of your coursework production (write 150 words)
  3. write down technical words associated with web design and YouTube video production eg menu, drop downs, link buttons, home pages and header, footer and side bar etc etc (use 12 key words – put them in bold and write about 100 words)
  4. Make reference to the technologies (20 words)
  5. Make it clear what the style, look, feel etc of your productions are eg it is going to be modern and funky or it will be dark and gloomy etc etc

Product 1:

Product 2:

Statement of Intent:

I will be making a gaming website based around Rust the video game

My website will give a reactionary (as opposed to radical) representation of a gaming web site. In other words, I will produce a site for my audience of experienced or starting-up gamers with a website that follows generic media codes used within the industry and I want to follow these dominant codes in my product. In that sense I am following the ideas put forward by Steve Neale who writes about audience expectations – that audience want ‘familiarity’ (ie the same thing) but with some ‘difference’ or slight changes.

As such, I am going to have a horizonal menu on the website to navigate through all pages. Below the header I am going to credit myself and all social media links will be in the footer. I am going to make sure I have a clear house style across all pages with some being slightly different.

To construct the site I am going to be using Notepad as my text editor and to make the visuals for the website, I will be using OBS on my PC for all footage and recordings of the game and using Premiere Pro to edit the footage together. The footage will include animations at the start of every video to make it consistent and I will use cuts throughout the video as well as speed up parts to keep the audience engaged with the video. I have also made sure to make the videos short and helpful so the audience doesn’t click off.

My style model is ( Therefore, my website will be dark but modern. My style model has all the important information such as the title, logo, and menu at the top I will follow this idea. My style model also only uses one type of font, I will follow this but use a different font type. The website also has images below every body text, but I will adapt this and put the images below the heading so that the audience has a clear idea of what they are going to read. The website also has multiple links going to other websites within the body text, I will do this too. The websites colour pallet consists of white, gray and black, I will follow this too but use the colours white, dark gray and light gray. It will follow conventional audience expectations of a gaming blog site.

In terms of theory, my website will follow Katz and Gurevitch & Hass’s theory where they talk about uses and gratification, the first idea will be that the audience is seeking information and facts about the video game Rust. The next idea will reinforce the audiences own values and beliefs, the website will have facts about the game which may reinforce their own beliefs and idea’s of the game. The third website is about personal relationships where the media will create a relationship with the audience this is done through the images I will be using on my website of the game. Finally, diversion, my website will provide a sense of escapism as its based on fiction, however you can relate the game to real life scenarios and that is what I will do with my website.

For my second product I will be making a 3 minute gaming video on my selected video game, Rust, I will be doing a challenge video of whereby I have people from across North and South America compete in a tournament where the goal is to win by killing the other players in the tournament, the tournament will be done in rounds whereby everyone will fight everyone once until the last 2 with the highest wins will fight each other for the final match where the prize is Rust Skins which has a real life value to them in money. I will be interviewing all of the contestants with 3 people competing for the prizes. I will then use a range of shots to capture what is happening in the video game.

To construct the challenge video I will be using OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) to record what is happening on my screen and then using Premiere Pro for cutting up and manging audio levels for the video and then After Effects to apply that VFX needed. I will be publishing it on YouTube for anyone to see it. In my video I will be using an opening shot of scenery in the game to show the audience that the game I am playing is the same game I used in the title of my video. I am then going to interview them one by one in-game, with transitioning to the next question by using a light leak transition. I am going to be playing music in the background of all of this to kill the silence and engage the viewer into the video with certain genres fitting certain scenes of the video. For example I will be using an upbeat rhythm song for the part of where the contestants fight each other, as the game is intense due to the cash prize, so I am going to pick music to match the mood. In the video I am going to use a birds eye view whereby I am looking down on the contestants to get a full view of what’s happening. Throughout the video I will use a black and white filter to show what is either coming up, or what has happened, I will follow it up with dialogue or a voice over to back it up.

My style model for the video will be Konfuzion and the video I will be using is

In terms of theory for my video the video covers globalisation as it features people from North and South America, the target audience who will be watching my video will be global as well as it is on YouTube where anyone from anywhere can watch the video.

statement of intent

For my coursework i will be focusing on my newspaper talking about the problems of the new abortion law, this targets all audiences as it is a worldwide problem that does affect everyone, mainly women but still also a large deal for men. Laura Mulvey will play a role in this as ‘Feminist Critical Thinking’ as her theory suggests that women are not placed in a role where they can take control of a scene, instead they are simply put there to be observed from an objectified point of view. The abortion ban is a large step backwards leaving women with only 50 years of their own right for a legal abortion. My body of article will be focusing mainly on how this law is going to lead to unsafe abortions and rape statistics increasing a large amount and also period tracking apps run the by the government destroying young women’s rights and lastly how the abortion penalty is outstandingly higher then the rape offence which is a deep set back for society.

For my layout design i will be following the style model from ‘The Sunday Times’ with a clear headline and masthead stating the issue that is being recognized. My masthead will be made by editing on photoshop so that the statement is bold and clear. There will be a price and barcode labelled so readers will know the price and also a date of when the newspaper was published and released. I will be using drop caps and wrap text so that it is more appealing and interesting for the reader. The front page will be a main image labelling the issue that will be spoken about surrounded by smaller articles for locals to read about. I will use different fonts so the paper look smart and well presented to gain more publicity. I will use inverted pyramid structure on my main story for better structure.

There will be daily facts throughout the paper updating you on what’s new and updates on other issues. The news included will be mostly important and significant to what is happening internationally, there will be sections about local news in jersey so it will also inform you on daily life changes. I will create my paper using InDesign and photoshop for finishing touches.

statement of intent

For my coursework I intend on creating a front page and double spread newspaper reporting on a social issue that may be of interest to a big audience who can relate to the topic. I aim for the newspaper audience to be for any age who live internationally or locally.

The newspaper will be left wing and pro feminist. The main topic I will be focusing on is the roe vs wade in America. I will be doing research on this important topic and spread awareness of why making abortions illegal is dangerous to many women. The states that have already banned abortions: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, south Dakota , Utah, Ohio, Wisconsin. I will be discussing about the history of what many women had to experience.

The theory I will be using is Laura Mulvey’s and Judith Butlers feminist critical thinking. Laura Mulvey talks about how Men like to objectify women by their looks or controlling them. This will hopefully target a audience who are feminists and are keen on talking or fighting for woman’s rights, as this was also a big issue in in the 70s, third wave feminism theory by Naomi wolf, she talks about the many protests women had to do to be heard to the male ruling patriarchy, whether it being about race, religion, class or abortions. Even till this day nothing has changed.

I intend on making a front page on in design using the The Guardian front page as inspiration. My newspaper will be called Jerseys international mail and my main topic will be Roe vs wade. The header will be bold and stating “Why is America slowly taking away women’s rights, instead of making guns illegal.” This will grab the attention of the interested readers. The sub heading states “Why do men have the rights to control women’s choices on their body? ?” “America is not just taking away legal abortions, America is taking away safe abortions ” and “Illegalising abortions violates the fundamental rights of women and girls  ” These three statements will be in the masthead on the top as three bullet points like the guardians newspaper. I will include on the top left hand corner of a film review that will be featured on page 16 called “trapped under” with the film cover I have designed.

Here’s is the style model:

For the other half of brief 2 my campaign for the flyers, my topic will be spreading awareness on the joe vs wade issue and why illegalising abortions are outdated. These flyers will be aimed for students who go to secondary and college or even for pro-lifers which may help them understand why banning abortions can lead to massive troubles.
I will include 2 hashtags #mybodymychoice #letwomenbefree. It will state statistical facts that I have researched for.

statement of intent

I have chosen brief 5 for my NEA. I will be creating a online magazine which also touches on important topics such as identity and equality too be more appealing to other genders. I will also include things such as advertisements and campaigns which I have made in class which will be advertising and campaigning important things not just makeup and perfume. I will be including theories such as audience theory and feminist critical thinking. My website will have a libertarian view of the media which will link to Habermas theory of the public sphere.

I will create a 3 minute audio feature using the facility’s of the radio studio. I will have 3 people within the interview, i will be leading the interview and i will also have 2 other people who will be discussing and answering questions. I am going to include an article which includes 1 female and 1 male answering the questions to create a contrast between the male and female answers. My magazine will appeal across gender identity and be aimed at millennials and Gen x. I will be including a video of something that will appeal to all audiences e.g. a baking tutorial…The ethos of my magazine will be freedom of speech for women as women have been silenced for thousands of years.

The design for my website will be different for each page e.g. layouts but will all follow the same overall design such as colour schemes. I will be including a main page image on the home page, this will only be seen here. My website will feature links to articles which will make the website easily accessible. As well as hidden links e.g. behind images. There will be a menu displayed at the top which will state the page names. The style model for my website is ‘MS magazine’ an online magazine which follow feminist news as well as health, culture and religion. I will be using the platform to create my website. There will be the option for the reader to leave comments on the articles, as well as the option for me to reply to them. Hashtags will be provided on the campaign posters for the readers to post on social media as well as free giveaways such as ‘Win a free holiday’ which can be entered by using a hashtag towards an important cause.