statement of intent

I aim to produce a newspaper front cover to show the social media and its affects on mental health for young teenagers growing into their older years

I chose this because it is quite a worldwide relatable topic that has popped up in the past a few times so will be quite accessible to find statistics and facts about it, and also for the photo i will input into the front cover can be quite simple so i can focus more on the content and layout using Indesign

In terms of design I will be referring to our CSP’s the I and the Daily Mail for inspiration relating to the layout and also ideas on where to place my banner, masthead and how short/long my supporting text columns could be.

Underneath i will have my body text at around 100-200 words where i will include facts and statistics integrated throughout, in addition to literary devices such as three word statements to produce audience attraction and impact/drama to keep the reader interested – this benefits the media exhibition as Livingstone and Lunt theorised that newspapers regulate in favour of the consumers above citizens.

I want my image to speak for itself in the way it is simple but relates obviously to my main idea of the content.


EasyJet is cutting flights. I am going to make a front cover of a national newspaper that is targeted at people who are 18+ EasyJet has currently cut flights off recently and people are not happy therefore I am going to make the paper be against EasyJet as that is what the people want to hear when EasyJet has done that to them.

Overall the paper will be clean and the message will be bold with the price being up in the top left. The masthead will be at the top and there will be an image below showing customers waiting in a queue to suggest that people are waiting just like the people who are waiting for their flights that have been cut off.

My style model will be the daily mail. The news will be more serious meaning it is more liberal however whereas the daily mail is more conservative which brings in Jurgen Habermas’s theory


The Newspaper


EasyJet cancels millions of flights.


Lottery ticket winner has recently gone broke after winning only 5 days ago!


EasyJet has been cancelling flights from January to June and people are not happy about it, one women said she had a wedding to go to but could not make it. Many manlets are now starting press charges on EasyJet with charges range from 50p to £1,000,000.


Media Paper 1: Ideology can be defined as a collection of values and beliefs. To what extent do media products target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world?

Ideology is a system of ideas and ideals and beliefs are assumptions that we make about the world and our values are things we see as important to us. Such as loyalty, honesty perseverance etc.
I believe that media products target audiences with ideology, to get the public more interested in the views and ideas that media products such as newspapers are saying. Talking about these subjects such as liberalism and conservatism catches more of the public in to read and consume their products.
Their are many media products like newspapers such as the I and the daily mail. The daily mail being a right wing type newspaper with the conservative party and the I being a centralistic newspaper and having no political party.

Media products such as the daily mail target audiences like the conservative party by firstly using real-time scenarios and events that have happened in the world and applying their political view towards it such as the queens jubilee and states on page 8,shrieks of delight as royal standard flew over palace” It focuses on the support for the queen and the royal family, as other newspapers on the left wing might say different. Doing this will draw the conservative party and right wing citizens in to read their product and ultimately agree with it for the owners of the media product to reach their end goal, profit. The daily mail has been around for a long time, it was founded in 1896 and is the UKs highest circulated daily newspaper, with majority of the consumers being female with up to 52-55%. This shows how long its been using these media tactics and strategies to target their conservative audience by essentially saying what they want to hear.
Daily mail had many political views in these media products, particularly on the prime minister at this time, Boris Johnson. It had said on the editorial part on page 18, and states that Boris is the best person to lead the nation by a “country mile” and with the head title being “Boris is right and Macron wrong. Saving Putin’s face is a mug’s game” This further proves that this is a far right wing newspaper and most certainty implied for the conservative party. The daily mail has also stated that “tory rebels are plotting course to catastrophe” further making drama and controversy for the tory audience to react to and side with.

Furthermore The I has other ways of targeting their audiences with a centralized political view, although they say they don’t have a political view, it can be hard not to fall into a certain section.
for example page 45 it states to “Invest in biotech green economy and space to boost GDP”, this could be seen to be fairly neutral as most of the pubic would want this, but most liberals would most defiantly agree with this.
What they are proposing is that investing in the green economy and biotech is not only good for the global problems such as global warming. But there main focus is the space to boost GDP, influencing the soaring inflation at this current time.
additionally the i can just be seen to state the current news and propositions on current world problems we face today. It mainly focuses on the news aspect rather than political views like the daily mail. But all the have the same goal of profit in the end.

statement of intent- nea production

I am going to produce a page of a newspaper with an audience of people of all ages living where people are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating to the local area. My main article will be focusing mainly on the Roe vs. Wade law and just local jersey news such as environmental littering and how we can stop it and daily changes that will be occurring.

In terms of design I will be referring to our CSP’s The Sunday times and the Daily Mail for inspiration. My information will all be underneath a strapline for the paper, and it will also include other standard institutional features such as a masthead, price, barcode, and date/time. I will place my text in columns of three so it is easier for the reader and also place photos around to make the paper more interesting and for reference and more understanding of the text.

Underneath i will have my body text at around 200 words where i will include facts and statistics, there will be small and snappy statements which will entertain the audience relating towards Livingstone and Lunt theory that newspapers regulate in favour of the consumers above citizens. Key elements will be designed in photoshop for a bolder and clearer statement.