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New evidence found for Manchester bombing 5 years ago

Police say they found additional evidence from the terrorist attack at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017

Checking the CCTV cameras in 2022, the police and FBI say they have missed a vital piece of information they failed to see when the attack took place. Chief Louis Horan reported “I don’t understand how we didn’t see it back then. it is so obvious when watching the security tapes back.” It looks as if the Police were not on it in May 2017.

New evidence seen that the attacker was lingering around the area for a week before he set off the bomb. Why did nobody stop him? Surely the security guards thought it was suspicious, seeing him around for a whole seven days prior? “We can clearly see the attacker carrying two heavy-looking bags, which is very suspicious” Officer Niall Tomlinson said. The rules of the Manchester arena state ‘You cannot enter the arena with a bag bigger than A4 paper.’ So why, and most importantly, how was this man let in?

There’s not much they can do now, what’s happened has happened, you cannot just turn back time. Or can you? PC Michael Hemmings mentions how there is a new technology that allows you to look back in time to relive and change events that happened. Maybe this can help the young innocent children and parents who had their lives taken away from them just by going to what they thought was going to be an enjoyable night seeing their favourite artist live in their hometown for the first time.

“We want everyone to feel as safe as possible” PC Michael Hemmings says, “We will have better security for events like these to ensure innocent people will not have their lives taken from them.” There is always going to be evil in the world, but at this level? It has left people traumatised for life.

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