Newspaper NEA

For my newspaper NEA, I am going to produce a front cover of a regional newspaper relating to Jersey, with the main front article being focused around the dramatically increased fuel prices as of late. It will be aimed at a very broad audience, as a lot of the people who will be reading the newspaper in Jersey will drive or be affected in some way by the fuel prices, taking a very big hit on their disposable income.

I will be following a style model of one of our main CSPs, the Daily Mail. In this CSP the page has a main image taking up around half of the page, with two “plugs”. It will all be underneath a strapline for the paper, and it will also include other standard institutional features such as a masthead, price, barcode, and date/time.

My NEA will have additional theoretical underpinning, relating to the theories of semiotics. The dominant signifier in my paper (main image) will be a fuel meter which will be itself very reactionary, as it shows the recently increasing price which many of the audience will relate to. In addition, the anchorage will be written and described from a customer viewpoint with negative vocabulary towards the recent price increase, in order to try and intertwine with the dominant ideology of the target audience that the prices of fuel should not be this high.

My main article will be around riots occurring in the royal square as a result of the dramatically increased fuel prices, partly due to the influence of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The aforementioned riots will result in a few injuries which will feature in the title of the article. We have looked at the theory of authoritarian/libertarian in class, and my article links to this in that the people partaking in the riots are more libertarian because they think they are able to injure others and not abide by Jersey Laws.

Underneath my main photograph which will be a picture of fuel prices on a meter (this makes it easy for me to personally produce an original photograph) I will have my main body article, containing around 200-250 words, set out in columns. I will have a drop cap in this article at the first word to match to my CSP.

I will design my key elements in Photoshop. I will write my body copy on the blog and use InDesign to create the other elements and to put it all together.


Rising Fuel Prices Trigger Violent Riots, The Royal Square played host to two large scale riots involving the rise in fuel prices on Saturday.

Standard Fuel Prices in Jersey, taken at St. Ouen’s Motor Works. The price increase has recently been linked to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, cutting off suppliers and making travel costs skyrocket.


John Smith (25) has been charged with 100 hours of community service and a £1000 fine for physically assaulting many members of the public in the Royal Square. The incident was described as “outlandishly cruel” by a witness and Jack Hall, a leading police officer who assisted in defusing the situation, said that the violence was “completely unprovoked” and that the entire situation, including the riots, were completely out of line and were a result of the libertarian lifestyle the Jersey public are used to.

The riots, occurring at 2pm and 6pm on Saturday night, had hundreds of people attend and were linked to the skyrocketing prices of petrol & diesel not only across the island, but on a global scale. This is as a result of not only the War in Ukraine, but the industrial consequences endured in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.


I intend to create a front page and a double-page spread from a regional newspaper reporting on a number of social and political issues of interest to its broad local audience. Further to this, I will create three consistently laid out campaign flyers which link to one of my main stories, which is about the abortion laws in the U.S.A.

My news paper will be called ‘JERSEY’S PEOPLE’S REPORT’ as it focuses mainly on local Jersey news, however does present other important news from all around the world. It will portray a radical representation of events as it contradict the reactionary ideology put forward by the hegemonic institutional forces, representing them as exploitative and unjust, so to make a change within society and help improve lives of the common population.

I will also create three flyers campaigning for women’s reproductive rights as result of the recent Roe Vs Wade inquiry in the US. These will link to one of the main stories in my newspaper and will also be displayed across my double page spread. I will use a pink colour pallet as it a symbolic sign, according to C. S. Pierce, of femininity, linking to my campaign, and will bear the hashtag ‘Abortion is Healthcare, Abortion is a Right’. This will aim to promote, what Roland Bathes would call, a certain ideology which believes in freedom for women’s choice when it comes to their bodies.

My style model will be the Daily Mail as it perfectly depicts the conventional elements of newspaper. I will display a mast head at the top stating ‘JERSEY PEOPLE’S REPORT’ which I will produce in photoshop and below the date and price of the edition. My main image will display an image of two women outside of the local states assembly, a dominant signifier which will indicate the focus of the article along with the main headline, ‘LACK OF REPRESENTATION IN THE STATES ASSEMBLY’. The nut graph will go below the main headline and the main body of the text will be on into the second page of the paper. I will produce around 400 words for my main article and will set the information out in columns in order to make it look like a conventional newspaper. The left hand-side will consist of 3 plugs displaying more local news which will be reported in more detail on the following pages: a report on Jersey’s minimum wage, a report on the local election, and an international news story on the the Roe vs Wade inquiry occurring in the USA. I will create a clean, contemporary look using a colder colour scheme and sans serif font in size 10.

My target audience is local people of all ages interested in both local and international news. As the newspaper shines a light on differing social issues, those who buy the paper and read it are fulfilling a range of uses and gratifications by reading the paper – the audience are actively choosing to educate themselves on issues going on both locally and internationally around the world, linking to McQuail and Blumler’s audience theory. This helps audiences to gain a sense of identity as it provides them with ways of understanding their role in society and whith a choice to make a change within society, in the words of David Gauntlet ‘audiences are now in charge of the remote control’. The ‘Jersey’s People’s Report’ depicts a left-wing perspective of events, always considering the effects these events have on the people and its readership. This links to Jurgen Habermas’ idea of liberal free press which positions my newspaper as an ‘autonomous arena of public debate’ which encourages political and social discussion amongst its audiences,  or what Habermas calls ‘The Transformation of the Public Sphere‘, therefore allowing them to fulfil their uses and gratifications.




Newspaper NEA

For my newspaper NEA I am intending to produce a front cover of a local newspaper….. It will be aimed at everyone of all ages in Jersey who are interested in the important issues going on in Jersey and abroad.

Further to this, in a small place like Jersey, everyone knows everything. my front page main story will be about the disheartening story of a primary school teacher who was “accidentally” murdered by her students.

Body Text for Front page


Teacher “accidentally” murdered by her own students.

Conflict and debates rise as uncertainty surrounds primary school teachers death.

The locals in Jersey are dumbfounded with this unfortunate situation that has come about in the last few days. A harmless prank instigated by Primary school children turned out not to be so harmless. Are these children in the position to be punished by the law? Did they know the severity of their joke?

The Headteacher

statement of intent for NEwspaper NEA

I intend to create the front page of a newspaper. To do so I plan to use a style model of a successful newspaper to ensure that my design looks professional.

I’m going to use Photoshop and Indesign, both Adobe products to design and create the product. In terms of design I plan to have an image related to the story taking up the majority of the space, then columns containing the content of the story below and/or surrounding the image and of course a masthead at the top.

My product will be aimed at an audience of all ages and will cover news from around the world but the main story will be aimed at more of a British audience.

The Freddo Index
Figure 1

The body text for my front page:

Freddo prices have gone up exponentially, it has risen a whopping 200% since the 1990’s and Freddo enjoyers around the globe are suffering because of it. It is being rumoured that freddo fans are planning riots to take place all over the UK, our reporters interviewed some of the alleged supporters and possible participants of the Freddo riots.

Michael from Liverpool stated “you know it’s just a scam now like no one going to pay 50p for a Freddo I just think it’s a bit mad” Michael then expressed that he is in full support of the movement to lower the price of the Freddo.

Figure 1 displays the inflation of the price of the Freddo and as you can see by 2030 the Freddo is estimated to 53p which for a chocolate bar which is typically 10g you may be starting to support the Freddo movement yourself, but Police departments around the U.K has been made aware of the planned riots and have voiced on the social media site ‘Twitter’ that “Anyone who participates in these riots will be detained”

So the question is- should Freddo prices continue to climb or should the public take action and fight for reasonable Freddo prices

UK Newspaper Front Pages for Friday, 15 May 2020 | Paperboy
Style model

Newspaper Main Body Text

Millions of TikTok Accounts Deleted Overnight! Tech Giants are Stealing YOUR Information!

Millions of TikTok users around the world are being prompted to delete any online accounts associated with the content-sharing application TikTok. This is a result of the company being accused of selling its interface user’s collected data to Governments and data miners who are paying billions for it. This is a highly illegal operation as individuals are not offered to consent to this when registering an account with TikTok. The company may also be working with other sources of information to gain more knowledge of its audience, as information such as a person’s gender are somehow displayed on a user’s profile, however this information is never provided to TikTok’s database during account creation. This has lead to rising suspicion levels surrounding the Chinese company, a country in which the app is banned. BANNED in the country it was created in. The company has publicly stated that over 15 million accounts have been deactivated remotely by the users since accusations arose yesterday afternoon. Many country’s Governments are recommending that their population delete private and personal information stored in accounts registered with TikTok, in order to prevent as much of the data leak as possible. Nation leaders including Boris Johnson and President Biden have stated that they were not aware of the entire operation and will be inducing strict rules and regulations for people who choose to continue to use the social media site. Hopefully, these precautions will help prevent such an event from ever recurring.

statment of intent – newspapers

For my newspaper NEA I am going to produce the front cover of a local newspaper, called CIN (channel island news). This will be aimed at an audience of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area.

In terms of layout and design, I am going to follow the style model of our CSP (The i). This has a main image (half page) with two ‘plugs‘ or ‘ears‘ (ie headline stories from inside the paper), underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also have a mastheadbarcode and other institutional details (time, date, price etc).

For my main story I am going to write about Unruly children ‘making a mockery out of the police’ in Jersey estate described as ‘like a war zone’, this is a current issue in Jersey and the police have described these teens as having ANTISOCIAL behaviour and allegedly young children are ‘getting out of hand’ on an estate, a resident has warned – despite an increased police presence in the area. Underneath the main image I will have the body article and a fictional image of unruly children being antisocial towards police. Unlike my style model I will have about 150-200 words which will form the main article (which will be continued inside the paper) which will be set out in columns, with a big drop cap on the first letter of the first word. I will also have a contents bar at the bottom / footer.

Overall, the paper will be clean, contemporary and stylish, for example, I will use sans serif font and feature more hard news than soft news (ie no gossip or celebrity news, as well as a focus on words over images). I will employ a formal register, using mature and sophisticated vocabulary. I will follow the inverted pyramid structure for my main story. I will also use a pastel colour palette – yellows, oranges etc.

body text for front page

Antisocial behaviour is very common withing the youth of today, but it has gotten to the point that the Jersey States of police have said unruly children are making a mockery out of them. The JEP has spoken to several Islanders living around Cheapside who did not wish to be identified for fear of retribution and are buying cameras to try and ‘secure’ their homes.

One resident Joshua Ligera has described the area as a “war zone” in which children were throwing stones at windows, and damaging property whilst in posession of weapons.

The States police are carrying out regular patrols on Kesington Place at cheapside and the Community Policing Team is working with residents, businesses and other agencies to try to address the issue. One of the Centeniers for the parish, Dylan Mcgarragle , said he was aware of incidents involving ‘unruly’ children who were throwing stones and running away with weapons. ‘It’s hard to pinpoint and the trouble is by the time you get there they are all gone.”

He said it was difficult to estimate the ages of those involved, but noted that some of the children were ‘certainly’ under 12 years old. One resident told the JEP the situation was ‘getting out of hand’. ‘Kids have been breaking windows and throwing eggs, throwing stones, damaging cars, pulling out knifes – the place is like a war zone. ‘Something has to be done because it is getting really bad now,’ they said. ‘We are all buying cameras to secure the properties – it’s not a safe place,’ the resident added, estimating that the youngsters involved ranged between 8 and 17 years old. Another resident said the increased police presence had made ‘no difference at all’. ‘They [the officers] are as good as gold – they talk to the residents and they do their patrols but these kids are making a mockery out of them,’ they added. A police spokesperson said: ‘The Community Policing Team are working in partnership with residents, businesses and agencies to understand and address incidents of antisocial behaviour in Five Oaks.

‘The St Helier community officer, PC Amber Jones, and other officers regularly patrol the area with the aim of preventing incidents and reassuring residents, workers and visitors that police take antisocial behaviour seriously.’

They added: ‘PC Woolley encourages everyone to report incidents of anti-social behaviour and crime to the police, or provide information with complete anonymity through Crimestoppers. Antisocial behaviour is when someone’s behaviour causes harassment, alarm or distress to others who are not of the same household as the person causing it.’

An Andium Homes spokesperson said: ‘Les Cinq Chênes is our site and we are aware of some issues relating to alleged antisocial behaviour, although it is certainly not clear that this is necessarily being caused just by estate residents. These issues are, quite rightly, being handled by the police, supported by us and other statutory agencies such as the Children’s Service.’

They explained that, as the landlord for the homes, they did not have the statutory powers to addressantisocial behaviour ‘in the way that the police can’.

‘Our powers, such as they are, are limited to eviction – but only if the antisocial behaviour relates to a tenant – even then this is a lengthy and often complex process which is ultimately determined by the courts, not by us,’ they said.

‘The message we want to give residents is that we are keen to know about instances of antisocial behaviour that impact on them and we will support the police in addressing those issues.

‘What is vitally important is that residents do take the time to report issues to the police, if possible at the time they are happening,’ they added.

Newspaper statement of intent nea

in my news paper i will disscus the war in ucrain and how the british goverment suggests we get ready to prepare for the war to come to europe and that we should increase british tropps as jersey is apart of the UK we are affcted by this-

as such the goverment having a new

as such the goverment having a new Commander-in-Chief and he suggests we prepare our selfs for the upcomming war that he say will come to europe and that we need to increase our army in order to be prepared for such out come

so in my news paper I will write about the urgency of the commander in chiefs idea that we need to increase our rankings and who its going to fall onto when the time come when it happens where I will include the public sphere which is Habermas’s theory the liberal free press and its ability to write its opinion and the facts upon the matter and Curran and seatons theory was the power and mediapower and media industries theory. Definition from OCR. A political economy approach to the media – arguing that patterns of ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate. I will show off parts of this theories within my work

the way i will be designing my front page of my news paper will include photoshop and inDesign.

My Body for my front page of the news paper.

teenagers apprehensive to join the army in fear of losing their lives and parents holding them back when wanting to go

will many people join the army or navy in rise to this concern of the threat coming to the UK? by freeman

this concern that came from the commander in chief goes globally across the UK. teenagers of 18 – 20 apprehensive over the threat and consider not going and parents telling their children not to go in fear that they will not see them again over the commander in chiefs thought which are not based on facts but on a hypothesis . I asked a teenager if he would join the army his name was Sam Wells and he replied with ” if the war came to me and I was asked to join the army in order to fight the war that is approaching us and he said he would not in the fear of his life and he would not want to killed in the action of war ” this out look on war is what many younger generation think about this subject. those that are more older in their mid thirty are more okay with going to war since they ” have lived their life and the younger generation is only just begun living it ” there are some young teens that are willing to fight for their freedom and their country and to protect their loved ones although those love ones are trying to stop them from going out to protect them and fight i interviewed the Freidzelsons and the father said he supports his sons opinion to join the war but the mother is very much against the idea of her son joining the war and the factors of how she could lose her son to the war and the fear of him not returning she said ” would kill me if I didn’t know if he wasn’t okay! its my job as a parent to protect my son as he is my response ability and to lose him would be losing myself and i feel like nothing would feel the same without him?” the worries of a mother and child and its motherly love the thing that is holding back a teenager from going off to see the horrors of war is the bond and motherly love of a mother and her son.

My newspaper front cover


this is my draft front cover

i will have two images one with a young teenager who is scared of going into the war and afraid of dying and my other image will be a teenager arguing with their parents over the fact that he wants to join the war and fight and the parents wanting him to stay and under that i will have my headline which will say TEENAGERS APRIHENSIVE TO JOIN THE ARMY IN FEAR OF LOSING THEIR LIVES AND PARENTS ARE HOLDING BACK THEIR CHILDREN THST WANT TO FIGHT

then under i will have my body text and i will put a continuation page at the end of my body eg: his concern that came from the commander in chief goes globally across the UK. teenagers of 18 – 20 apprehensive over the threat and consider not going and parents telling their children not to go in fear that they will not see them again over the commander in chiefs thought which are not based on facts but on a hypothesis . I asked a teenager if he would join the army his name was Sam Wells and he replied with ” if the war came to me and I was asked to join the army in order to fight the war that is approaching us and he said he would not in the fear of his life and he would not want to killed in the action of war ” this out look on war is what many younger generation think about this subject. those that are more older in their mid thirty are more okay with going to war since they ” have lived their life and the younger generation is going to continue on page 9

i have used in design in order to create the layout of my newspaper

i have colour coded the things io am doing in different areas

The red bit is my body


the blue bit is where i am going to put my photos

under my photos i will have mini sub lines where it will sum up whats happening in the picture

picture 1 : the fear of war that affects teenagers – teenager on a bench looking off to the side as if interviewed

picture 2 : family conflict over conflict in ukraine – a family with mum and dad looking at each other arguing over their son


 Ideology can be defined as a collection of values and beliefs. To what extent do media products target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world?

Forms of media products create different views of the world to attempt to attract consumers and make profits. In this essay I am going to make arguments and statements towards the idea of media products constructing different views by referring to the Daily Mail and The i. As James Curran stated that, “Media enables viewers to plug into different views and perspectives” meaning he believes media products can construct different ideological views through the way newspapers are presented and designed to makes us believe everything it contains.

To begin, on page 6 of The Daily Mail it states, “Final parade was so British” which gives off the main idea about this newspaper being about the queens jubilee and being mostly aimed towards Britain. This displays the idea of the Daily Mail being more of a right wing newspaper because of its conservative views about economy. On the editorial page (page 18) the editor states, “Boris is right and Macron is wrong” this links to Habermas and the theory of the public sphere which is described as a place where citizens come together to exchange opinions, discuss and eventually form public opinion. Meaning, the editor has shown his opinion towards the war situation, which further links to the idea of newspapers constructing different views about the world and creating new beliefs. Habermas also states, “newspapers, letter and notes forged a consensus which shaped the direction of the state/country.” which further proves the theory of newspapers constructing different views. This is evident on the first page when it writes, “Slimmed-down Royal Family is revealed in Jubilee finale” This displays a slight Authoritarian view on Britain because the editor has used the word ‘revealed’ to try and make the family seem as they have been hidden away and have lesson freedom than other citizens. Noam Chomsky quotes that, “he who controls the media controls the mind of the public” meaning whoever controls the Daily Mail have an aim to try and ‘brainwash’ the public into following their beliefs and views.

However, in the newspaper The i they try to target audiences in a more liberal way by conveying there views in a more centrist political orientation meaning they are neither left or right wing. The i is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust and runs with one independent editor. Where as the Daily Mail clearly supports the conservative party. It quotes, “How long before Priti Patel makes it illegal to boo at someone we find offensive?” as you can see The i is openly criticising the conservative party – showing the liberal stance. The i is described as more of an Libertarian newspaper which means it includes different views towards political parties and freedom. On page 20 it states, “Thank you for saying what was needed to say” which proves my point of the newspaper aiming towards a more liberal view and being a left wing viewed newspaper. Also, on page 32 the newspaper shows more support towards the left wing view and freedom. This is evident, “Flying the flag with pride” meaning the newspaper can be described as a counter-opposite towards the Daily Mail because it doesn’t support the freedom of citizens as much as The i.

In conclusion, both The i and The Daily Mail target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world through many different ways such as, politics, freedom or opinions.

newspaper statement of intent

For my newspaper coursework I want to focus on voting specifically student voting. This newspaper will be based in jersey and called Local Island New and surrounding the issue of people 18 and below and the lack of information and facts shared with young people to be educated enough to feel able to vote. The overwhelming amount of voting posters around the island on who to vote for is not easy to miss, but do these young people know anything about these politicians?

I want to discuss strategies on how to educate these teenagers, and how these young people are encouraged to vote with little knowledge on the subject. That the lack of the student age populations participating in such decisions will harm democratic progress. The future of our island depends on these young people. It is more important for the island to gain votes from our future inhibiters and less input from older generations. I want to introduce theory’s from the course such as Habermas theory of democracy depends on a public which is informed, aware, and which debates the issues of the day. Additionally Jurgen Habermas, James Curran and Jean Seaton, who discuss positions newspapers as media forms produced to enable political discussion.

In terms of layout and design, my newspaper will have a main image (half page) with a headline stories from inside the newspaper, underneath a strapline for my paper. I will also have a masthead, barcode and other institutional details such as time, date, price etc. I will include also bright coloured adverts on the side to follow the design of most papers. My main image will include a student on their phone, conclusively showing that young people should be informed in ways such a social media or other online sources, as this is an easy source for them to get information on this subject. I also want to include a photo of a school environment to represent that there should be talks or lectures in school informing voters of age (16 and over) about the politicians running.

newspaper nea soi

The newspaper’s audience are people of all ages living in the region who are interested in national and international news stories as well as stories relating specifically to the local area.

In evaluation, I’m going to research current issues on climate change and how locally climate change in affecting Jersey, such as the high levels of lung cancer increasing due to the much larger volumes of granite in Jersey compared to the UK. I may take a photo of the sea wall or beach which can generally and easily relate to the main idea which is climate change. I might also be able to discuss ideas of theorist Noam Chomsky and how current reports of climate change may not be accurate and is creating an ideological world which support money making motives. The newspaper will help enable political discussion and civic involvement.

In terms of layout and design, I am going to follow the style model of our CSP (The i). This has a main image (half page) with two ‘plugs’ or ‘ears which are stories that are to be continued later into the paper, these are not to be as relevant as the main page but will maintain its contemporary and stylish look.

I want to create a newspaper front cover using Adobe InDesign that features local news for jersey that also relates to national and international – world – issues. I may also use photoshop to create certain detailed elements that will relate to the style of the newspaper cover.


Main header : Will current climate change issues effect our futures?

Human activity is the main cause of climate change. How can we locally prevent uses of fossil fuels to help prevent global warming and climate change? Alex Matthews investigates

Latest reports from a well respected university professor of ethics in London says that ‘Climate change is the defining problem of our time and we are at a defining moment and in dire need of revolution’

A devastating current world issue that faces people everyday is being forsaken, recent studies on climate change show that temperature levels are actively and constantly rising and are effecting all world’s climates. Specifically, in Jersey these temperature levels are effecting the work rate of Jersey employee’s and is causing workers to quit work that are based on working outside. Also, looking deeper into ideas on effective change and how to fix this world epidemic , but specifically in Jersey in this case, there has been recent voting’s being held in Jersey and looking at certain portfolios of some of the candidates, some of them seem to have an idea on how to solve climate change issues locally and how we can help prevent recent increases of fossil fuels accordingly.