Question– ideology can be defined as a collection of beliefs and values and to what extent do media products target audiences by constructing an ideological view of the world
the newspapers and media its self is a (risky business) due to the fact that there are many things that are not allowed to be said or disclosed so the newspaper industry becomes either a very left wing libertarian view on the views on society like the Daily mail but there are news papers that have a way of finding this loop hole in order to write these right wing authoritarian views like in the I where there is a viewers comment section where they are allowed to post their views although not strictly support them. There are five points in media you have ownership and then you have advertising and then official sources then flack and marginalising dissent and what these points are is a construction of media and what creates media and what they do a little bit like a machine which Al Jazaal makes a video on these points called the media machine.
ownership is media conglomerates who take over other little companies in order to build a larger company and their main aim is to make profit where as media critical journalism and needs is a second to profit which Hesmond Haughl calls it a (Risky business).
advertisement is the media trying to sell us something we don’t have and how they try to persuade us to buy their products by either showing adds at a specific time or showing off a trend so it makes us try to keep in with trends although behind the scenes the advertisement companies are making money but so as the media, as a trade off the media sells us the consumers/viewers or readers while the advertisement companies give money in return for giving them customers.
official sources is the critical thinking of media where as there are things that will make you an enemy to the public or other groups. the things like this are very dangerous which relates back to media being a (risky business) like news reporters go missing or found dead after making a very right wing comment or something that will upset the targeted audience like there was one reporter presented missing but then revealed that he was killed by the prince of Saudi Arabia for making a comment.
flack is the medias way of discrediting information or controlling the media in the way they want it to be controlled and to produce what the public might want to know by giving them what they ant to hear and diverting the other types of media that are trying to expose the media by telling the truth.
marginalising dissent is the media joining up with another company who find a common enemy in order to find a more better standing with that other company and possibly partnership with that company as the phrase goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These thing create up the media machine.
Daily Mail is a conservative, right-wing newspaper and has been for many many years. we know this due to their article on the 6th of June where they wrote in their article about the (Joyous Jubilee) and this is very patriarchal and very safe to say and it appeases the multi media although heavily bias due to the viscount lord Rothermere owning the Daily mail but due to this status with his possible ties into the royal family we also could link a pattern with the viscounts past where the paper had been supporting hitter and Mussolini due to his close links and ties with those two although a report by the Media Reform Coalition, 81 percent of the UK-wide print media is owned and controlled by just three companies, Reach PLC (formerly Trinity Mirror), News UK and DMG Media. This links to Chomsky’s theory of Ownership and how that the media is a group of conglomerates and Curran/Seaton’s idea that the media is controlled by a few powerful media corporations. but goes against Habermas’s concept of the (Public Sphere)
The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.
The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to openly discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.
‘Habermas argues that the development of early modern capitalism brought into being an autonomous arena of public debate.’
the media uses Laswell’s theory of the hypodermic media and that they are trying to persuade us into thinking we need something and that we are missing out by not having it