posters statement of intent

My key aim for my posters was too translate the message that casual nudity is not ok and should be disregarded in the media. The normalisation of nudity in the media with a particular focus on women bodies has been exploited to a point that most movies and tv shows with a heterosexual couple in question is inclined to show female skin and features that is not equally represented in males. This is why I chose to bring a modern twist to my posters by not displaying much text but relaying a message that this isn’t ok and the subject of normality within female bodily exposure has gone too far and showing our emerging generations that they should feel inclined to undress for others pleasures. My first poster includes the representation of phones, furthermore representing social media and emerging the subject of nudity on platforms. I wrote the message that your body is your and no one else’s. This is a strong message to young females that their body is precious and the idea that showing your body is a way to gain likes and followers is completely normal, But how would they know any better? They have been brought up on female body being exposed through tv shows and movies. My message is to not to tell them being nude is not ok but that they should never feel inclined to show it on platforms just because the exposure of it on the media has normalised it. My second poster is very simple and repeats my message of stop the normalisation of casual female nudity. The use of soft pinks is used to support women and to fit in with the modern aesthetic of simplicity and minimalism. My main quote is strong and simple it communicates a message without anything else people will see the message and understand it. My third posters relays a more vintage presentation by the presence of an old Tv and a 50s model, when the emergence of nudity started. It has my previous minimalistic poster in the back which furthermore relays my message but the main image of the tv and model shows the main source of media where the issue is generated. instead of putting a line through it or large red text stating this is not ok, my quotes in the background are what gives the poster its message. I aim for people to look at the model and admire her they look more intently at the message and come to the conclusion that this is what’s wrong with media and that conclusively there is a story line to a movie or tv show and not just a naked female.

Noam Chomsky

A propaganda model focuses on this inequality of wealth and power and its multilevel effects on mass-media interests and choices. Chomsky’s theory posits that language consists of both deep structures and surface structures: Outward-facing surface structures relate phonetic rules into sound, while inward-facing deep structures relate words and conceptual meaning.

For example, every language has a way to ask a question or make something negative.

Five Filters

(1) ownership – Concertation of vertical and horizontal lines and conglomerates, in game profit.

(2) advertising – They pay for audiences, the are selling products but are also selling the audiences.

(3) The establishment –

(4) flak – To manufacture consent

(5) Uniting against a common enemy – Communisms, terrorists, public opinion

Some such as theorist, academic and intellectual Noam Chomsky, that the media is a mechanism that is deliberately used by the rich and the powerful (the elite) as a way of manufacturing consent.





Herman and Noam Chomsky to explain how propaganda and systemic biases function in corporate mass media. The model seeks to explain how populations are manipulated and how consent for economic, social, and political policies, both foreign and domestic, is “manufactured” in the public mind due to this propaganda.

The five filters

1.Structures of ownership

Most media companies are concentration of ownership through vertical and horizontal integration, most media is owned by mass media conglomerates. “Critical journalism takes second place”

2.The role of advertising

To produce money to cover the cost of production and distribution of media through advertising and sponsors. Companies need to sell to advertisers as it needs to cover extra costs. Advertisers then gain a larger audience.

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’

Media representors or distributers are in debt and work with the people in power, those who go against them are punished and pushed to the margins and not seen as much

4.Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’

People and other media sources who aren’t helping the people in power are divided away by flack. Other sources discredit their views and divert the story onto something else to make the opposing media seem unreliable.

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’

Your enemy’s enemy is your friend, uniting against something we don’t like, media exploiting and stereotyping something that is commonly disliked in the area to attract attention and exhibition.


According to Chomsky “propaganda is to democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state,” and the mass media is the primary vehicle for delivering propaganda in the United States.

5 Filters

1.Structures of ownership

  • ‘Critical journalism takes second place’
  • Media companies own several others e.g. Daily mail, The I

2.The role of advertising

  • Effects consumers
  • Covers costs
  • You need advertisers to fill the cost gap
  • Audiences are sold to advertisers

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’

  • Companies are all linked e.g. government and news

4.Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’

  • Disposal of unwanted news e.g. negativity surrounding patriarchy

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’

  • Your enemies, enemy is your friend
  • Stereotyping
  • Blaming

Noam Chomsky

The five filters:

1)ownership – how media is owned and the structure of the ownership
2)advertising – how advertising affects media
3)official sources/Links with “the establishment” –
4)flak – Diversionary tactics
5)marginalizing dissent/uniting against a “common enemy” – “The enemy of your enemy is your friend”, the media is using things you hate and that they hate to get you on board with them.

We generally believe that we are more free than authoritarian states, when in fact Noam Chomsky says that we are not and that our freedom of choice is an illusion.

The motive of the media is profit, critical journalism takes second place. The media costs more than audiences will ever pay, so advertisers are needed to fill the gap – they are selling audiences to advertisers. Whistle-blowers’ stories are trashed, and diversions are made.

Agenda Setting
Myth Making
Conditions of Consumption

noam chompsky

The five filters:
1. Ownership – how the media is owned and how ownership is structured.
2. Advertising – how advertising affects the media.
3.Official sources – links with the establishment
4. Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’
5. Marginalising dissent – uniting against something we don’t like e.g. stereotyping

we believe generally that libertarianism is free but with the mass media, it manipulates us in a way that we think we are free, but were not.
The people at the top, have a end goal which is profit.
You will need advertisers to fill the cash gap and advertiser’s pay for the audience and for you to see it free.


The 5 filters of mass media

1.Structures of ownership – How media is owned and the structure of the ownership

2.The role of advertising – Critical journalism wont be used as it will affect the advertisement of the newspaper as it isn’t making a profit off of how much it is being sold for.

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’ –

4.Diversionary tactics ‘flack’ – Diverting conversation / story, destroying the story.

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’ – Unite against something we don’t like (eg. foreigners)

There is libertarianism and authorianism and what Chomsky says is that we aren’t actually as free as we think with libertarianism.
The media cares most about is profit. Critical journalism takes second place. The product is you, the consumer not the product itself.





Noam chomsky

The 5 Filters Of Mass Media

  • Structure of Ownership

Most media companies have a concentration of ownership through vertical and horizontal integration caused by large conglomerates

  • Role of Advertising

Due to the fact that it costs more to make a newspaper than they can sell it for the newspaper companies must use advertising to make back the loss of profit from companies that want their company or product advertised to the masses

  • Official sources / Links with establishment

People in powerful positions may control stories about sensitive topics thus leading to either fake news or news that has a twisted version of the truth. Reporters may also be heavily influenced in many ways such as a cash bribe in order to warp the truth

  • Diversionary Tactics / Flak

Distracting people from serious issues either locally or across the world

The discredit of information and shifting of agenda and the diverting information

Hard to get the full, true picture with all the opinions around nowadays.

  • Marginalising dissent / Uniting against a common enemy

Media that is produced is directed towards the common consensus against something so it appeals to the most amount of people at once

“The enemy of your enemy is your friend”





Noam Chomsky

The 5 Filters of Mass Media Machine

1.Structures of ownership

  • Maybe there is only a few select amount of companies
  • “The first has to do with ownership. Mass media firms are big corporations. Often, they are part of even bigger conglomerates. Their end game? Profit. And so it’s in their interests to push for whatever guarantees that profit. Naturally, critical journalism must take second place to the needs and interests of the corporation.”

2.The role of advertising

  • “The propaganda model is a conceptual model in political economy advanced by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky to explain how propaganda and systemic biases function in corporate mass media.”

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’

  • Links with higher power
  • “The establishment manages the media through the third filter. Journalism cannot be a check on power because the very system encourages complicity. Governments, corporations, big institutions know how to play the media game. They know how to influence the news narrative. They feed media scoops, official accounts, interviews with the ‘experts’. They make themselves crucial to the process of journalism. So, those in power and those who report on them are in bed with each other.”

4.Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’

  • Diverse someone’s attention to something else.
  • “If you want to challenge power, you’ll be pushed to the margins. When the media – journalists, sources – stray away from the consensus, they get ‘flack’. This is the fourth filter. When the story is inconvenient for the powers that be, you’ll see the flack machine in action discrediting sources, trashing stories and diverting the conversation.”

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’

  • “To manufacture consent, you need an enemy — a target. That common enemy is the fifth filter. Communism. Terrorists. Immigrants. A common enemy to fear helps corral public opinion.”

Al Jazeera English – The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine





Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky Believes Trump Is “the Worst Criminal in Human History” | The  New Yorker

Consent is being manufactured

1.Structures of ownership

Conglomerates, Vertical and Horizontal integration. Made goals are growth and to make profit.

2.The role of advertising

Media costs more than consumers will ever pay. Newspaper fees do not ever cover the cost of production. Advertising is an important way for newspapers to make money. Consumer is the product.

“Critical journalism takes second place to the needs and interests of corporations.” – The 5 filters of the Mass Media Machine, animation by Al Jazeera.

3.Links with ‘The Establishment’

In favour for the higher up people. Censorship still exists but subtly.

4.Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’

Distract consumers from real issues.

5.Uniting against a ‘common enemy’