Key Words

key word/theme/question

globalisation –

patriotism –

racial superiority –

military –

personal social values –

land –

right to abortion –

class differentiation –

key word/theme/questionDaily Mail (textual evidence)Daily Mail (institutional evidence)The I (textual evidence)The I (institutional evidence)
class differentiation
patriotismFront Cover Headline– ‘Joyous Jubilee’ – support for royal family

P4 – ‘Our beacon of duty and service’ –
racial superiority
politics (conservative)P23 Subhead– ‘Ousting PM…nothing less than insanity’ – This tells me the Daily Mail are favourable towards Boris Johnson. To be clear Johnson is PM of Conservative party which is authoritarian. Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s. (Support of fascism: 1930–1934)

Rothermere and the Mail were also editorially sympathetic to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists.
Front cover ‘Johnson future turning toxic for Tories’ seems to be against Conservative / Boris JohnsonIn the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party.

Nick Clegg, former UK Deputy Prime Minister and former leader of the Liberal Democrats, a centrist party, is a fortnightly columnist for the i. His column usually features in the “My View” comment section of the paper.

During the referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union, held in June 2016, the paper chose not to declare for either “leave” or “remain”, unlike a majority of other British newspapers who came out for either side of the debate.

militaryThe paper has been known for its independent editorial stance and coverage of foreign news, such as the Dreyfus affair in France (1894–1906) and the South African War (1899–1902).P17– ‘Britain send long-range arms for the first time’
personal social values
right to abortion

Daily Mail Facts

  • Published in London
  • Founded in 1896 by Alfred Harmsworth, later 1st Viscount Northcliffe and his brother Harold (later Viscount Rothermere)
  • The paper has been known for its independent editorial stance and coverage of foreign news, such as the Dreyfus affair in France (1894–1906) and the South African War (1899–1902).
  • A survey in 2014 found the average age of its readers was 58
  • It has a majority female readership, with women making up 52–55% of its readers.
  • Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s. (Support of fascism: 1930–1934)
  • Rothermere and the Mail were also editorially sympathetic to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists.

The I facts

  • The i is a British national morning paper published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust and distributed across the United Kingdom.
  • Nick Clegg, former UK Deputy Prime Minister and former leader of the Liberal Democrats, a centrist party, is a fortnightly columnist for the i. His column usually features in the “My View” comment section of the paper.
  • During the referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union, held in June 2016, the paper chose not to declare for either “leave” or “remain”, unlike a majority of other British newspapers who came out for either side of the debate.
  • In the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i chose not to endorse a political party.
  • The paper is understood to be highly regarded by many journalists, especially the former employees of The Independent who had worked on the title. Since being named National Newspaper of the Year at the 2015 News Awards,[36] the i has also gone on to win and be shortlisted for numerous awards in the UK.
  • The i was also found in a 2018 poll to be the second-most trusted news brand in the UK after The Guardian.

political compass

keyword and themesdaily maildaily mail contextualthe ithe I contextual
Business over humans (economy over public health)
A country’s economic stability > Individual unemployment issues (A country’s wellbeing over individual wellbeing)
Patriotism (A blind support of my country)front page of the newspaper (joyous Jubilee) – supporting the queens coming of age on the throne
Racial superiority
Class Differentiation
Militarism and justification of military useFirst Russian missiles in months rain down on capitalLord Rothermere was an ally towards Benito Mussolini as well as Adolf Hitler, and directed the daily Mail’s stance towards them since early 1930sBritain to send long-range arms for the first time”
The fusion of entertainment and information
Protectionism and government regulationpage 2 of the newspaper (tory rebels’ are plotting a course to catastrophe’) this is the regulation of the government
Freedom of people
Restriction of immigration
Social security
Views on schooling
personal wealthpage 8 (she – and we – have all earned a place in history)the DMGT (daily mail and general trust) has an annual revenue of around £1 Billion.
equalitypage 9 (the prince sticks his tongue out and puts his hand on his mouthers mouth)
Older valuespage six of the newspaper (floats created to rein act the 50’s,60’s,70’s and 80’s)

Business over humans (economy over public health)

A country’s economic stability > Individual unemployment issues (A country’s wellbeing over individual wellbeing)

Patriotism (A blind support of my country)

Racial superiority

Class Differentiation


Militarism and justification of military use

The fusion of entertainment and information

Protectionism and government regulation

Freedom of people

Restriction of immigration



Social security

Views on schooling

Older values

my political compass

Daily Mail Facts

It was founded in 1896.

it is the United Kingdom’s highest circulated daily newspaper.

Content from the paper appears on the MailOnline website, although the website is managed separately and has its own editor.

The paper is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust.

A survey in 2014 found the average age of its readers was 58.

It has a majority female readership, with women making up 52–55% of its readers.

Its website has more than 218 million unique visitors per month.

DMGT has an annual revenue of around £1 Billion.

he Daily Mail has won a number of awards, including receiving the National Newspaper of the Year award from The Press Awards eight times since 1995, winning again in 2019. The Society of Editors selected it as the ‘Daily Newspaper of the Year’ for 2020.

Support of fascism: 1930–1934

Right Wing political alignment

The i Facts

Also published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust.

The paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million.

The paper had an average daily circulation of 302,757 in March 2013, though that figure has since continued to decline, and had dropped to 233,869 by February 2019.

In December 2017, the owners of the i, Johnston Press, announced the newspaper was bringing in a monthly profit of around £1 million.

On 14 September 2019, The weekend price rose from £1 to £1.20

It is aimed at “readers and lapsed readers” of all ages and commuters with limited time, and was originally launched in 2010.

sister paper to the Independent

 British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015.

regulation politics

COMMODIFICATIONWithin a capitalist economic system, commodification is the transformation of things such as goods, services, ideas, nature, personal information, people or animals into objects of trade or commodities.
MULTINATIONAL COMPANIESA multinational company (MNC) is a corporate organization that owns and controls the production of goods or services in at least one country other than its home country. Control is considered an
LEFT WING a group or party favoring radical, reforming, or socialist views, focusing on humanity
RIGHT WINGa group or party favoring conservative or reactionary views, focusing on business and economy
ECONOMIC GLOBALISATION refers to the mobility of people, capital, technology, goods and services internationally. It is also about how integrated countries are in the global economy. It refers to how interdependent different countries and regions have become across the world.
AUTHORITARIANISMthe enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
LIBERTARIANISMa political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.
CIVIL LIBERTIESthe state of being subject only to laws established for the good of the community, especially with regard to freedom of action and speech.
ONE PARTY STATE are nation-states where only one specific political party has the monopoly of political power
AUTHORITYthe power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
COUNTER – TERRORISMa government’s motivation to use the instruments of national power to neutralize and conquer terrorists
PATRIOTSIM Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to one’s country

political compass

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Libertarian – an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.

Authoratian –

Authoratian –

Authoratian – favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.

Left wing – Concerned with society more, humanity.

Right wing – More to do with the individual. Wants control and power.

Economic globalisation

Superiority (racial)


Finance, capitalism, communism, consumerism, taxes

Monopolies, multinational, companies, businesses. Transnational corporations

Fusion of entertainment and information –

Protectionism –

Civil liberties –

One party state –

Democracy –

Commodification –

Keyword/theme/questionDaily Mail (textual evidence)Daily Mail (institutional evidence)The i (textual evidence)
Economic globalisationOne of the first British newspapers 
Business over humans Page 20. ‘Trade is not at heart of the EU’.
Global issues Page 16. ‘
Racial superiorityPage 1-14. Lack of racial diversity, features mainly white people when the theme was about togetherness and the support of one another.
Nationalism/patriotismPage 6 ‘…Final parade was so British’. Page 10 ‘How the nation came together to put on a right royal spread’, exclusive as the whole nation would not be participating to help with the Jubilee.The paper achieved huge success early on especially as it embraced Britain’s entry into a new technological era.
One-party statePage 2 suggests the UK is a one party state ‘no alternative’, ‘we are strongest when united’ this shows a very authoritarian perspective.
Right wing/left wingPage 2 ‘Tory MPs last night were plotting a course for disaster by seeking to remove Boris Johnson as prime minister’, implying Boris is the best and superior to other PM candidates, as part of the right-wing, Tory party.Page 18. ‘Boos for the PM’. Left wing as they are saying it is Boris’s fault as he broke strict lockdown rules.
Authortarism/libertarianismPage 18. ‘Boris Johnson by a country mile is the best Prime Minister to lead the Tory government’.Page 20. ‘Speaking truth to power. Thank you Michael for saying what needed to be said about the oppressive state of Israel’. Allows for other opinions to be heard, to speak about important issues.
Traditional values Daily Mail was one of the first British newspapers to popularise its coverage so it could appeal to a mass readership.
The original edition of the newspaper was printed in broadsheet format on the 4th of May 1986.
Launched in 2010 as a sister paper to The Independent.
Pro-toryPage 18. ‘Boris Johnson by a country mile is the best Prime Minister to lead the Tory government’ represents an attitude that the only way is for the Tories to win for the country to be run well. Patriotic too with the use of the metaphor – ‘by a country mile’, meaning England.The newspaper has no supplements, which the newspaper prides itself on as it does not want to clog up recycling bins compared to other good British newspapers that do, as it wants to give readers the best reading experience.
ClassPage 14 Prince Charles united the UK. Represents the Royals as superior to others in society.
Fusion between entertainment/newsPage 9. Prince Louis sticks his tongue out at his mum. Patriotic. Right wing. Authoritarian.
Women’s issuesPage 34. Surrogacy. ‘What takes you to surrogacy is ‘years of loss and heartache’. Frowning upon other ways of pregnancy, more conservative. Ukrainian woman was the surrogate, paper’s political compass is not supportive and treating them more like things instead of people.
Education‘My lifelong shame over failing to go to university’. Page 32. Suggesting that university is the only way to get a good job, to earn lots of money.
WarPage 19. ‘Putin the Great? Hardly’. Suggests they are not Pro-Putin and are not supporting the Russian invasion.

Daily Mail was one of the first British newspapers to popularise its coverage so it could appeal to a mass readership.

Has a mainly female audience/readers; women are 52-55% of the Daily Mail’s readers.

An older audience; the average age is 58.

A quality, popular newspaper. In February 2020, the gross daily sales of 1, 134, 184. However, sales have fallen below of 900,000 for the first time in over a century.

Middle class text producers: ‘the voice of Middle-England’.

A right-wing newspaper.

Yellow journalism – Sensationalistic/biased stories represented as factual.

It was founded by brothers Alfred Harmsworth and Harold Harmsworth. Who would later get the titles Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothmere.

The original edition of the newspaper was printed in broadsheet format on the 4th of May 1896.

The paper achieved huge success early on especially as it embraced Britain’s entry into a new technological era.

As well as this, it also focused on fast delivery of the news, using new technology for example mechanical typesetting on a linotype machine and rotary printing machines for faster delivery of the newspaper compared to others at the time.

In the 1930s, Lord Rothmere’s son R

The i

Newspaper bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on the 29th of November 2019, for £49.6 million. So it is not entirely left-wing.

More inclusive and potentially more progressive compared to the older, more right-wing newspaper The i as it has a ‘Your View’ page where it shares opinions from the audience (readers letters) on Page 20. There are also social media handles on the top of the select pages, which represents it as a more modern newspaper, and furthermore more progressive, it could also mean it wants to connect to a younger audience.

Aimed at ‘readers and lasped readers’ for all ages and commuters, shows it is inclusive for everyone.

Launched in 2010 as a sister paper to The Independent.

In the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections, the i decided not to endorse a political party

Classified as ‘quality’ in the UK market although it is published in the standard compact tabloid-size format.

A well regarded newspaper by numerous journalists, it has gained a good reputation over time

The newspaper has no supplements, which the newspaper prides itself on as it does not want to clog up recycling bins compared to other good British newspapers that do, as it wants to give readers the best reading experience.

political compass

Right wing vs Left wing

Libertarian vs Authoritarian

Key Themes and Ideas:


Business over humans (economy over public health)

A country’s economic stability > Individual unemployment issues (A country’s wellbeing over individual wellbeing)

Patriotism (A blind support of my country)

Racial superiority

Class Differentiation

Militarism and justification of military use

The fusion of entertainment and information

Protectionism and government regulation

Freedom of people

Restriction of immigration



Social security

Views on schooling

Older values


Key word / theme / question etcDaily Mail (Textual evidence)Daily Mail (Institutional evidence) The i (Textual evidence)The i (Institutional evidence)
Views on Conservative partyp18 is the ‘Comment’ ie the editorial or voice of the paper ‘Only Starmer gains from this clueless plot’ – ie Labour will gain from Conservative divisions over Boris Johnson

As a right-wing tabloid, the Mail is traditionally a supporter of the Conservative Party. It has endorsed the party in every UK general election since 1945, with the one exception of the October 1974 UK general election, where it endorsed a Liberal and Conservative coalition.Front cover ‘Johnson future turning toxic for Tories’ seems to be against Conservative / Boris Johnson
Business over humansPage 16 – Shows an advertisement of a world issue, but is a focus on charity over business. Can be seen as both business and humanity based. Published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust
GlobalisationThe Daily Mail officially entered the Irish market with the launch of a local version of the paper on 6 February 2006; free copies of the paper were distributed on that day in some locations to publicise the launchThe i was named British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015 in the 2015 News Awards.

At the 2019 British Media Awards, the i won Gold in the Media Brand of the Year category, Silver for the Digital Product of the Year, and Bronze in the Print Product of the Year category.
PatriotismFront page ‘Joyous Jubilee’ – supporting Royal Family

Header above many pages “Our platinum queen” – use of our shows a support for the queen and shows patriotism
Front page ‘The new Firm’ slightly critical of Royal Family
Racial superiority
Feminism/ Females
women making up 52–55% of its readers
The term “suffragette” was first used in 1906, as a term of derision by the journalist Charles E. Hands in the Mail to describe activists in the movement for women’s suffrage

The Daily Mail’s main target audience is lower-middle-class British women. It was the first newspaper in the UK to write articles targeted at women.
Nationalismpage 10 ‘how the nation came together’ suggest national harmony – we are all together.
Militarism (use of military)Page 18 – Justified use of military against Russia
Authoritarian / LibertarianStill uses an Editorial ie the voice of one over many? Does not have voice of editor, but an ‘Opinion Matrix’ instead ie a range of different voices and opinion – so much more freedom and plurality, in voice and thought?
Has space for many views and different stories in a more fair and libertarian way

Also the main page and master header ‘i’ is interesting as it can be seen to reflect the views and the structure of the newspaper. Can be viewed as a personal pronounal address as an effect to illustrate its more modern values and goals to be a greater newspaper for everyone.

Page 20 – Shows political views against the more authoritarian views of certain parties. “How long before Priti Patel makes it illegal for people to boo someone who they find offensive?” “… showing the Prime Minister as a bumbling spinner of lies.” – The i allows all different ideas and views on its ‘Opinion Matrix’ sections.
“Speaking truth to power” – title – “Thank you to Michael Day for saying what needed to be said about the oppressive Israeli state”
the fusion of entertainment and news / informationPage 9 – Shows a picture story of Prince Louis and his mother in a comedic manner as the 4 year old misbehaves (not relevant but is still in as its own page – shows patriotic values of the daily mail – right side, more authoritarian)

Page 13 – Shows a fictional character beside the queen as in an entertainment aspect, promoting the Paddington film

Facts about the Daily Mail

  1. Publisher: DMG Media
  2. First issue date: 1896
  3. Owner: DMG Media, Daily Mail and General Trust
  4. Editor: Paul Dacre, Stewart Steven, R. D. Blumenfeld, W. G. Fish, Tom Clarke
  5.  It is the United Kingdom’s second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun.
  6. Morning daily newspaper published in London, long noted for its foreign reporting, it was one of the first British papers to popularize its coverage to appeal to a mass readership.
  7. The Daily Mail’s main target audience is lower-middle-class British women. It was the first newspaper in the UK to write articles targeted at women.
  8. Support of fascism: 1930–1934
  9. Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s
  10. On 5 May 1946, the Daily Mail celebrated its Golden Jubilee. Winston Churchill was the chief guest at the banquet and toasted it with a speech.
  11. As a right-wing tabloid, the Mail is traditionally a supporter of the Conservative Party. It has endorsed the party in every UK general election since 1945, with the one exception of the October 1974 UK general election, where it endorsed a Liberal and Conservative coalition.

Facts about The i

  1. Owner: Daily Mail and General Trust
  2. Editor: Oliver Duff
  3. Founded: 26 October 2010
  4. Headquarters: Northcliffe House; London, England, UK
  5.  It is aimed at “readers and lapsed readers” of all ages and commuters with limited time
  6.  Published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust
  7. The i was named British National Newspaper of the Year in 2015 in the 2015 News Awards.
  8. The paper had an average daily circulation of 302,757 in March 2013, significantly more than The Independent, though that figure has since continued to decline, and had dropped to 233,869 by February 2019.

9. Editors

  • Simon Kelner (2010)
  • Stefano Hatfield (2011)
  • Oliver Duff (2013)

10. At the 2019 British Media Awards, the i won Gold in the Media Brand of the Year category, Silver for the Digital Product of the Year, and Bronze in the Print Product of the Year category.

11. During an interview for the i in December 2017, then Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn declared himself to be a dedicated reader of the i, saying that its compact size and concise articles suited his busy lifestyle as Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition

Political compass – Key terms

Racism – Pushing or creating the ideology that one race is more superior or better than another in one or more ways.

Patriotism – Being proud and doing anything in the name of or for your country.

Militarism – Using the military or any section of the army to publicise or push an idea to the public.

Combination of media and information – When entertainment becomes mixed with education or information, resulting in both in one program or film.

IssueThe Daily Mail(Textual evidence)The Daily Mail (institutional evidence) The I (Textual evidence)The I (institutional evidence)
Sexuality/genderThe Daily Mail’s main target audience is lower-middle-class British women. It was the first newspaper in the UK to write articles targeted at women.

In 2014, after Emma Watson spoke at the launch of the United Nations HeForShe campaign, the Mail was criticised for focusing its coverage on Watson’s dress and appearance, rather than the content of her speech, in which Watson complained how media had sexualised her in their coverage from when she was 14.

Views on conservative/ labour partyPage 18: Boris Johnson is by a country mile the best person to lead the Tory Government.Right wing.Page 20: “Didn’t side with a political party in the 2017 and 2019 election

Lord Rothermere, the chair of DMGT, said that the paper would maintain its politically independent editorial style.
Business over humanityPage 14: “Charles’ plea… ‘lets not go back to bickering after the weekend, Britain’ “Daily Mail and General Trust plc (DMGT) is a British multinational media company, the owner of the Daily Mail and several other titles. The 4th Viscount Rothermere is the chairman and controlling shareholder of the company.[1] The head office is located in Northcliffe House in KensingtonLondon. DMGT’s annual revenue is around £1bn.The i is a British national morning paper published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust and distributed across the United Kingdom
PatriotismPage 4/5 “Queen wants ‘renewed sense of togetherness’

Page 18: ” ‘The British really are the masters of Ukraine. They have [President] Zelensky in their pocket. Its bitter for me not to recognise it’ We are not of course” (this shows how daily mail immediately defends its country)
First published in 1896 by Lord Northcliffe, it is the United Kingdom’s second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun.
Racism / racial superiority1-14: All about the country being together and supporting each other, yet only 1 person of colour appears in the paper. 
ImmigrationLord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s
LGBTQ+ RightsPage 21: “Backlash as transgender paedophile is spared jail” 
EducationDaily Mail long noted for its foreign reporting, it was one of the first British papers to popularize its coverage to appeal to a mass readership.
Tax Page 23: “Proof that the poorest people get his worse by rising inflation”
Questioning of authorityPage 21: “Backlash as transgender paedophile is spared jail”
Monopolies/ companiesPage 21: “Ivory trade banned in UK”
Military/WarPage 18: “Boris is right and macron wrong. Saving Putins face is a mugs game” Page 19: “Vladimir Putin deserved to be crushed for the sake of his country”
Information fused with entertainmentPage 9: “He’s at it again! Louis, court Jester of the Royal Box” 
AuthoritarianPage 2: “Tory rebels ‘are plotting course to catastrophe’ Page 25: “Musk told staff to return to the office for a minimum of 40hours or to be fired”
LibertariansPage 20: “Thank you for saying what needed to be said about the isralian state”
“How long before Priti Patek makes it illegal to boo at someone we find offensive?”
Nick clegg, a deputy prime minister sided and said he is a reader of ‘The I’
NationalismPage 6: “Final parade was so very British”

Daily mail 10 facts:

  1. Daily Mail and General Trust plc (DMGT) is a British multinational media company, the owner of the Daily Mail and several other titles. The 4th Viscount Rothermere is the chairman and controlling shareholder of the company.[1] The head office is located in Northcliffe House in KensingtonLondon. DMGT’s annual revenue is around £1bn.
    2. First published in 1896 by Lord Northcliffe, it is the United Kingdom’s second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun.
    3. Daily Mail long noted for its foreign reporting, it was one of the first British papers to popularize its coverage to appeal to a mass readership.
    4. The Daily Mail’s main target audience is lower-middle-class British women. It was the first newspaper in the UK to write articles targeted at women.
    5. 3.8 million readers weekly in the UK.
    6. In 2014, after Emma Watson spoke at the launch of the United Nations HeForShe campaign, the Mail was criticised for focusing its coverage on Watson’s dress and appearance, rather than the content of her speech, in which Watson complained how media had sexualised her in their coverage from when she was 14.
    7. Lord Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, and directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards them in the early 1930s
    8. Right wing.

The I Facts:

1. It is aimed at “readers and lapsed readers” of all ages and commuters with limited time
2. The i is a British national morning paper published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust and distributed across the United Kingdom
3. Since being named National Newspaper of the Year at the 2015 News Awards,[36] the i has also gone on to win and be shortlisted for numerous awards in the UK.
3. The newspaper contains “matrices” for news, business and sports—small paragraphs of information which are expanded upon in full articles further on in the paper.
4. Lord Rothermere, the chair of DMGT, said that the paper would maintain its politically independent editorial style.
5. 1,636,943 readers weekly across the UK.
6. Nick clegg, a deputy prime minister sided and said he is a reader of ‘The I’