regulation on media (article)

I think we should create a regulation on social media and their uses of our confidential data and how they keep it stored and control and handle it because we do not know what they are doing with our data, and they could sell it off to other companies which then creates an issue for the user of that data as they could be targeted for frauds or they could have their data stolen and then a fake profile could be used to defraud people and ruin their life by all of these fake accounts online which then cause problems for that person to be employed or they could be charged with fraud and scamming which could lead to that person being sentenced to jail for a crime they didn’t do because they had their data stolen or sold off. In 2018 face book had a huge breach of people’s personal data and the victims of this attack not only might have lost their job or worse Facebook lost around 6 billion dollars (about $18 per person in the US) over their breach in 2018 and this breach affected over 50 million people (about twice the population of Texas) in an article by the  

NPR –  

says that Facebook will not notify their 530 million users after they had another breach in 2019 a year later Facebook decided not to notify over 530 million of its users whose personal data was lifted in a breach sometime before August 2019 and was recently made available in a public database. Facebook also has no plans to do so, a spokesperson said. 

Phone numbers, full names, locations, some email addresses, and other details from user profiles were posted to an amateur hacking forum on Saturday, business insider reported last week. 

The leaked data includes personal information from 533 million Facebook users in 106 countries. 

Therefore, I believe that these companies should be regulated on what they are allowed to take from us and our confidential data and that these companies should not be allowed to be getting away with this type of stuff since they are putting people at risk, and they care more about the money rather than the welfare of their users and they are ignoring their own private policies and doing illegal stuff by their own standards as well as the law.  

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