Libertarianism – a political philosophy that upholds liberty (freedom) as a core value. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, and minimize the state’s violation of individual liberties; emphasizing free association, freedom of choice and individualism.
Authoritarianism – the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
Hedonism – The belief that self-pleasure and good experiences are the main things you should aim for in life.
Pleasure – feelings of satisfaction and good experiences. Pleasure, however, can not be experienced without pain.

The Frankfurt School
The Frankfurt school studied the manufacture (commodification) of pleasure and good experiences, as they knew that society and human beings were starting to crave these things. The development of technology made the public more able to experience pleasure without going to the trouble of obtaining it.
The idea of the “teenager” came about in the 1960s, along with a permissive society, which meant that unpopular ideas such as homosexuality became more prominent and accepted.
Key Question | Focus | Specifics |
Why Regulate? | Truth, appropriate messaging, knowledge and information, public decency, ethics, morals, privacy, health & safety, diversity, legal ownership | Elon Musk – Twitter Depp / Heard Life of Brian Rooney / Vardy War in Ukraine COVID |
Who regulates what? | Government, companies, police, courts, law & order, ofcom (broadcasting), independent bodies/organizations, individuals & groups, BBFC, PEGI | |
What gets regulated? | Newspapers, wesbites, films, music videos, television, advertising, radio, | |
How is it regulated? | Copyright, rating systems, |