- Linear- where events are largely portrayed in a chronological order
- Chronological- the order in which the events occurred, from first to last
- Sequential- a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit
- Circular structure- the story ends where it began
- Time based- is to watch it unfold over time according to the temporal logic of the medium as it is played back.
- Narrative arc – the story a film follows along with a dramatic arc within it somewhere to keep viewers attention.
- Freytag’s Pyramid – the idea that the start of a film is the exposition, middle is climax and ending is the denouement.
- exposition – a comprehensive description of an event, story or idea.
- inciting incident – the event that sends the main character/characters on the mission/adventure.
- rising action – the bulk of the plot that ends at the end of the story/film.
- climax – everything that the plot leads up to.
- falling action – what happens after the climax and the plot/action calms down.
- resolution – a firm decision to do or not to do something.
- denouement – the final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
- Beginning / middle / end – there are always these parts to a movie
- Equilibrium – a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
- Disruption – when something gets in the way of something else
- New equilibrium –
- The 3 Unities: Action, Time, Place
- flashback / flash forward – used to show the past/future
- Foreshadowing – a warning or indication of a future event
- Ellipsis – the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues.
- Pathos – a quality that evokes pity or sadness.
- Empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
- diegetic / non-diegetic – of sound in a film, television programme, etc. occurring within the context of the story and able/ not able to be heard by the characters.
- slow motion – when things are filmed slower then the actual action in real life.
- peripeteia – change in fortune
- anagnorisis – a dramatic revelation
- catharsis – idea that we are freed by consuming something
What is needed to make a film?
- Actors
- Camera
- Microphone
- Costumes
- Director
- Sound/Music
- Money
- Editing Software
- Editor
- Props
- Screenwriter
- Camera Man
- Script/Story
- Lighting
Narrative Structures
- Straight line- Chronological (In order of time)
- Linear
- Sequential
- Flashbacks/flashforwards
- Ellipsis- Skip parts of time
- Parallel
my film is about a teenager who’s been set up for murder and the lengths him and his friends have to go to to release him of his charges. the story starts off when a group of friends get jumped by a rival gang, right infront of cctv, without anyone being badly hurt they leave the scene, 2 days later they are watching the news at the teenagers house and see that the teenager is wanted for the murder of a man in their rival gang. The teenager pleads guilty in court due to him being at the scene very close to the time of death, whilst his friends In the end, they manage to release him from prison and the death penalty, and put the true murderer where he belongs. The movie will take place in a rough town in England, where the group face many challenges, fights and deaths in order to save their friend.my movie will be called _______.
- 3 part structure
- equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium
- idea that the start is normal life, then there is a big disruption/disaster that occurs and then there is the end which is problem solving.
- the stage of equilibrium
- the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium
- the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium
- the denouement /or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium
- condensed equilibrium – when contemporary audiences have much a much lower level of boredom, expecting products to deliver actions and disruptions quicker. producers proper narratives towards moments of immediate disruption to hook the engagement of the audience.
- multi perspective narratives – stories told from different perspectives
- frame stories – stories told inside of stories
- metanarratives – prove audience with moments that draw attention to the idea that they are watching a story (fourth wall)
Vladimir Propp
has the idea that all characters are the same.
- Hero
- Helper
- Princess
- Villain
- Victim
- Dispatcher
- Father
- False Hero
Often there is a villain who has done something to a victim. This means that we need a hero, who (often) accompanied by a helper is sent out (by a dispatcher) to fight the villain. The dispatcher or similar donor (such as a father figure) prepares the hero in his ‘quest‘ and gives the hero some magical object. The hero generally meets the princess as part of his quest / journey which usually provides a happy ending. During the narrative we (and the princess) may be presented
they do not necessarily have all characters listed, but all of the characters in the film will be listed.