
the bombshell movie is a true story based on the accounts of the women at fox news who set out to expose CEO Roger Alias for sexual harassment.

“Having had enough of her boss’s sexual harassments, Gretchen Carlson files a lawsuit against Fox News founder Roger Ailes. Her bravery triggers a domino effect, culminating into a liberation movement.”

Sexual harassment – a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome and inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favours.


Todorov’s theory:

equilibrium- one (first) of the stages in the theory of narrative structure of Todorov’s theory. it is explained about the condition that happens with a character. its the beginning of the film and the characters life is normal

disruption- this is the second stage of his theory, where the characters life is about to change/ have a interference

new equilibrium- the final stage of Todorov’s theory where a characters life goes back to normal and is the end of the film.

He recognises that the stories are always linear

his theory can be manipulated into multiple equilibrium meaning that media companies try and produce what’s known as a roller-coaster affect to give the viewers calmness but also exitment.

Vladimir Propp:

he believed that stories were constructed with 8 different stock characters such as the:

hero- 2 types of hero’s. the seeker-hero who usually relies more heavily on the donor to perform their quest, and the victim-hero who needs to overcome a weakness to complete their quest.

helper- a typically magical entity that comes to aid the hero in their quest

princess- the hero desires her throughout the story and she is seen as a prize for the hero

villain- an evil character that creates a struggle for the hero.

victim- a character who is in the middle of a quest/fight. and is aught in the crossfire.

dispatcher- sends the hero on his quest at the start of the story.

father- the person who typically doesn’t allow the hero to marry the princess/ daughter as he needs to show his worth by completing the quest.

false hero- a figure who takes credit for the hero’s actions and tries to marry the princess.

Propp was a soviet folklorist and scholar who analysed the basic structural elements of Russian folk tales to identify their simplest irreducible structural units.

Propp published a book in 1929 called ‘Morphology of the Folktale’.

He also suggests that stores do not necessarily require all character types as well as organising narrative structures into a combination of 31 defined plot moments, that he called ‘narratemes’, also referred to the starting points of a story.

ghost town

cultural resistance

cultural hegemony

subcultural theory

when people protest and laws are put in place to try and resolve the issue, this doesn’t necessarily mean that anything will change and doesn’t mean that peoples opinions on the mater will change. Peoples opinions change through cultural beliefs.

Antonio Gramsci was an Italian philosopher who argued about the theory of Cultural hegemony in the 1930s.

Hegemony is the dominant ruling class who are seen as the legitimate ideas/ ideology.

the idea of the dominant group are expressed and maintained through its economic, political, moral and social institutions. These intuitions socialise people into accepting the norms and the values of the dominant group.

hegemonic: dominant, ruling-class, power-holders

hegemonic culture: the dominant culture

cultural hegemony: power, rule, or domination maintained by ideological and cultural means

ideology: worldview- beliefs, assumptions and values

campaigns: Roc against racism, rock against sexism

Chatman / Barthes Notes


Chatman came up with several ideas and terms, such as kernels, satellites and non-sequitars.

Kernels: Key moments in the plot and narrative structure

Satellites: Embellishments, developments or aesthetics

Non-sequitars: When elements may emerge and play out but actually turn out to be of little value, meaning or consequence to the overall / main parts of the narrative – not relevant in the big picture.

Elements that are essential to the story/plot/development are called kernels and moments that can be removed and the story would still make sense are called satellites.

Satellites are useful to develop character, emotion, location, time.

Roland Barthes

Proairetic code: Action, movement, causation

Hermenuetic code: Reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development.

Enigma code: The way in which intrigue and ideas are raised – which encourage an audience to want more information.

Moving image products are either based around ‘doing’/‘action’ which is proairetic code or ‘talking’ / ‘reflection’ which is hermenuetic code.