film statement of intent

For my film posters, intend to have two similar posters one done outside one inside to show the abyss that characters get transported to when found. Both will have writing in red and have the names of the main character actors written on the front of it. It will show where to find this particular film, for example my film can be found on Netflix as its popular and will get many views. The age restriction will be shown on the film poster as well to allow audiences to understand what age is suitable for this film to be watched upon.

For my films clips I intend to have one film all outside and have my intentions of having a wide scale game of hide and seek being played where people disappear when they get found. Whereas for my second film clips it will be all the outtakes from the day of filming and so that the audience can see the other side of what actually is happening on screen. Almost like a behind the scenes. Within this clips it will show how characters work together and how the actors reacted to messing up on screen. It will give the audience a sense of how difficult it is for this film to be created.

Finally for my website I intend to have all the vital information about my film shown along with images and the two film clips also shown. I would like for my website to portray an actual website for example when you click on a link you get taken to a different page. On the different pages there will be things to help you gather a better understanding of the film and its contents alongside the fact that it will have the images and clips to broaden the idea of the film to the viewing audience. Age restriction and where to find the film will be made readily available to find.

statement of intent

in my movie, it will be set in rural japan and where Two brothers one named Shisui and the other named Tsuki their family of honourable samurai played a big part of their life they both wished to be samurai, so they trained together lifting each other up as they reached their goal. As their father had fallen sick the brothers grew distant as they both set off in separate ways to find help for their father without any luck, they returned empty handed without any medicine the brothers blamed their fathers passing onto each other they split into different locations one went to a little island called Iki of the western coast of japan

for my film I took inspiration from the movie the last samurai which was made in 2003 who featured tom cruise and Billie Connolly the movie in summary is Captain Nathan Algren is hired to train the Japanese army to fight a Samurai rebellion. However, he ends up embracing the people of Samurai culture after he gets captured by them.


Statement of Intent

My film will involve the dominant signifier, being a boy who is simply just playing football, but showing immense technical skill and dedication to his play. Unknown to him, a scout is watching his every move, who then approaches the boy and offers him a big opportunity after watching him play and seeing him stay outside to train after his session. My two film posters and sequences would feature the protagonist before the big disruption in the story, being excited about the offer he’s just received and the opportunity to really experience the footballing world, and then the climax, with the protagonist crying in an office about how his career is declining due to a lack of management or real focus on the legal restrictions and requirements presented by the world of football. His agent, who really did not like the boy but saw the financial benefit in sticking with him, is trying to comfort him however he knows deep down that it was his fault for not giving the boy everything he had to maximise his chances of success. The pathos should be significant here, with a lot of sympathy for the protagonist coming into effect. My website will provide a simple yet effective means of navigating all that the production has to offer, with a home page, contents, sequences page, and a page for the posters at a minimum. It will have a simple yet sleek design to make it easy to use for a variety of audiences, and this is important because the production will be rated 12, so many people from younger audiences will be actively engaging with the product and using the service of the website. The type of audience which would consume this product is one of young people, typically males, who resonate with football well and often dream about growing up to be a footballer themselves. The type of institution who would release this kind of film would probably be a mainstream one, with perhaps ties to sports clothing, a sports brand or even with relations to football video games.


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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Film-Poster-2-1-2-724x1024.jpg



Cross-media promotion

Synopsis and Statement of Intent

My film is going to be about a girl who has been shielded from the real world all her life. She has only been around her two parents and her auntie her whole life. She was never allowed to leave the house. Home schooled all her life and her parents controlled everything. They had conditioned her to believe that anything outside their home was a danger but obviously as a growing child, her curiosity grew also. The main character – the 17 year old girl – does look to escape her home as she wants to explore the outside world.

At age 10 her curiosity started to grow and she started to look more out the windows but all she ever did see were foggy skies as her house was so far up on a hill, secluded from any other civilisation. From 11, she started to notice strange deliveries during the night as she always seen a bright headlight shine through her window at exactly 1:30am. When she was younger she believed it was a star as that was what she was lead to believe.

This film will be targeting teenagers who may relate to some extent. Maybe not relate literally but can relate figuratively speaking. A viewer might feel trapped in their own life therefore would seek comfort through this film because it may or may not be a similar experience.

The genre of my film is a thriller with some unexpected turns that will make it a horror. There is also mystery appearing in my film because once she escapes her home she goes on an adventure that she never before experiences. Making her end up in the most peculiar of places.

david hesmondhalgh

  1. In the present day, a lot of people aspire to be in a creative occupation however it is a struggle when you aren’t in a family or know people who can get you into it, no matter the creative ability you have, e.g cultural work in the complex professional era is that many more people seem to have wanted to work professionally in the cultural industries than have succeeded in do so. Few people make it, and surprisingly little attention has been paid in research to how people do so, and what stops others from getting on.
  2. David is currently a Professor of Media, music and culture at the University of Leeds.
  3. He has wrote books such as Understanding Media: Inside Celebrity (Maidenhead Open University Press, 2005), Media Production (Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2006), Media and Society, 6th edition (New York: Bloomsbury, 2019) and many more.
  4. Hesmondhalgh analyses the relationship between media and work as well as the media industry.
  5. Applying/getting a job requires luck or a family member to be successful.
  6. David Hesmondalgh says that the creative/cultural industry is a risky business.
  7. Businesses are divided into three sectors such as production, distribution and consumption.
  8. The strategies that minimise the risks are strategies such as the ‘Horizontal integration’ which enables large-scale institutions to achieve scale base cost savings while also allowing them to maximise profits by positioning brands so they do not compete with one another. A second way to minimise the risks is the vertical integration, this is where production, distribution, marketing specialist subsidiaries and media conglomerates can control all aspects of their supply chain while also achieving significant cost saving efficiencies. The final strategy of minimising risk is the multi-sector integration, this is the buying of companies across the culture industry, allowing for further cross-promotion opportunities and the deployment of brands across media platforms.

predictable expectations – When an audience consume a media text defined by a generic label they have certain expectations of the text

amplify increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.

 repertoire of elements all the things you see


  levels of verisimilitude – the degree to which a media product reference’s the real world.


Exam Prep

To what extent do television producers attempt to target national and global audiences box
through subject matter and distribution

distributed by Freemantle, a British production and distribution
company, subsidiary of RTL media, a global company which is
designed to target an international audience

• it is a co-production of AMC Networks, SundanceTV (US) and RTL
Television (German and American), positioning it to exploit the
national and global market

• AMC and RTL were able to develop the series in the context of new opportunities for distribution and exhibition – e.g. the Walter Presents platform in the UK, which is a subsidiary of C4, exploiting broadcast and digital opportunities

focuses on German – and European – history and politics

the cast of relative unknowns – even in the country of production were still used to promote the series through the focus on young,
visually appealing male and female leads

themes and setting are constructed to appeal to an international
audience through the familiar narrative tropes of an ‘innocent abroad’ and the “Romeo and Juliet” romance. The series is visually stylish using a familiar postmodern style which exploits the current popularity of retro styles in fashion and music

exploitation of social media; part of the Sundance TV marketing
strategy was the use of historical sliders, live tweeting of the
programme by the actress who played the lead character, playlists of
1980s music linked to Spotify and through Twitter account.

The Culture Industries

What is the difference between the culture industries and other industries? Show your understanding of PSB in your response.

The concept of “cultural industries” is more related to cultural heritage and traditional forms of creation, while “creative industries” includes the applied arts practices, innovations and generating profit and creation of jobs by creating intellectual property. they have the same basic model production distribution and consumption

What is the meaning of cultural industry?

A cultural industry (sometimes used synonymously with creative industries) is an economic field concerned with producing, reproducing, storing, and distributing cultural goods and services on industrial and commercial terms.

culture industry plays a pivotal role in how people make sense of the world

for example a paper clip can be useful to help out but looking at the news and seeing the war going on and how it affects us personally with food oil etc plays a much larger impact on us personally compared to a paper clip which has no impact but just has a helpful use

public service media – state owned and runs on money given by the people in for of television licensee a yearly tax that pays for the service and then funding is given by the government for example bbc

commercial media – makes there own money through advertisements or subscriptions and have more freedom over what they can produce for example channel 4

transnational media – this is where the product is distributed in multiple countries where as public service media is more location based like bbc for the uk an example of this is Netflix

Public service broadcasting -rfid

what is public service broad casting ?

it is radio television news and other media forms supplied by the government which is payed by us for us rather than privately owned which have a whole range of different media product’s that include everyone

The public service ethos of the BBC is to inform, entertain and educate which is something that we should fiercely protect and fund properly.