moving image analysis

Spectre-This moving image sequence includes a variety of camera shots, we can see an establishing shot which is where we are made aware of the location of which it is based, this is normally taken at a wide scale. An example of this would be the first shot we are shown which is a landscape view from up high of buildings in a city.

Another element we can see within this moving image is the element of action, this is the shot we can see 11 seconds into the sequence of which we can see the main character James Bond pointing a gun towards a window and then the building blowing up a few seconds later. This may be described as the rising action which means the events leading up to the climax.

Uncharted- This moving image sequence also includes a variety of shots. An example of this is a shot/reverse shot of which we can see around 39 seconds into the video, this shot runs from a wide angle master shot that is at a 90′ angle to usually two characters, in this case the two characters are Nathan and Victor.

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