Film scene 1: John Wick Parabellum Hotel fight scene.

The scene starts with quiet, mellow opera/orchestra music that slowly ramps up over the course of the scene. This quiet mellow music is a connotation to how the scene takes place within a hotel where typically the music played in the lobby is opera/orchestra. As well as this the start focuses on the dominant signifier, John wick, picking out his preferred weapons knowing he’s being ambushed, the reason I know he’s being ambushed is the music slowly picks up in volume and Johns expression of intensity and heavy breathing is focused on. As well as this, the scene is a montage that switches between the upstairs and downstairs of the hotel, with the downstairs being John wick and his apprentice picking guns with close shots of their weapons, ammunition and faces to show their emotions, compared to the upstairs which is wide, still shots of the agents ambushing the building in full protective gear with assault rifles and flashbangs, occasionally a close up shot of the agents is shown to display to the viewers what john is going up against.

Film Scene 2: John Wick car chase

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