language of moving images

Media forms have different media language and key terminology to understand the rules and the conventions

Camera movements, focus and depth are important for films. Different camera movements in scenes are key

  • High angle / Low angle / bulls-eye / birds eye / canted angle
  • Tracking / Panning / Craning / Tilting / Hand held / Steadicam
  • Establishing Shot / Long Shot / Medium Shot / Close-up / Big Close-Up / Extreme Close UpĀ (students often struggle with the first and the last again issues with SCALE, SIZE & SPACE, so practice is really important)
  • Insert Shot

different camera angles add depth to films because it adds more details which is more exciting then having the same camera angle all through the whole film would become boring but using different camera shots like High angle, big close up and panning etc. will and more detail.

Insert shots are used to highlight something important for example if a character is reading something that’s important for the film the camera focuses on those words on the paper to let the viewers who are watching the film

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